At 8 o'clock the next morning after the opening ceremony, all the contestants gathered at the registration desk to decide their first opponents.

"Please take out the Pokémon encyclopedia for registration."

After waiting for about 10 minutes, it was finally Xiaozhi's turn. When Xiaozhi was about to hand the encyclopedia to the girl who was registering, a strong force pushed Xiaozhi away.

Xiaogang held the hand of the girl who was registering and said infatuatedly:"Your sweet smile has been registered in my heart! What time do you get off work?"

Xiaoxia used her ultimate move, grabbed Xiaogang's ear and pulled him to the side:"Please go this way when you go back!"

"It hurts. It hurts......."

Xiaozhi handed the Pokémon Book to the girl who was registering. The girl said,"Mr. Xiaozhi from Pallet Town." The girl confirmed Xiaozhi's identity and then inserted the Pokémon Book into the machine.

The girl said,"Mr.

Xiaozhi, there are four types of battle fields in the Quartz Conference: water, rock, grass, and ice.

Please decide the battle field first.

" She pointed to the button in front of her and continued,"Press the button and the light stops.

This is the battle field for your first game.

Please note that you can only use 3 Pokémon in the first four games.

" The light on the screen began to flash.

Xiaozhi pressed the button and the light stopped on the water symbol.

Xiaozhi's first game was the water battle field.

Xiaozhi's avatar and a long-haired boy appeared side by side. Just like in the previous life, the first game was a battle with Duowu.

The girl handed the illustrated book to Xiaozhi:"The Water Arena is the third game, and the game time is 2 pm. Please don't be late."

Xiaozhi put away the illustrated book and said,"Thank you."

After lunch, Xiaozhi and the other two ate desserts in a roadside dessert shop while waiting for the game time to come. Xiaoxia asked,"Xiaozhi, have you decided which three Pokémon to use?"

Xiaozhi touched Pikachu who was drinking Coke, and said,"Since it is a water venue, the opponent may use Pokémon with attributes that are beneficial to water."

Xiaogang said,"That means grass and electric types! Among Xiaozhi's Pokémon, Charizard can be dealt with, and Kentaro can also use ground-type moves, which are all very advantageous."

Xiaozhi smiled and said,"It may not be what I thought. The Water Arena is still beneficial to water Pokémon. I decided to use three of them, Crawlker, Blastoise, and Pikachu." Xiaoxia said,"I forgot. Blastoise can also use Earthquake, and it can mega evolve. It's a very good choice!"

Xiaogang also thought it was good:"This lineup can be used"

"Are you my first opponent, Ash from Pallet Town?"The long-haired boy came to Ash and the other two.

Ash stretched out his hand and said,"You must be Duowu from Jiang Ge Le! I hope we can have a good game."

Duowu didn't even stretch out his hand. He said confidently,"I use the right hand of Pokémon, and usually don't touch people. Although the result of the game is already very obvious, if the winner is decided too early, the audience will be too pitiful! So Ash, just work hard!"

After saying that, Duowu left.

Misty said angrily,"Who is this person! Ash, I must beat him to pieces to vent my anger."

Brock's face was not very good either:"There are all kinds of trainers, but what Misty said is really annoying."

Ash said seriously,"It doesn't matter, I don't plan to lose!"

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the third battle of the Water Field, Xiaomao did not leave after winning the first game, but stayed to watch Ash's game. After Misty sat down, she found that it was Xiaomao next to Brock, and said,"Hey, Xiaomao, you are here too!"

Gon laughed and said,"Xiaomao, you are worried about Xiaozhi!"

Xiaomao was hit by what Xiaogang said, but said proudly,"Who is worried about him! I'm afraid that he can't meet me in the finals!"

Xiaoxia said,"How dishonest!" They were waiting for the referee to announce the start of the game.

The second game of the Water Field has just ended, and Xiaozhi has already arrived at the waiting area to wait.

The host said,"Now let's start the third game of the Water Field. The green side is Xiaozhi's player from Pallet Town, and the red side is Duowu from Jianggele."

Xiaoxia shouted,"Xiaozhi, come on!"

Xiaozhi smiled helplessly and waved to Xiaoxia and the others, but he saw Xiaomao there. Xiaozhi looked at Duowu again with a firm look.

Referee:"You can only use 3 Pokémon. The game starts now."

"It's showtime! Xiaozhi, thank you for the victory. Go, Coconut Tree!"

"The Giant Crab has decided to be you! In the first game, you will be the first to take the lead!"

Referee:"The game......"The referee was about to announce the start of the game, but was interrupted by the voice from the commentary desk.

"Hey, little brat! You can't lose to that rude guy. Teach him a lesson for us, okay?"

"Show the same courage you usually use to beat us up! Did you hear me?"

"Let me make it clear first, meow, we are not cheering you on, meow!"

Xiaoxia looked at the commentary desk and said,"Team Rocket?"

Xiaogang said helplessly,"Why are the three of them there?"

The appearance of four Miss Junsha took the three of them away directly, solving this little episode.

In fact, the matter between Team Rocket and Duowu was also very simple.

The three members of Team Rocket pretended to be reporters, looking for Pokémon that could be targeted.

When they interviewed Duowu, he directly refused and ignored the three members of Team Rocket, so this happened.

Xiaoxia held her forehead and said,"The three of them really don't learn their lesson!

But they can't learn their lesson.......

"Xiaoxia looked at Xiaogang who was infatuated with him.

Xiaogang's eyes were full of pink hearts:"Really? Really? It turns out that Miss Junsha from all over the country are here on business trips!"

Xiaoxia couldn't help but complain:"Xiaogang, how do you tell them apart?"

Xiaogang became excited and got a microphone from somewhere and said:"Let me explain! Miss Junsha from Changpan City uses hair dye; Miss Junsha from Rainbow City has a skirt that is one centimeter shorter than other Miss Junsha; Miss Junsha from Golden City uses No. 5 stinky floral water; and then, Miss Junsha from Dead Leaf City........."

Xiaoxia took the person away:"Okay, okay, please leave this way."

The host coughed lightly and said:"Dear audience, a small incident just happened. Now the game will continue."

【Coconut Tree】

【Attributes: Grass, Psychic】

【Features: Chlorophyll (speed increases in clear weather)】

【Strength: Elite】

"Xiaozhi, you are too naive. The water-type giant crab is perfectly restrained by the coconut tree. The coconut tree uses the illusion beam."

"The giant crab jumped into the water to avoid it, and used Harden."

The coconut tree fired an illusion beam at the giant crab, and the giant crab jumped into the water to avoid it. Harden increased the giant crab's defense.

"Coconut Tree, use your telekinesis to manipulate the water in the swimming pool!"

"The giant crab used its arm hammer to jump up.

The coconut tree separated the water from the giant crab, so that the giant crab could not use the water to dodge and resist the attack. Duowu's tactics were exactly what Xiaozhi needed. The giant crab swung its powerful claws and hit the bottom of the swimming pool, using the force to jump up.

"Coconut Egg Tree uses fried eggs"

"Use the Hammer Arm again."

The Coconut Tree used the Egg Blast on the Giant Claw Crab in mid-air. The Giant Claw Crab was right in the most dazzling position of the sun, so the Egg Blast missed. The Giant Claw Crab swung its big claws and knocked the Coconut Tree flying.

"Giant Claw Crab, smash it."

The Giant Claw Crab smashed the coconut tree and grabbed the leaves on the top of the coconut tree with its claws, smashing it repeatedly on the ground.

"The coconut tree uses hypnosis!"

The coconut tree was caught by the giant crab on its head, so it couldn't use its special moves.

"The giant crab, the last blow is like a mountain pressing down on the tree.

The giant crab pressed the coconut tree with its entire body, and the coconut tree fell to the ground.

The referee:"The coconut tree has lost its ability to fight."

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