Xiaozhi teleported Kentaro and the two Butterfrees back to the research institute. He wanted to train the Pokémon he had on hand.

Xiaozhi learned from Miss Joy on Penggan Island that Mr. Du prepared a boat for them as a means of transportation for their trip to the Orange Islands. If Xiaozhi and the other four relied on Dragonite to cross the sea, it would be too much of a burden for Dragonite. Mr. Du's arrangement just solved Xiaozhi's worries.

They said goodbye to Miss Joy and went to Xiagan Island.

Xiaoxia released all her water Pokémon, and finally had a chance to swim. Dragonite carried Pikachu, Togepi and Ralts on its back, and Dragonite looked very happy.

Xiaoxia said,"Dragon seems very happy!"

Xiaojian was drawing a sketch of Dragon, and he answered Xiaoxia,"Dragon was a Pokémon that people used to cross the sea a long time ago. It likes to carry people or Pokémon."

Xiaoxia said,"Is that so!"

Psyduck jumped into the sea with a splash beside the deck, but soon struggled in the sea. Fortunately, it was rescued by Dragon. Xiaoxia took Psyduck from Dragon speechlessly and gave Psyduck a slap on the head:"Have you forgotten that you can't swim?"

Psyduck tilted its head, and Xiaoxia was furious. Psyduck was scared and hid behind Xiaozhi's legs.

Xiaozhi advised,"Xiaoxia, Psyduck is a water Pokémon after all, and it has a yearning for the sea. It just can't swim, right? How about letting Dragon teach it?"

Xiaoxia said,"Okay, I also want Psyduck to grow up quickly." Xiaozhi spoke for Psyduck, so it can only be forgotten.

Xiaogang said,"We can see Xiagan Island!"

Behind Xiaozhi and the others, an abrupt observation mirror appeared, connected to the Rocket Team's Magikarp submarine.

The three members of Team Rocket were desperately stepping on the pedals.

They did not have enough funds, so they could only make a submarine driven by manpower.

Their story started yesterday.

The Rocket Team's flying ship department still announced bankruptcy.

The three members of Team Rocket, who had just got the opportunity to earn funds, were in a semi-unemployed state.

In addition, the money they made from setting up stalls at the Quartz Conference was almost gone.

In desperation, they could only dive and continue to follow Xiaozhi and the others.

After parking the boat at the port, Xiaozhi and the others first went to the Pokémon Center to borrow a computer. After transmitting the paper that Professor Oak wanted, the group walked to the Xiagan Gym.

Xiaojian was still excited about meeting Professor Oak:"That's amazing! That's really amazing! I finally met Professor Oak, and your thesis, Xiaozhi, is another major milestone in the Pokémon world!" Xiaozhi laughed:"How can it be so exaggerated!" Xiaojian said seriously:"Xiaozhi, don't you know that all the Pokémon that can mega evolve are in your hands? There are also two Pokémon that have never been seen in the Kanto region, Sylveon and Forsaken."

Xiaogang thought for a while:"It seems to be true!"

Xiaoxia was happier to hear Xiaozhi being praised than to hear herself being praised.

Xiaozhi said,"I really don't know about this!" Xiaojian said

,"By the way, the gym of the Orange League may be different from the gym you have challenged before."

Xiaozhi nodded,"I know this." Xiaojian said expectantly,"I wonder if I can see Xiaozhi's Pokémon on the field today! I'm really looking forward to it!"

There was a little boy in front of the Xiagan Gym. After seeing Xiaozhi and his friends and Pikachu on Xiaozhi's shoulder, he said seriously,"Are you here to challenge the gym?" Xiaozhi waved his hand and said,"I'm here to challenge the Xiagan Gym. Is the gym trainer here?"

The little boy shouted into the house,"Sister, someone is here to challenge the gym."

Xiaozhi and his friends were stunned on the spot. Didn't they say no?

After some explanation, the infatuated Xiaogang was taken away by Xiaoxia, and the gym trainer of the Xiagan Gym, Dunmei, also accepted Xiaozhi's challenge.

Dunmei said,"The rule of the Xiagan Gym is to use two special moves to decide the winner, and there are two Pokémon that can be used."

Xiaozhi said,"No problem!"

Dunmei looked at his younger brother Ada, and Ada took out a remote control and pressed it. A platform rose up on the right side of the battlefield, with thirty empty cans on it.

Ada said,"Next is......"

The battle field changed to a water field.

Dunmei said,"In the first match, we'll use the water gun trick to decide the winner, which is to see how many empty cans are hit. Go, Seasaurus."

Xiaozhi took out Dratini's Poké Ball:"It's you, Dratini."

Dunmei said,"Drattini? What a rare Pokémon."

Dratini's water gun's hit rate was no less than Seasaurus, and this match ended in a tie.

Dunmei said,"Next is the moving object! Seasaurus!"

A flying disc flew out, and Seasaurus' water gun smashed it. Another flying disc flew out, and Dratini was not to be outdone and smashed it with the water gun as well. Then there were three more, until the last attack on the same flying disc, all of which hit at the same time.

Dunmei said,"This match is a tie!"

Dratini's body glowed with the light of evolution, and Dratini evolved into Hackron.

Dunmei took Xiaozhi to the beach outside the gym. Dunmei pointed at the chess piece that was vaguely visible in the distance and said,"This is a wave-riding competition. Trainers have to stand on the water Pokémon and circle the flag. The first one to get back here wins. Come out! Blastoise"

Xiaozhi changed to Dragonite:"If we talk about the strongest Dragonite, it has to be you, Dragonite!"

Dunmei had already stood firmly on the shell of Blastoise, and Xiaozhi jumped onto Dragonite's back, also standing firmly.

Dunmei was a little surprised and said:"Xiaozhi, have you ever used the Pokémon Wave Rider before?"

Xiaozhi said:"Only once before, this is the second time." Once in the previous life, once in this life, isn't that twice?

A huge Magikarp suddenly emerged from the water, its fins opened, and the three members of Team Rocket emerged, breathing in big gulps of fresh air.

Dunmei asked:"Who are you!"

Team Rocket was resurrected with full health:"Since you asked sincerely (Team Rocket's opening remarks)......"

Xiaoxia held her forehead and said,"Here we go again!" Xiaojian was also confused.

Dunmei looked at Xiaozhi:"What is Team Rocket?"

Xiaozhi smiled and said,"Don't worry about them, just hear about it! Hey, what are you doing here today?"

Kojiro seemed to have found someone to cry to:"Listen to me, little brat, our submarine was entangled in seaweed and almost died on the bottom of the sea!"

Musashi punched Kojiro:"Now is not the time to talk about this, this is not Kanto anymore, little brat, we want your Pikachu, your Dragonite and that Blastoise!"

Meowth said,"That's it"

"Gasball uses sludge attack/Tongue is tightened."

Ash said calmly,"Oh, is that so! Pikachu uses 100,000 volts, and Dragonite uses Freeze Beam."

Pikachu's 100,000 volts hit Gasball, and Tongue's tongue was frozen by Dragonite's Freeze Beam. After Gasball was knocked away, Tongue was dragged down as well, and Team Rocket took off again.

Ash looked at Dunmei and said,"Ms. Dunmei, go ahead! The people in the way have already left."

Dunmei nodded blankly. This Pikachu's strength should not be underestimated as it can knock away two elite Pokémon with one strike.

"Go! Blastoise!"

"Don't lose, Longyan!"

As the"start" sounded, Longyan and Blastoise rushed out.

"Chenglong occupies the inside position"

"Blastoise can't let him succeed."

Longiard speeded up and was half a head ahead of Blastoise. Blastoise used its body to hit Longiard, and Longiard hit back. Xiaozhi took the inside position first. Longiard was the first to go around the flag, and Blastoise followed closely behind.

"Blastoise speeds up!"

"Dragonite Freezing Beam!

Dragonite used the freezing beam to freeze the sea surface in front of it. Dragonite is not only a water-type Pokémon but also an ice-type Pokémon. It is not only good at walking on waves but also on ice.

"Dragonite, speed up!"

Dragonite jumped onto the ice, much faster, and crossed the finish line before Blastoise.

Dunmei handed the badge to Xiaozhi:"Xiaozhi, I lost. This is the Sakura Badge of the Xia Gan Gym. You take it!"

【[Obtain the Sakura Badge, and receive 500 bonus points]

Misty said,"It's a badge made of Sakura shells, it's so beautiful!"

Dunmei explained,"The badges of the four gyms in the Orange League are all made of shells."

Misty said,"Is that so!"

Satoshi put the badge away and touched Longyan's head:"Longyan, you're great!" Longyan nudged Satoshi affectionately.

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