Today, Xiaozhi and his friends are still sailing on the sea. After lunch, they took a short rest on the boat.

Xiaoxia sighed,"The weather is fine and the sea breeze is so comfortable!"

Xiaojian looked at Dragonite and Starfish in the sea and said,"That's right, the Pokémons are all very leisurely!"

Xiaoxia suddenly saw a shiny object in the sea. She said to Vaporeon,"Vaporeon, go see what it is."

Vaporeon jumped into the sea, took a look, and returned to the boat with the object in his mouth.

Xiaoxia took the object and saw that it was a drifting bottle. She pulled out the cork and opened the note inside.

Xiaogang said,"Maybe it was written by the islanders on the nearby island!"

After reading it, Xiaoxia read out the words on the paper:"It says, if anyone knows about the Crystal Rock Snake, please tell me! The signature is Masami from Ponkan Island."

Xiaozhi looked at the map and said,"Aren't we going to Ponkan Island now?"

Xiaoxia asked in confusion,"But what is the Crystal Rock Snake? I've never heard of it!"

Xiaogang explained,"I have heard a little bit about it. I heard that the whole body of the Rock Snake is like crystal. The ordinary Rock Snake is gray, while the Crystal Rock Snake is white. But it's also a rumor. I just heard that someone saw it decades ago."

Xiaojian pondered for a moment and said,"But the rumor mentioned it, and the owner of this drifting bottle also mentioned it. Then let's go to Ponkan Island to try our luck. Maybe we can see the Crystal Rock Snake!"

The four reached a consensus and went to Ponkan Island.

After boarding Ponkan Island, all you can see are shops selling glass products. Xiao Jian said,"Ponkan Island has been famous for selling glass products since ancient times. I heard that most of the residents on the island are craftsmen who make glass products. So there are many tourists on this island." As the group walked forward, a conversation between a young man and a little girl reached Xiao Zhi's ears.

"Why hasn't your store closed yet?"

"My brother will definitely produce good works!"

"Then wait until your brother makes a good work before opening the store! Otherwise, no customers will come!"


The little girl lowered her head and looked like she was about to cry. The man didn't want to say such harsh words, but he had no choice. He sighed and went back to his shop.

Xiaoxia stepped forward and asked,"Little sister, are you okay? What happened?"

The little girl shook her head and said,"I'm fine! Thank you, sister, it's just that my brother has never been able to make good glass crafts, which led to the current situation."

Xiaoxia touched the little girl's head and said gently,"What's your name?"

The little girl said,"My name is Zhengmei."

Xiaoxia took out the drift bottle and said,"Are you the owner of this drift bottle?"

Zhengmei saw Xiaoxia took out the drift bottle she wrote and said excitedly,"Sister, do you know the news about the Crystal Rock Snake?"

Xiaogang said,"Actually, we came to Ponkan Island because we wanted to see the Crystal Rock Snake. I'm sorry!"

Zhengmei's eyes were full of disappointment,"Is that so?......So you guys don't know either."

Xiao Jian asked his doubts:"Zhengmei, why are you so sure that there is a crystal rock snake? What if it's just a rumor?"

Zhengmei said:"This is because......"

Zhengmei's brother Gong came over and said,"Let me tell you! My name is Gong and I'm Zhengmei's brother. Come with me!"

Gong brought Xiaozhi and the other three to the glass workshop behind the store.

Xiaojian asked,"Gong, you have such a good glass workshop, you should be able to make a lot of good glass products! Why did that person just now say that you can't make good works?"

Gong explained,"The thing is, my store was always doing very well when my grandfather was still alive. Grandpa is the best glass craftsman on Ponkan Island, and the Pokémon he made with glass are lifelike. Zhengmei's and my parents died in accidents in our early years, and grandpa also passed away last year. So this store was inherited by me. I followed the methods my grandpa taught me, but I could never make good works like my grandpa."

Xiaogang picked up a Pokémon made of glass on the table next to him and said,"These works are well made, but......"

Agong added:"Without the soul, what grandpa made seems alive, but no matter what I make, it's just dead. If we can find Crystal Onix, maybe we can change the current situation! My grandpa said that when he was young, he encountered Crystal Onix during his training. From that day on, grandpa's skills became better and better. Look, this is the glass product of Crystal Onix made by grandpa!"

Agong took out the thing. The glass product of Crystal Onix was lifelike, just like seeing a real Pokémon.

Agong continued:"Grandpa said that Crystal Onix is on Pokemon Island, but I have searched everywhere on the island, but unfortunately I found nothing."

Xiaozhi said:"Let's help too! Maybe I can find a way."

Xiaoxia and Xiaogang heard Xiaozhi say this, and Xiaozhi's amazing wave power might come in handy. Xiaozhi still roughly remembered the cave where Crystal Onix was, and he didn't need the wave power for the time being.

Xiaozhi led a group of people to an uninhabited beach on Pokemon Island, which should be nearby.

The sea water began to recede, and a road appeared, leading to another island. After Xiaozhi and his group arrived at this uninhabited island, they passed through a forest and saw a cave. Xiaozhi dispersed the power of the wave guide, and it was indeed here!

Xiaojian was amazed and said,"There are so many crystals in this cave!"

Xiaogang���:"That should be the place, thanks to Xiaozhi for finding it!"

Xiaojian took out a Poké Ball and said,"Leave it to me now! Go, Marylou. Use your ears to find where the Crystal Onix is!" Marylou moved her ears by the water and pointed to the center of the lake in front of her.

Xiaozhi looked at the center of the lake and said,"It looks like it's right there!"

Xiaoxia pointed to the water and said,"There's something in the water!"

A huge roar echoed throughout the cave, and the Crystal Onix emerged from the water.

Xiaojian was surprised and said,"This is the Crystal Onix, I'm going to observe and record it quickly." Xiaojian took out a pen and paper and started sketching.

Xiaozhi said,"This Crystal Onix is not afraid of water!" Xiaogang said,"Onix is of rock and ground attributes, so it should be afraid of water. Crystal Onix lives in water, Xiaozhi, has its attributes changed?"

Xiaozhi nodded,"It should be right!" Zhengmei anxiously pulled Agong's clothes,"Brother, hurry up!"Masami and Agong were still in shock of seeing Crystal Onix, so they didn't hear the conversation between Xiaozhi and Xiaogang.

Agong came back to his senses after being reminded by Masami, and said to Crystal Onix:"Crystal Onix, let me conquer you! Thorny Shell uses Water Gun." Agong sent out Thorny Shell, which used Water Gun on Crystal Onix, but Crystal Onix did not dodge and took the Water Gun head-on. The Water-based trick was not as beneficial to Onix's attributes as Agong expected.

【Crystal Rock Snake】

【Attributes: Steel, Ice】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Shattered Armor (if damaged by physical moves, defense will be reduced and speed will be greatly increased)】

【Strength: Elite level]

It turns out that it has both steel and ice attributes, no wonder it is not afraid of water-attribute moves.

Crystal Onix attacked with its iron head, and the Ceratops lost its ability to fight.

Xiaozhi took two steps forward:"Agong, this Crystal Onix is of a high level, let me do it! It's you who will win against Haxor! Use Jet Flame."

Haxor learned the Jet Flame skill from Charizard. After all, when Haxor was still Dratini, it regarded Charizard as its big brother.

Crystal Onix used Rock Slide on Haxor, and rocks fell from the sky, blocking the Jet Flame.

"Haxoron, Dragon Dance."

Haxoron used Dragon Dance, stepped on the fallen rocks, and approached the Crystal Rock Snake.

"Come again, jet of fire!"

Haxorus hit Crystal Onix with a jet of fire at close range. When Ah Gong saw Crystal Onix in the fire, he seemed to understand something.

Xiaozhi threw the Poké Ball at Crystal Onix, and the Poké Ball shook three times before successfully catching it.

Ah Gong's eyes suddenly became firm, and he said:"Thank you, Xiaozhi, I understand! I believe I can make a good work!"

Before leaving, Xiaozhi and the other four each received a glass Pokémon made by Ah Gong as a thank you gift.

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