After Xiaozhi got the White Wave Badge at the Napuru Gym, they arrived at the Seven Fruit Islands today.

Xiaoxia looked around and saw pomelo everywhere. She said,"This is the Seven Fruit Islands! There are so many pomelo! Isn't it the season for pomelo to ripen now?"

Xiaojian nodded in agreement and said,"The pomelo is very big!" Xiaojian touched the plump fruits with his hand. He is a Pokémon observer. For the concept of"big", he has to see it with his own eyes and measure it with his own hands.

""Stop right there, you thief! I, Nana, will never let you go for stealing the pomelo that others have worked so hard to grow." A young girl in her twenties came towards Xiaojian with a broom.

Xiaozhi stood in front of Xiaojian, grabbed the falling broom with his hand, and said,"I wonder if there is a misunderstanding? We just arrived at the island, and our ship is over there."

Xiaogang pulled Nana's hand like a fangirl, knelt on one knee and said,"Beautiful Miss Nana, we are not thieves, my friend just wants to see the famous pomelo on the Seven Islands......."

Xiaoxia pulled Xiaogang away:"Let's go after explaining!"

Xiaozhi took out his ID to prove to Xiaojian:"This is my ID, we are definitely not thieves."

Nana looked at the ID that Xiaozhi took out. How could the Pokémon Doctor steal the pomelo? She also realized that she had misunderstood. She hid the broom behind her and quickly apologized to Xiaojian:"I'm sorry, I misunderstood! In fact, there are often thieves on this island, and pomelo is often stolen. When I was patrolling here just now, I saw you guys trying to pick the pomelo, so I thought......I'm sorry!"

Xiaogang appeared out of nowhere and said,"Miss Nana, there's nothing wrong with it!"

Xiaoxia grabbed Xiaogang's ear again:"Don't talk too much, it has nothing to do with you."

Xiaojian was speechless for a while, and waved his hand to Nana,"It's okay, I saw that the pomelo grew so big, so I wanted to observe and record the size. Miss Nana, I want to know why the pomelo on Fruit Seven Islands can grow so big?"

Nana explained:"The weather in the Orange Islands is very hot, which also makes these pomelo trees unable to withstand the cold. So when it's cold, we have to wrap straw on the pomelo trees. After they bloom, we will borrow the big butterflies from other islands to help complete the pollination. This is our work every year. Seeing the pomelo grow up makes me feel that the hard work of this year is worth it! That's why I hate the pomelo thief so much."

A staff member ran towards Nana:"Miss Nana, it's bad! The pomelo thief is here again!"

Xiaozhi and the others followed Nana to the place where the pomelo thief was found. The pomelo trees in this area were broken with their branches.

The staff shouted,"Here, Miss Nana!"

Xiaoxia looked at the thing blocking her way and said,"Is this a mountain?"

Xiaogang explained,"No, this is a Snorlax! It turns out that it is the pomelo thief. You know, Snorlax can eat 400 kilograms of food a day!"

Xiaoxia was surprised and said,"What a big appetite! A real big eater!"

Xiaojian said,"If anyone is its trainer, he will probably go bankrupt!"

Nana said anxiously,"We have to stop it quickly! Otherwise, all our pomelo will be eaten by it!"

Three staff members surrounded it and wanted to stop Snorlax, but Snorlax raised his hand and threw the three staff members out.

Xiaoxia held her forehead and said,"Not only does it eat a lot, but it is also ridiculously strong."

Nana shouted,"There is no way! Hurry up and pick the pomelo! Save as many as you can! But why did Snorlax appear here?"

The next second, Snorlax personally explained how it came to the Seven Fruit Islands. Snorlax stood up, scratched its itch, and walked towards the coast. After doing some warm-up exercises before swimming on the shore, it jumped into the sea, causing a huge splash. Snorlax can swim, and uses the butterfly stroke!

Xiaogang was surprised and said,"This Snorlax can swim?"

Xiaojian was also stunned and said,"This is a big discovery! So this is how Snorlax came to the Seven Fruit Islands!"

Xiaoxia kicked each of them on the leg,"There is no time to sigh now! What should Xiaozhi do now?"

Xiaozhi took out Toucan's Poké Ball,"I'll go stop Snorlax, Xiaoxia, you go help Miss Nana and the others collect the pomelo."

Xiaoxia nodded and said,"Okay."Then he pulled up Xiaogang and Xiaojian by their collars and dragged them to the back.

Xiaozhi took Pikachu and sat on the back of Toucan, and Toucan quickly caught up with Snorlax who was about to land on the next fruit island. The distance between each of the seven fruit islands is actually not that far!

"Jigglypuff, it's you! Use Sing!"

Jigglypuff excitedly clenched his microphone, and the singing attack that had tortured Xiaozhi and others appeared again. Xiaozhi was prepared for this. He asked Pikachu to stay down and asked Toucan to take it away. The wave force gathered at the ear to isolate Jigglypuff's singing.

Xiaozhi's Jigglypuff's singing skill is unmatched. After all, he once knocked down a town of people.

Jigglypuff's singing voice was transmitted to Snorlax's ears through the microphone, and Snorlax suddenly looked a little drowsy. With a"boom", Snorlax fell down!

"Jigglypuff uses continuous sucking kisses. Jigglypuff uses continuous sucking kisses to absorb Snorlax's strength. Xiaozhi throws a Poké Ball over and captures Snorlax.


【Attributes: General】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Thick fat (Because of the thick fat protection, the damage of fire and ice attribute moves will be halved)】

【Strength: General Advanced】

【Skills: impact, rounding, biting, yawning, talking in sleep, sleeping, Taishan crushing】

【Capture Snorlax, reward points 500]

Xiaozhi picked up Jigglypuff and said,"Well done Jigglypuff!"

"Bri-bri." Jigglypuff was very happy. It was happy because it finally had a chance to sing.

Ash waved to Pikachu and said,"Pikachu, tell Misty and the others, it's solved!"

""Pikachu!" Pikachu waved at Xiaozhi, and his little brother Toucan obediently carried Pikachu back to report the news.

Xiaozhi looked down at Jigglypuff and said,"Let's go, we still have things to do. Jigglypuff, I'll give you another chance to sing!"

"Brie?" Jigglypuff tilted his head, seemingly not understanding what Xiaozhi meant.

Before Jigglypuff sang, Xiaozhi had already noticed three familiar people on the island when he used the wave power.

"Snip, snip, snip! Snip! Snip! Meow!"

"Meow meow, Xiaojiro, with these pomeloes we won’t be short of food for a long time!"

"Hey, hey! That’s right! Following the little brats really paid off!"

"Team Rocket, are you talking about me?" Xiaozhi's voice sounded behind Team Rocket.

The three members of Team Rocket stiffened and slowly turned their heads.

"Bri-bri-bri!" Jigglypuff now understood what Xiaozhi meant.

Kojiro said in horror:"Jiggle!......fat......Jigglypuff!"

"Brie." Jigglypuff nodded, yes it was it.

Musashi said in fear:"No, no, no, can't we just throw away these pomeloes?" Meowth echoed:"That's the little brat, we don't want them! No more, meow!"

The three members of Team Rocket probably still remember Jigglypuff's singing that could make everyone in Neon Town fall asleep, and his face covered with graffiti after waking up.

Xiaozhi smiled and said:"Why don't you go? Are you waiting for me to take you there?"

"Let's go now!" The three members of Team Rocket ran faster than rabbits.

""Puffy sings!"

Team Rocket fell on the beach before they returned to the Magikarp submarine.

Puzzy looked at Ash, who nodded. The familiar formula came, and Puzzy showed off his skills and painted graffiti on the faces of Team Rocket. Although he hadn't painted for a long time, Puzzy's skills had improved.

Ash took Puzzy back into the Poké Ball, and he turned over and jumped into Team Rocket's submarine. He looked at their empty refrigerator and shook his head. Ash found a pen and paper, wrote a note and put down two gold beads, and then went back to find Misty and the others.

After Team Rocket woke up, they looked at the graffiti on each other's faces. Their last memory was that it was the singing that the imp asked Puzzy to use. Musashi wiped the graffiti on his face and said,"Didn't we say we were leaving? Imp, what a fool!"

Kojiro quickly covered Musashi's mouth and said,"Keep your voice down. What if Imp comes back? Let's go!"

Meowth agreed,"Kojiro is right! Go!"

When the three members of Team Rocket were about to drive the submarine, Musashi saw something on the seat. It was a note left by Xiaozhi:"Team Rocket, the pomelo was grown by others with great effort. If you don't have any,���Take these two gold beads and sell them. Xiao Zhiliu!"

Musashi was moved and said:"The little devil is quite nice!"

Meow Meow suggested:"I've been hungry for a long time! Musashi Kojiro, let's go eat, meow!"

Kojiro said happily:"It's decided!"

"What a great feeling......"

After Ash captured Snorlax and resolved the trouble on the Seven Fruit Islands, Ash and his three companions continued their journey.

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