Xiaozhi and his friends were invited to Little Orange Island today. The one who invited them was the Ice King Kona. Kona will have a battle show match today, and his opponent is Xiaozhi.

Xiaoxia's eyes were full of stars:"I can finally meet King Kona. I'm so looking forward to it! It would be great if the opponent is me!"

Xiaojian was also full of expectations:"Traveling with Xiaozhi is really the right choice. I also want to meet King Kona. The Pokémon of the Four Heavenly Kings must be very strong!"

After an hour of boat ride, the group arrived at Little Orange Island.

As soon as Xiaogang got off the boat, he stared at the direction of the dock in a daze:"Wow, Master Kona is really beautiful!"

Xiaoxia didn't have the energy to care about Xiaogang at this time, and asked excitedly:"Where is it? Where is it?"

Xiaojian pointed to a beautiful girl at the dock and said:"Over there!"

Kona obviously saw Xiaozhi and his group. She stepped forward and said:"You are Xiaozhi! I am Kona."

Xiaozhi greeted:"Hello, King Kona!" Kona smiled and said:"It's just like what Aju and Xiba said, I can always feel the vitality in you, Xiaozhi!"

Xiaozhi scratched his head embarrassedly and said:"Mr. Aju and Mr. Xiba praised me!"

Kona said:"Although this is the first time we meet, don't be the King of Heaven. The king called me! Just call me Kona! Let's go to the battle field now!"

Xiaozhi asked:"I wonder what strength of Pokémon Miss Kona will use?"

Kona looked at Xiaozhi and said:"Xiaozhi, you decide! I invited you here, you decide the battle mode and what strength of Pokémon to use." Xiaozhi thought for a while and said:"Miss Kona, I want to fight a quasi-king-level Pokémon in a three-on-three mode."

Kona nodded and agreed:"Then let's do it!"

Xiaozhi said to Xiaoxia and the others:"I'll go to the Pokémon Center first, you guys go over and wait for me!"

Twenty minutes later, Xiaoxia and the other two successfully got Kona's autograph and waited for the start of the game in the audience.

Host:"Dear audience, I've kept you waiting for a long time! The Pokémon demonstration competition between Master Kona of the Four Heavenly Kings and Mr. Xiaozhi of Pallet Town, the winner of the Quartz Conference and the youngest Pokémon doctor in the league, will start soon!"

"This match will be played in a three-on-three format. Let's applaud the two people walking towards the venue!"

Xiaoxia looked at Xiaozhi's confident look and said,"I guess Xiaozhi went to exchange for Bulbasaur and the others!"

Xiaogang nodded and said,"Xiaozhi proposed a quasi-king-level match. Currently, among Xiaozhi's Pokémon, Pikachu is at the peak of the quasi-king level, Pidgeot is at the middle stage of the quasi-king level, and Charizard, Bulbasaur and Blastoise are at the early stage of the quasi-king level. If it's three-on-three, it's very likely that Bulbasaur and the others will win."

Xiaojian said excitedly,"I've only seen Xiaozhi's Charizard on TV before, but this is the first time I've seen it live! Xiaozhi's Charizard, Bulbasaur and Blastoise can all mega evolve! I wonder if I can see them all? I'm really looking forward to it."

Xiaozhi and Kona signaled to the audience and stood on both sides of the battle field.

Referee:"The performance demonstration match adopts a three-on-three battle mode. Now the game begins!"

"Go ahead, silly hippo!"

"I've decided that the Venusaur is you!"

【Silly Hippo】

【Attributes: Water, Psychic】

【Gender: Female】

【Characteristics: Inert (Because of insensitivity, it will not become obsessed or provoked)】

【Level: Early Quasi-King Level]

Misty said:"This Hippopotamus seems to be very serious, which is different from the usual Hippopotamus!"

Brock said:"None of the Four Heavenly Kings Pokémon is simple. As the Ice King Pokémon, this Hippopotamus will definitely use ice-type tricks. We don't know who will win this game!" Jian said

:"I have confidence in Xiaozhi! Hippopotamus also has water attributes, and Venusaur's grass attribute is also beneficial, right?"

"Silly hippo, mind you!"

"Bulbasaur, petal dance!"

The silly hippopotamus's eyes changed, and he used his mind hammer to attack Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur took a step forward, and the petal dance blocked the mind hammer.

"Strong mental thoughts!"

"Sunny day!"

Hippopotamus used his mental strength to control Venusaur, and Venusaur used Sunny Day to make the sunlight stronger.

"Knock it down."

The silly hippopotamus used his mental power to knock the body of Venusaur heavily to the ground.

"Solar Beam.

The huge flower on Venusaur's back began to absorb the sun's rays. With the blessing of a sunny day ahead, Venusaur stabilized its body and used Solar Beam towards Hippopotamus.

"Silly Hippo, let's go all out! Super Evolution!"

"Bulbasaur, we're here too, Mega Evolution."

When Slow Hippo came on stage, Xiaozhi saw the Mega Evolution Stone hanging around Slow Hippo's neck, and he expected that Kona would Mega Evolution.

Slow Hippo and Bulbasaur used Mega Evolution at the same time, making everyone in the venue excited.

"Use Blizzard on the entire field!"

"Venusaur Power Whip!"

Hippopotamus froze the entire venue with a blizzard to restrict Venusaur's movements. After the super evolution, Hippopotamus can float in the air and will not be affected by the ice. However, the characteristics of Venusaur after super evolution will change, and the impact of the blizzard will be directly halved.

Venusaur used a powerful whip to attack Hippopotamus, and Hippopotamus was hit.

"Freezing ray!"

""The vine whip is followed by the crazy plant!"

Hippopotamus was not to be outdone and used the freezing ray on Venusaur. Venusaur took Hippopotamus' freezing ray and used the vine whip to tie up Hippopotamus. The frozen ground was destroyed by the crazy plant, and the ground began to grow.���The huge plant rhizome hit Slow Hippo.

Slow Hippo fell to the ground and canceled its mega evolution state!

Referee:"Slow Hippo has lost its ability to fight, Venusaur wins!"

Venusaur was panting heavily. The sequelae of Crazy Plants and the continuous attacks of ice-type special moves and psychic-type special moves made it unable to maintain the mega evolution mode.

Kona took back Slow Hippo and said,"I thought that my Slow Hippo's ability to mega evolve should have been a secret weapon, but I didn't expect that your Venusaur is better than that, Xiaozhi! However, how can Venusaur still have the physical strength to use Crazy Plants after taking so many special moves that are not in its favor?"

Xiaozhi took back Venusaur and explained to Kona,"Miss Kona, my Venusaur can change its characteristics after mega evolution. The thick fat characteristic will reduce the effect of ice-type special moves by half."

Kona nodded,"I see! Okay, my next one is this. Come out, Clam." It was the first time Kona heard that the characteristics can be changed after mega evolution.

【Spiny Clam】

【Attributes: Water, Ice】

【Gender: Female】

【Features: Hard Shell Armor (Protected by a hard shell, the opponent's attacks will not hit the vital points)】

【Level: Early stage of quasi-king level】

"Blastoise, it's your turn!" Xiaozhi took back Venusaur, as it would be too difficult for Venusaur to continue the fight.

Xiaogang said,"Blostoke vs. Ceratosaurus, this match is evenly matched!"

Xiaoxia said,"Blostoke also has other types of moves, which is more advantageous for Xiaozhi."

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