This is Liugan Island, and the last gym of the Orange Alliance is on this island.

As soon as Xiaozhi and his three companions got off the boat at the pier, they were attracted by the lively voices:"Welcome, come and see our hotel! Not only do we have sumptuous seafood dishes, but we also have hot springs!"

Xiaoxia said excitedly:"By the way, which hotel should we stay in tonight?"

Xiaojian said:"After all, the specialties of Liugan Island are seafood dishes and hot springs with beauty effects, so every hotel is similar. Let's go and see if the environment is similar!"

Xiaogang said infatuatedly:"I don't have any objection, but can we find a hot spring that allows mixed bathing for men and women?"

A hand grabbed Xiaogang's ear:"You think too much, we must find a hot spring that allows separate bathing for men and women."

Xiaozhi was about to speak when he was hugged tightly by a woman:"Koji, is it really you? You are finally back, why don't you contact your mother when you come back?"

Xiaojian just wanted to explain:"That aunt, we......"Xiaoxia stopped Xiaojian.

Xiaoxia said without panic:"Xiaojian, this is not the first time that Xiaozhi has been mistaken for someone else!"

Xiaogang nodded and said:"Xiaojian, Xiaozhi can solve it." He thought, is Xiaozhi a common face? Xiaozhi was strangled very tightly, and he said with difficulty:"My name is Xiaozhi, not Haoji. Auntie, you recognized the wrong person!"

After hearing this, the woman let go of her hand and looked carefully:"Yes, I'm sorry! Little brother, I recognized the wrong person!"

Score twice! The same thing happened in Rainbow City last time.

The woman explained:"Because my son also took Pikachu out to travel, and he wore a hat like you, little brother. So I recognized the wrong person. To express my apology, you can stay in my hotel today!"

Xiaoxia said:"Really?" It's great that Xiaozhi was mistaken for someone else and it can save them money on staying in the hotel!

Xiaozhi looked at Xiaoxia's smile and smiled helplessly. Forget it, as long as she is happy.

The woman nodded:"Of course! My name is Liuli, but I don't just run an inn! I'm also the gym trainer of the Liugan Gym!"

Xiaogang was surprised and said:"You are the gym trainer of the Liugan Gym!"

Liuli smiled and said:"The real deal!"

The group came to a hotel under the leadership of Liuli. Liuli said to Xiaozhi and his group:"This is the Liugan Gym!"

Xiaojian was puzzled:"But why does it look like a hotel?"

Liuli explained:"The Liugan Gym is built inside, and there is a special battle field inside"


The hotel staff were all greeting Xiaozhi and his three companions.

Liuli said to a person beside her,"Arrange rooms for these children."

The person agreed and said,"I see, President."

Xiaoxia said,"It turns out that Aunt Liuli is also the president of this hotel!"

Liuli smiled at them and said,"Go to the room and put your luggage. Someone will take you to the battle field."

Ten minutes later, Xiaozhi and his companions, led by the staff, walked through the long corridor and came to the battle field on the underground first floor. The battle field of the Liugan Gym is much larger than a small sports field.

Liuli said,"Xiaozhi, the rule of the Liugan Gym is that two Pokémon are sent out at a time for a two-person battle, but as long as one of the Pokémon of one side loses the ability to fight, it loses! This is a switch, you can change the Pokémon in your hand." Liuli had a Pokémon switch next to her.

Xiaozhi shook his head and said,"I don't need to change Pokémon."

Liuli smiled and said,"This is the feeling that a teenager should have! Seeing Xiaozhi reminds me of Koji. When you talk about fighting, you are always so excited."

The referee is the staff member who brought Xiaozhi and his group here:"The gym match of the Liugan Gym starts now. The challenger is Xiaozhi from Pallet Town. You can use two Pokémon. The game begins!"

Xiaozhi took out two Poké Balls:"It's decided to be you, Haxorus and Togepi!"

Xiaoxia was shocked and said:"Togepi? Isn't it too much to let Togepi fight?"

Xiaojian said:"Xiaoxia, you forgot that Togepi's special moves can sometimes even be blocked by Crystal Onix and Toucan. Xiaozhi must have his own considerations for sending Togepi."

Xiaogang said to Xiaoxia:"Didn't Xiaozhi say that Togepi is about to evolve? Xiaozhi should want to use this battle to give Togepi an opportunity."

Xiaoxia thought: It's just that Togepi is too cute. It would be pitiful if he got hurt in the battle!

Liuli looked at the two Pokémon sent by Xiaozhi and said,"Hackonrox and Togepi! Xiaozhi, your Pokémon are quite rare! In this case, these two are mine. Come out, Alakazam and Garagara!"


【Attribute: Super Power】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Synchronize (transmit your poison, paralysis or burn status to the opponent)】

【Strength: Early stage of the gym】


【Attribute: Ground】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Lightning Rod (Attracts electric-attribute moves to yourself, so you won't take damage and will instead increase your special attack)】

【Strength: Early stage of the gym】

""Alakazam! Phantom Beam, Sandstorm!"

Luli gave the order directly, and Alakazam rushed out and attacked Hackon and Togepi with Phantom Beam. Sandstorm spun around and immediately a sandstorm blew up in the field.

"Hackron Pokémon Double Shadow Ball!"

Xiaozhi first chose to attack Alakazam. The ghost-type Shadow Ball has a great effect on Alakazam.

The double Shadow Ball is more powerful than the phantom beam. The Shadow Ball hits Alakazam.

"There is a set of Xiaozhi! Alakazam uses Psychic Power, and Gallagher uses Earthquake!"

Alakazam uses Psychic Power, but Gallagher's Earthquake will attack all Pokémon indiscriminately.

"Hackron flew with Togepi, and Togepi used Angel's Kiss on Alakazam."

Togepi jumped on Hackron's back, and Hackron flew with Togepi, Togepi showed a cute smile, and Angel's Kiss confused Alakazam.

"Hackron Blizzard, Togepi uses Shadow Ball again!"

"Alakazam, dodge! Garagara Bone Boomerang!"

Alakazam was in a state of confusion and did not hear what Luli said. Garagara jumped in front of Alakazam and used Bone Boomerang at the flying Hackron and Togepi.

Hackron quickly rose up to dodge and used Blizzard. The two dodged Garagara's Bone Boomerang. Togepi's Shadow Ball aimed at Alakazam again.

"Haxorus did just that, Dragon Dive!"

Haxorus used the speed of its fall to follow up with a Dragon Dive with a Blizzard. The damage from Haxorus's Dragon Dive plus the damage from the Blizzard were superimposed on Garagara.

Alakazam and Garagara both fell to the ground!

Referee:"Alakazam and Garagara both lost their ability to fight, and the winner is Satoshi from Pallet Town."

Liuli didn't expect Satoshi to be so strong. He knew it from the time he sent out Alakazam that the main attacker was Alakazam, so he concentrated his firepower on Alakazam. Satoshi then used an ice-type blizzard to restrict Garagara's movements. Liuli had to admit that Satoshi's tactics were very beautiful.

Liuli took back Alakazam and Garagara, took out the Glass Badge and handed it to Satoshi:"Asahi, I lost! This Glass Badge is yours!"

"I got the Glaze Badge!"


Suddenly, Togepi's body glowed with the light of evolution, and Togepi evolved into Pokémon, with a pair of small wings growing behind it.

Misty said,"What should I do! What should I do! Togepi is even cuter after evolving! Xiaozhi, tell me quickly, what's its name!"

Pokémon was held in Xiaozhi's arms, and he explained to everyone,"It's called Pokémon, it has fairy and flying attributes, and now it can learn flying skills!"

Liuli said,"Pokémon? This is the first time I've seen it! By the way, Xiaozhi, if you meet my son Koji on your journey, tell him that his mother is fine and don't worry!"

Xiaozhi nodded and said,"Don't worry!"

【Obtain the Luli Badge, and receive 500 bonus points]

Xiaozhi’s next destination is the Citrus Island where the Orange League Challenge is held!

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