Before arriving at Citrus Island, Xiaozhi and his friends passed by an unnamed island and rested for a day. Xiaoxia also captured a mosquito tadpole on the island, which added another member to her water army.

Xiaozhi looked at the vague outline of Citrus Island and said excitedly:"Everyone, we have seen Citrus Island!"

Xiaoxia smiled and said:"We can fight soon. Xiaozhi, you must have been excited for a long time!" Xiaozhi nodded and said:"I really want to fight now!" Xiaogang poured cold water on him and said:"Xiaozhi, do you remember what Aunt Liuli said? You have to register first, so that you can know the time of the challenge, and it is usually a 6-on-6 full-scale battle. Have you chosen which ones to let go?"

Xiaojian said expectantly:"Will Charizard appear? We didn't draw Charizard in the last battle with Master Kona!"

Xiaozhi explained to his friends,"Shadow and Ralts won't appear this time!

The last ones will be Charizard and Pikachu!

In addition, Steelix, Snorlax, Dragonite, and Kentaro.

Kentaro didn't have many chances to appear in the last Quartz Conference.

" Xiaozhi exchanged two metal membranes with No.

124 so that he and Xiaogang's Onix could communicate evolve.

Crystal Onix evolved into a pure white Steelix.

Xiaozhi also gave the Z bracelets he exchanged before to his friends.

Misty and Xiaojian's ones were inlaid with Water Z, and Xiaogang's was Rock Z.

Fortunately, the points have been very sufficient recently, otherwise they can't afford to spend so much.

Xiaogang and his friends have been practicing Z moves recently and have never tired of it. Several of them have also taken the initiative to join Xiaozhi's devilish training. The strength of their Pokémon has improved dramatically.

After arriving at Citrus Island, Xiaozhi did not immediately go to the Citrus Stadium to complete the landing, but first called Professor Oak and asked him to teleport Kentaro and Charizard.

After Xiaozhi completed the registration, he was told that the game would not start until 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.

Xiao Jian saw the statue at the registration office and asked,"Excuse me, is this a statue of Dragonite?"

The staff replied,"Yes, Dragonite is a symbol of the Holy Spirit in our Citrus Island. By the way, I have a piece of news for you. Xiao Yong, the chief trainer of the Southern Cross of the Orange League, is a trainer who uses Dragonite!"

Xiao Jian drew a picture of Dragonite and said,"Is that so!"

The staff stepped forward and said,"Let me take you to visit the Citrus Stadium!"

The staff introduced Xiao Zhi and the others,"The building on the left is the Citrus Stadium, and the slightly shorter building on the right is the Victor's Palace. As long as you defeat the chief trainer, you can leave your name here."

Xiao Gang said,"This feels very meaningful!"

The staff said,"Okay, Mr. Xiao Zhi, take a good rest today to prepare for tomorrow's game! I have arranged a room for you in the Pokémon Center."

After the staff took Xiao Zhi and the others on the tour, they sent them to the Pokémon Center.

At 10 o'clock the next morning, the Citrus Stadium was already full, and the islanders were very excited. After all, it had been a long time since the Orange League Victor's Cup Challenge was held.

Host:"This is the Citrus Stadium, and the Orange League Winners Cup is about to begin. The Citrus Stadium, which has been silent for a long time, finally has a new challenger. Since the current Southern Cross Chief Trainer Xiaoyong took office, no trainer has been able to enter the Hall of Victory. I wonder if this new challenger can achieve this goal! It's worth looking forward to!"

"The first person to enter the battle field is Xiaoyong, the chief trainer of Southern Cross! This time, the challenger is Xiaozhi, the champion of the Quartz Conference and the youngest Pokémon doctor in the league! Xiaozhi's previous demonstration performance competition with Kona King on Little Orange Island was also very exciting!"Xiaoyong looked at Xiaozhi and stretched out his hand and said,"Xiaozhi, let's all have a good game today!"

Xiaozhi smiled and shook Xiaoyong's hand this time, saying,"Mr. Xiaoyong, please give me more advice!"

The referee has also been in place:"The challenge rules of the Winner's Cup are a six-on-six full-scale battle. Note that when three Pokémon on either side lose their combat ability, they will enter a 20-minute halftime break and change the battle field. Now the game begins, and the first battle field is the rock and water battle field."The battle field has been changed. Most of the rock and water battle field is a rock field with only a small swimming pool in the middle.

Xiaoyong sent out the first Pokémon:"My number one player is it! Ditto!"

Xiaozhi looked at Ditto. Although Ditto was of ordinary attributes, it had the ability to transform into any Pokémon. It was simply a dreamlike substitute. If there was a chance in the future, he could capture one.

Xiaozhi took out the Poké Ball of Dragonite and said,"You be the vanguard! Dragonite is decided to be you!""


【Attributes: General】

【Gender: None】

【Features: Transformer (Transforms into the Pokémon currently facing)】

【Strength: Beginner of the Gym]

Brock said:"Ditto is the most suitable to be used as a vanguard. After all, it can transform into any Pokémon, just like fighting itself. Moreover, this Ditto is higher level than Dragonite, I'm afraid Dragonite will have a hard time in this battle."

Misty was full of confidence in Xiaozhi and said:"Xiaozhi must have his own plan for sending Dragonite, let's wait and see!"

Xiaojian took out the sketchbook and prepared to start drawing Dragonite's fighting posture.

"Ditto, transform!"

It's this move! Ditto transforms into a dragon

"Chenglong, white mist!"

Chenglong released white mist from his mouth, covering the entire venue. At the same time, his figure was hidden in the mist.

Xiaoyong said:"As expected of the champion of the Quartz Conference, he can defeat Kona. Ditto, use reflective wall."

Ditto formed a barrier in front of him and was ready to take the attack.

"Chenglong, sing!"

Chenglong's beautiful singing voice sounded, and the white mist hid Chenglong's figure. He wanted to use this move to make Ditto unable to defend. Even the reflection wall could not stop the singing.

"Ditto, jump into the swimming pool at the venue.

Xiao Yong immediately decided to let Ditto jump into the swimming pool to avoid the influence of singing.

"Chenglong used the freezing ray on the entire venue!"

The freezing ray fired by Chenglong froze the entire venue, even the swimming pool was not spared

""Use Slam right in front of Dragonite!"

Dragonite stepped onto the icy ground and crashed into Ditto at a very fast speed. Ditto was knocked back again and again!

Xiaozhi used White Mist to make Ditto unable to see Dragonite, but Dragonite couldn't see Ditto either! How did Xiaozhi determine the location of Ditto? It was the swimming pool! Xiaoyong thought: How could he lead me by the nose!

"Ditto, don't give up, pray for rain."

Ditto summoned rain clouds, and the white mist gradually disappeared under the influence of the rain prayer.

"Dragonite, Destruction Ray!"

Dragonite fired a Destruction Ray at an extremely fast speed, and Ditto was knocked away, and even Ditto's transformation ability was cancelled.

Referee:"Ditto has lost its ability to fight!"

Xiaoyong took back Ditto:"Even in a cross-level battle, you can still win so beautifully!"

Xiaozhi also took Dragonite back:"Thank you!" After Dragonite used the Destruction Ray, it was temporarily unable to move, so changing Pokémon is a good choice.

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