Xiaozhi and his group passed through a forest today.

Xiaogang was surprised and said,"This forest is a bit strange! Xiaozhi, Xiaoxia, have you noticed that it is getting more and more desolate as you go in?"

Xiaoxia looked at the trees around and said,"Xiaogang, you are right! These trees are withered."

Xiaogang said,"I have observed carefully. Ten minutes ago, the trees around here were very desolate."

Xiaozhi pointed to a tree not far away and said,"Xiaoxia and Xiaogang, look over there!"

Xiaogang took a closer look and said,"This is......Heracross!"

Xiaoxia said in a trembling voice:"Heracross is not......meeting......It’s a Bug-type, right?"

Xiaozhi confirmed what Xiaozhi said and said,"It is indeed a Bug-type."

Xiaoxia screamed, grabbed Xiaozhi’s clothes tightly, and hid behind him.

Xiaogang laughed and said,"Xiaoxia, you are still so afraid of Bug-type Pokémon!"

Xiaoxia trembled and said,"Xiaozhi, let’s get out of here! This place is too scary!"

Xiaozhi explained,"Although Heracross is a Bug-type Pokémon, it has a very gentle personality.���of"

"This little brother is right!" A man in red overalls and a hat came up to Xiaozhi and the other two, and said,"Excuse me, my name is Mori, and I'm a member of the forest guard team."

Xiaozhi and the other two introduced themselves. Xiaozhi asked,"Mr. Mori, are you here to investigate why the forest has become like this?"

Mori nodded and said,"Xiaozhi, you are right. This forest was originally a good ecosystem, centered on Heracross, maintaining ecological peace, and a place where Pokémon can live peacefully. You will know when you see it!"

Mori had just finished speaking when several Butterfree flew over. Heracross, who was lying on a tree sucking sap, even gave up his position.

Mori continued,"Just a few days ago, this balance was broken. The Great Armor living in the forest next door appeared. They came to occupy the territory of Heracross, which led to the continuous death of trees nearby......."

Before Morio finished speaking, the group of armored eagles rushed to the tree where Heracross and Butterfree were. Butterfree was timid, while Heracross was gentle and unwilling to fight, so they took the initiative to leave the tree. After they left, the group of armored eagles occupied Heracross's tree and began to suck the sap.

Xiaoxia exclaimed:"Xiaozhi, that Butterfree is in danger!"

It turned out that there was still a Butterfree that had not left, and the group of armored eagles besieged it. A Heracross stood in front of Butterfree and was attacked by the group of armored eagles instead of it.

Xiaozhi said:"Cursed Doll Shadow Ball, Kirliam Illusion Beam!"

Cursed Doll used Shadow Ball, Kirliam used Illusion Beam, and hit the group of armored eagles at the same time, and the group of armored eagles fled in fear.

Heracross was saved from the tree by Kirliam's telekinesis, and Xiaogang helped it treat its injuries.

Mori Nan worriedly said,"This is only a temporary solution, the Dajia group will come back."

Xiaozhi said seriously,"Mr. Mori Nan, please take us to the Dajia forest for investigation."

Mori Nan nodded and said,"It would be best with your help!"

Xiaoxia looked like she was refusing,"Xiaozhi, I'd better stay here and wait for you!"

Xiaozhi put Pikachu in Xiaoxia's arms,"Pikachu, protect you, okay? You stay here and wait for the Dajia group to come. Who will protect you if we are not here?"

"Pikachu puffed out his chest.

Xiaoxia reluctantly agreed:"Okay." Pikachu then became Xiaoxia's bodyguard.

""Heracross!" Heracross pointed at Xiaozhi.

Xiaozhi asked:"Do you want to go with us?"

"Hera-Hera." Heracross nodded.

So another Heracross was added to the group.

Mori-nan led the way in front and turned back to say to Xiaozhi and the others:"Xiaozhi, you have to watch your feet. The grass around here is a bit lush."

Xiaozhi said:"It's you who will be Bulbasaur! Use Leaf Blade to clear the road!"

Bulbasaur used Leaf Blade to clear the lush grass, and the road appeared in front of everyone, and there was no need to walk tentatively. Heracross's eyes suddenly lit up, and he immediately flew to Bulbasaur's flower to suck nectar. Bulbasaur directly whipped it with a vine. Xiaozhi took Bulbasaur back and said to Heracross:"Heracross, this is not the time to do this kind of thing!"

Heracross lowered his head, and Xiaozhi exchanged Sweetie with No. 124 and handed it to Heracross:"I know you are hungry, eat this first!"Heracross happily hugged the sweet and ate it.

Ten minutes later, the group came to a canyon. The forest man pointed to the forest on the opposite side and said,"That's the forest of Dajia. There is a suspension bridge nearby that can go to the other side." The forest man led Xiaozhi and his group to continue walking forward for a few minutes, and a suspension bridge came into view.......

Mori Nan asked in surprise,"What's going on?" The ropes on the suspension bridge are still there, but the wooden planks for walking are nowhere to be found.

Xiaogang said,"Look over there, that's how Dajia got to the forest of Heracross." The direction Xiaogang pointed to was in the middle of the canyon, and there happened to be two trees, one high and one low, used as stepping stones.

Xiaozhi squatted down, took a closer look at the damaged part of the suspension bridge, and said to everyone,"This was destroyed by humans. The cuts are very neat, as if it was done by a knife or something."

Xiaoxia said seriously,"That's getting more and more suspicious. Someone destroyed the suspension bridge just to prevent people from going to Dajia's forest to investigate."

Xiaogang thought for a while and said,"Let's think about how we can get through now! The canyon is so deep and so high that we definitely can't get through on our own."

""Hera-Hera." Heracross walked behind a big tree and used the horns on his head to push forward.

Xiaogang praised Heracross and said,"This is a good idea. Why not use the tree trunk to step on? Heracross, I'll help too. Come out, Steelix."

Xiaozhi called out Bulbasaur again:"Bulbasaur, use your vine whip to help!"

Xiaoxia said,"I'll come too. Vaporeon and Starfish, you guys come to help too."

With the concerted efforts of all the Pokémon, a temporary bridge was quickly built. Xiaoxia followed Xiaozhi closely. Xiaozhi held Xiaoxia's hand, and the group successfully reached the forest of the big armor.

Mori Nan said,"This is the big tree where the big armor group lives!"

Xiaoxia looked at the tree where the big armor group lives from the shade of the grass, and said,"Is that a big armor on the tree?"

Xiaogang asked in confusion,"It feels much bigger than the ordinary big armor!"

Musashi said,"Hahaha, you little brats are here after all! Don't come to hinder our great plan!"

Three members of Team Rocket jumped out! Xiaozhi and his group also walked out of the bush. Xiaoxia asked,"What great plan?" Kojiro said proudly,"It's to collect tree sap! Not only can it fill our stomachs, but it can also be sold for money, killing two birds with one stone!"

Xiaogang said,"Didn't Xiaozhi give you two gold beads? How come they are almost used up!"

Meowth looked at the machine-made carapace on the tree and said,"There are not many left, and they are all supplemented on Carapace-kun No. 1, meow." Musashi added,"So we came up with this idea." Xiaozhi said helplessly,"Do you know that you have broken the ecological balance? Return the tree sap to the carapace."

Kojiro showed a look that asked for a beating and said,"We don't want it!" Xiaozhi took out the Poké Ball,"Then no more nonsense! Bulbasaur Solar Beam!"

"Hera Hera." Heracross rushed forward and snatched the sap from the Great Armor No. 1.

Musashi said angrily:"You are really annoying, little brat! The Great Tongue uses its tongue to attack."

Kojiro echoed:"That's right! Don't come to hinder us! Venusflower uses its vine whip to snatch the sap!"

The next moment when Heracross was about to be besieged, Xiaozhi's voice came:"Vulpes, Solar Beam launch!"

Team Rocket took off again without any surprise!

Xiaoxia looked at the group of Great Armor that came back one after another behind her, and said:"Xiaozhi, the Great Armor group is back too!"

The larger Great Armor in the lead bowed his head to express his gratitude to Xiaozhi.

"Herahera." Heracross pointed at the Poké Ball on Ash's waist.

Ash asked,"Do you want to travel with me?"

""Hera Hera." Heracross nodded.

The leader of the group of armored beasts also stood beside Heracross, and the meaning was very clear. Xiaozhi took out two Poké Balls and captured the two.


【Attributes: Insect, Fighting】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Overconfidence (If you defeat your opponent, you will be full of confidence and your attack will increase)】

【Strength: Ordinary intermediate】

【Skills: Crash, Push, Horn, Double Payback, Tile Break】


【Attribute: Insect】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Breaking the rules (can use moves against the opponent without being affected by the opponent's characteristics)】

【Strength: Ordinary intermediate】

【Skills: Clamp, Earth Throw, Bug Bite, Mountain Throw, Double Hit, Leverage Throw】

【Conquer Heracross and Dajia, and get 1000 points as reward.

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