Xiaozhi and his friends got lost again today!

Xiaoxia sighed and said,"I want to take back what I said two days ago. I don't want to get lost again!"

Xiaogang comforted,"Don't worry, let me find the way again."

Xiaogang took the map and continued to walk with Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia, but it was getting later and later, until they had to use a flashlight, but the three of them were still lost in the forest.

Xiaoxia found a tree stump and sat down, shouting,"I can't walk anymore!"

Xiaozhi's legs were also sore, and he said,"Xiaogang, let's set up camp here, and look for it tomorrow!"

Suddenly, a chilling laugh came from the forest.

Xiaoxia was so scared that she immediately hid behind Xiaozhi and said,"Xiaozhi, who is laughing!"

Xiaozhi used the power of wave to detect that it was Gastly and Haunter. It seems that there are many ghost-type Pokémon in this forest.

Xiaozhi comforted him,"Don't be nervous, it's Gastly."

Xiaogang said with a trembling voice,"Why do I see a weird smiling face of a person appear on the tree trunk!"

Xiaoxia nodded and said,"I saw it too!"

Xiaozhi looked at the tree trunk carefully and there was nothing, everything was normal! But he suddenly realized that Xiaoxia and Xiaogang must have been hypnotized by the ghost Pokémon, and he had the power of wave guidance so he was not hit.

Xiaozhi said:"The cursed doll is destined to be you, use See Through."

The cursed doll used See Through to scan Xiaoxia and Xiaogang, and the illusions in front of their eyes disappeared.

Xiaoxia came to her senses and asked,"What was Xiaozhi just now?"

Xiaozhi explained,"You were hypnotized by the ghost Pokémon."

"How come it's you, Xiaozhi!" Xiaomao's voice sounded from behind the three people.

Xiaozhi looked behind him and said,"Xiaomao! What are you doing here?"

Xiaomao pointed to Gugu beside his feet and said,"As you can see, I am training with Gugu in this confusing forest."

Xiaogang said,"Indeed, Gugu has the ability to see through things." Xiaomao asked,"What about you?"

Xiaozhi spread his hands helplessly and said,"Lost!"

Xiaomao did not make fun of Xiaozhi as usual but said,"Then come with me. My temporary camp is behind this. I came here to check it out just now because I heard the sound."

Xiaozhi did not refuse. After all, it was dark now. Finding a place to sleep and wait until dawn to find the way is the most important thing to do now.

Xiaogang went to make dinner, and Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia went to set up the tent. After Xiaogang's meal was ready, Xiaomao had dinner with the three people. Xiaomao suddenly said,"Xiaozhi, I have thought a lot in the past few months!"

Xiaozhi said,"It's about the future! In fact, I have been thinking about this too."

Xiao Mao smiled and said,"I do want to be a Pokémon doctor."

Xiao Zhi smiled and said,"That's great! Everyone has his own way."

Xiao Mao looked at Xiao Zhi and said,"What about you? After the trip to the Chengdu area, where are you going to go?"

Xiao Zhi pretended to be mysterious and said,"Well! In fact, I have already decided to go to the Hoenn area."

Xiao Mao said,"That's quite far."

Xiao Zhi said,"Now I want to reach the pinnacle of Pokémon Master with my Pokémon. Aren't the encounters and partings on the journey a good harvest?"

Xiao Mao nodded and said,"That's right."

Xiao Zhi stretched and lay down by the campfire, saying,"Xiao Mao, I'll take you to a place."

Before Xiao Mao could agree, he was taken away by Xiao Zhi who turned over and sat up. Xiao Misty and Xiao Gang were no longer surprised by Xiao Zhi's sudden disappearance. Xiao Gang went to clean up the dishes, and Xiao Misty went to make the bed.

In less than fifteen minutes, Xiao Zhi and the others came back, and Xiao Mao asked,"Xiao Zhi, is this really possible?"

Xiaozhi smiled and said,"Of course, you can go and train with my Moltres. I believe it will be more rewarding than training alone."

Xiaomao said proudly,"I owe you another favor. I will repay you next time."

Xiaozhi spread his hands and said,"Are we still talking about this? Let's go to bed!"

The next day, Xiaomao said that he would stay in the Enchanted Forest for a few more days, so Xiaozhi and the other two said goodbye to Xiaomao and successfully walked out of the Enchanted Forest along the road Xiaomao pointed out.

They finally left the forest, and after entering the town, the three of them were obviously much happier.

Xiaoxia said,"This park is so big!"

Xiaogang took out the travel guide and found the introduction to the place where they are now. Xiaogang said,"This is called the Frightened Deer Park. We can get to the next town by crossing here."

Xiaoxia took Xiaozhi's hand and said,"Then let's speed up!"

A pair of deer horns suddenly appeared in the grass, and then a little frightened deer stuck its head out. Xiaoxia was surprised and said,"Look, it's a frightened deer! But why did it appear in the town? Logically speaking, isn't the frightened deer very afraid of humans?"

Gon touched his chin and said,"It's a bit strange indeed!

Let's put this matter aside for now.

This little frightened deer is injured.

" Gon took out the Pokémon food from his backpack, handed the backpack to Xiaozhi, and slowly approached the frightened deer.

When the frightened deer saw someone approaching it, it instinctively wanted to escape, but the wound on its foot made it fall to the ground.

Gon said softly,"I won't hurt you.

Look, this is Pokémon food, it's delicious!

" Gon put a few pieces of Pokémon food in his mouth.

The frightened deer just sniffed it and didn't resist anymore. Gon took a few steps forward again, sat in front of the frightened deer, and handed the Pokémon food to it. The frightened deer ate the Pokémon food in Gon's hand. Xiaozhi handed the medicine to Gon, and he quickly treated the frightened deer's injury.

Many frightened deer suddenly appeared behind the frightened deer and pounced on Gon. Xiaozhi said,"Gon is hallucinating!"Xiaozhi's wave power only detected the frightened deer in front of him, and those that suddenly appeared could only be illusions.

Xiaogang gently stroked the frightened deer's head:"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, they are all my companions, they have no ill intentions."

The phantoms of the frightened deer group disappeared one after another.

Xiaoxia wondered:"Could it be that the frightened deer got lost?"

Xiaozhi agreed:"It should be. The frightened deer live in the depths of the forest and rarely appear in front of humans. Moreover, this frightened deer is one of the younger ones in the tribe, so the only explanation is that it got lost."

Xiaozhi continued:"Xiaogang, why don't you capture it! It is very dangerous for the frightened deer in the town, and the illusion just now will also have an impact on the surrounding area."

Xiaogang took out a Poké Ball and said to the frightened deer:"Frightened deer, do you want to be my partner?" The frightened deer rubbed its head against Xiaogang, and Xiaogang gently took the Poké Ball and tapped it on the head, and the frightened deer was captured by Xiaogang.

Xiaozhi said:"Congratulations, Xiaogang!"

Xiaoxia said:"Congratulations!"

Gon held the Poké Ball of Frighthorn and said with a smile:"I have captured Frighthorn!"

Xiaozhi said:"Gon, I remember something, Frighthorn can evolve!" He remembered that Frighthorn in the Padia region in his previous life could evolve.

Gon was shocked and said:"Doesn't Frighthorn have no evolved form?"

Xiaoxia asked:"Xiaozhi, does Frighthorn have any special way of evolution? That's why there are no cases found?" Xiaozhi snapped his fingers and said:"Xiaoxia is right!

In fact, it is a bit like the evolution of Infernape.

Both of them need to use a certain number of moves in a battle.

"After listening, Gon nodded repeatedly and said:"So that's the case.

Wait until Frighthorn's strength is improved before considering this matter!

The most important thing is to see what Frighthorn wants.

" Xiaoxia smiled and said:"After all, the thoughts of Pokémon are the most important!


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