Xiaozhi and his group continued on the road to Kikyo City.

Xiaogang felt the chill and said,"It's getting colder!"

Xiaoxia said,"Look, there's already snow on the top of the mountain over there!"

Xiaozhi suggested,"Why don't we go skiing first and then set off?"

Xiaogang said excitedly,"What a good idea! Maybe there are many beautiful sisters on vacation at the ski resort? Skiing is great, but it's much worse than you! Hahaha!" Xiaogang looked like a pervert as he spoke. Xiaoxia complained,"It's just the beginning, how can Xiaogang think so much?"

Xiaozhi poked Xiaoxia's shoulder and said,"Let's talk about it after skiing, look over there!"

On the grass by the roadside, a wild chrysanthemum leaf was basking in the sun, looking very leisurely.

Xiaozhi and the other two took a few steps closer and smelled the fragrance. Misty said,"What a nice smell! This Chimoyne smells different from Nana's!"

Brock explained,"It must be because it's wild! It smells very nice and fresh!"

Chimoyne opened its eyes and looked at Satoshi and the other two warily, but it had no intention of running away. Instead, it stood up and waved the leaves on its head, as if it wanted to have a fight.

Satoshi smiled and said,"I like its personality. Come out, Porygon!"

Brock advised,"Ashi, be gentle. This Chimoyne isn't very high level. It's probably just competitive."

Satoshi nodded,"I know! Porygon uses Collision." Chimoyne had already used Collision first. When the two's Collision moves collided, Chimoyne was no match for Porygon in terms of strength. But this Chimoyne refused to admit defeat, and immediately used the Vine Whip

"Porygon used Illusion Beam to control Chickweed!"Porygon used

Illusion Beam to imprison Chickweed. Xiaozhi took out an empty Poké Ball and threw it at Chickweed, but after shaking it three times, Chickweed came out of the Poké Ball! It used Vine Whip on Porygon again.

"Porygon, use another Illusion Beam!" Porygon once again controlled Chickleaf. Xiaozhi changed a Poké Ball and threw it at Chickleaf again. After shaking it 7 times, it finally calmed down.

Xiaoxia was so nervous that she almost couldn't breathe. After seeing the Poké Ball calm down, she said,"Finally caught it!"

Xiaogang put down his backpack and said,"Xiaozhi, let Chickleaf out so I can check its body! Porygon's Illusion Beam is a psychic move, which will more or less cause some damage to Chickleaf."

Xiaozhi said,"Porygon, come back! Chickleaf is decided to be you!"

Chickleaf opened its big red eyes, looked at Xiaozhi in front of it, and instantly waved the leaves on its head. Xiaozhi smiled and said,"Chickleaf, you are already my Pokémon, can we be good friends?"

"Pikachu stretched out his hand to Chickweed.

The leaf on Chickweed's head stopped moving, looked at Xiaozhi who was smiling at it, walked a few steps towards Xiaozhi, and suddenly trotted into Xiaozhi's arms. Xiaozhi touched Chickweed's head and said,"Good boy! Chickweed, come travel with me!" Chickweed nodded repeatedly, and Xiaozhi's embrace made it feel extremely warm.

Xiaogang smiled and said,"Xiaozhi is really loved by Pokémon!"

"Pikachu."When Pikachu returned to Xiaozhi's shoulder, Chikorita glared at him, as if he was jealous.

Pikachu felt hair on his back.

【Chrysanthemum Leaves】

【Attribute: Grass】

【Gender: Female】

【Features: Lush (When HP is less than one-third, the power of grass attribute skills is increased by 1.5 times)】

【Strength: Ordinary low level】

【Skills: Impact, Leaf Knife, Photosynthesis, Call, Vine Whip】

【[Capture Chikorita, reward points 500]

After capturing Chikorita, Xiaozhi and the other two went to the ski resort and had a great day. It was a pity that the beautiful big sister that Xiaogang expected was not there, only a group of grandparents who were out traveling. Xiaogang was disappointed for the whole day!

Three days later, Xiaozhi and his companions finally arrived in Kikyo City, and they were finally going to challenge the Kikyo Gym! As soon as

Xiaozhi and his companions came out of the Pokémon Center, they were stopped by two people dressed strangely. One of them picked up Pikachu, looked at it and said,"This Pikachu is well developed, but it does not meet the requirements of our Pokémon Review Committee. We need to take this Pikachu away for further physical examination."......"

Xiaozhi crossed his arms and said,"Team Rocket, your role-playing game is back! Why are you targeting Pikachu again?"

Kojiro said,"Since we've been discovered, there's nothing we can do! Little brat, you're right, we've set our sights on Pikachu again!"

"Hey!"Musashi and Kojiro removed their disguises and returned to Team Rocket's attire.

Xiaozhi said,"You've prepared well today!" Xiaozhi saw that Team Rocket was wearing rubber gloves.

Kojiro said proudly,"You little brats, there's nothing you can do! Pikachu is in our hands now, don't chase us if you want it to be safe! That's it, let's go!"

Musashi and Kojiro prepared to take Pikachu and jump onto the hot air balloon controlled by Meowth.

Xiaozhi said,"Pikachu uses Iron Tail! Toucan Air Slash!" Xiaozhi also sent Toucan.

Pikachu hit Iron Tail and sent Kojiro, who was holding him, flying. Toucan's Air Slash directly destroyed Team Rocket's balloon, and Pikachu added another 100,000 volts.

Xiaozhi saw Team Rocket flying away and said,"Are they stupid? Pikachu's electric-attribute moves are blocked, but don't they have other moves?"

Xiaoxia said helplessly,"I guess they've lost their minds! It's so open and aboveboard, why not launch a surprise attack!"

Xiaogang said:"Don't worry about them, let's go to the Kikyo Gym first!"

A hang glider landed in front of Xiaozhi and the others, and the man was carrying a Cuckoo. The man glanced at Xiaozhi's Pikachu and Toucan and asked:"Did you shoot down the hot air balloon that just flew away?"

Xiaozhi nodded and said:"Indeed, I shot it away."

The man said:"I just saw Toucan and Pikachu's special moves flowing like water, your training is very good......It's just that I feel like I've seen you somewhere before?"

Xiaoxia said,"It should be on TV. Xiaozhi is the champion of the Quartz Conference."

The man suddenly realized,"That's what I said! The champion of the Quartz Conference came to Kikyo City to participate in the Chengdu League and challenge the Kikyo Gym?"

Xiaozhi smiled and said,"That's right!"

The man stretched out his hand to Xiaozhi:"Hello, Xiaozhi, I am Asu, the gym trainer of the Kikyo Gym!"

Xiaozhi shook Asu's hand and said,"Mr. Asu, please give me your guidance in the gym competition!"

Asu put away his glider, took Xiaozhi and the others to a very tall building, and explained,"This is the Kikyo Gym! Xiaozhi, the rule of the Kikyo Gym is three on three, and now I will take you to the battle venue. The battle venue is on the top floor!"

Xiaozhi and the other two followed Asu and took the elevator to the top floor.

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