When Mei put her hand in Xiaoxia's, the crystallization of the green grassland began to decrease, and the crystallization phenomenon was disappearing from the outside.

But the crystals that suddenly disappeared spread again at a faster speed.

The communication device was connected, and Professor Oak said:"Xiaozhi, how are you?"

Xiaozhi said:"We are fine!"

Professor Oak said:"The crystallization is spreading faster and faster!"

Xiaozhi said:"Why?"

Professor Oak said:"It should be that the unknown totem is out of control. The power released at one time is too much. Now the only way to make the crystallization disappear is to stop the unknown totem!" Xiaozhi said:

"I know!"

Xiaomao's voice came from the communication device, he said:"I will take grandpa and others to take shelter first, soon the Pokémon Center will also be in danger!"

Xiaozhi said:"You take Professor Oak and others first, Xiaomao, you put the Zapdos back to the space first, Mewtwo and Mew will stay to protect you!"

Xiaomao said:"Okay!"

The communication device was hung up.

Mei lowered her head and said:"Xiaozhi brother, is it all my fault?���She heard everything that Xiaozhi had just said to Dr. Ohgi.

Xiaozhi put his hand on Mei's shoulder and comforted her,"Don't worry, Xiaozhi will solve it. I will bring your father back. Mei, do you know the location of the unknown totem?" Mei said,"It should be in the hall!"

Xiaozhi summoned the three sacred birds and said,"Come out, Moltres, Articuno, and Zapdos! Team Rocket, the three of you take good care of Mei!" Kojiro asked in confusion,"When did you get the three sacred birds?" Meowth interrupted

,"Now is not the time to talk about this, meow! You have to work hard, meow!"

Xiaozhi, Brock, and Misty sat on the backs of the three sacred birds. After the three sacred birds joined forces to open a hole in the crystallized wall, they flew in the direction that Mei pointed.

Yan Di walked to Xiao Mei's side:"Xiao Mei, as long as you believe in me, I am the strongest!"

Xiao Mei hugged Yan Di and said softly:"Dad, I believe in you!"

Yan Di looked at the direction where Xiao Zhi and the others left and said:"I'm leaving too!"

Xiao Mei asked:"Dad, where are you going?" Xiao Mei suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart.

Yan Di said:"I'm going to help solve these problems!"

Xiao Mei reluctantly said:"Then will Dad come back?"

Yan Di said gently:"Yes. I will come back to your dream! You can see me every night when you fall asleep."

Yan Di roared and followed Xiao Zhi and the others.

In the hall, countless position totems were suspended in the air. Yan Di's voice sounded:"Don't get too close, there is something like a barrier here." Xiao Zhi and the other two stood side by side with the three holy birds. Xiao Zhi looked at Yan Di and said:"I will let Moltres and the others attack together. Yan Di, can you help rescue Dr. Xiu Li in the light ball?" Xiao Zhi only felt here that the waveguide in the power of the light ball was a human.

The energy core of the unknown totem is in the light ball in the middle. Xiaozhi thought that if the unknown totem could create Entei to be Xiaomei's father, then Dr. Xiuli must be in the light ball. What he has to do is to rescue Dr. Xiuli and stop the unknown totem.

Entei nodded and said,"You just need to work together to tear open a hole!"

"Moltres Overheat, Articuno Absolute Zero, Zapdos Electromagnetic Cannon!"

The three sacred birds launched an attack at the same time under Xiaozhi's command, colliding with the power of the unknown totem. The ultimate move was placed on the barrier created by the unknown totem, but the power of the sacred beasts was still stronger after all, and a hole appeared soon! Yan Di jumped into the barrier created by the unknown totem and headed towards the light ball in the center.

"Pikachu, go help Entei!"

""Pika!" Pikachu also jumped in. Entei and Pikachu looked at each other. Entei used fire breath and Pikachu used thunder. The two Pokémon worked together to destroy the light ball in the center. Dr. Xiuli fell from the light ball and Entei caught him.

The attack of the three sacred birds also stopped, and the power of the unknown totem was disappearing. After Entei put Dr. Xiuli on the ground, his figure began to dissipate. Entei said,"Please tell Xiaomei that I am very happy to be her father!"

Xiaozhi nodded and said,"Don't worry, Entei!"

As the energy of the light ball disappeared, the unknown totem was slowly sucked into the energy vortex above the unknown totem, and the fragments of Entei's body after disappearing also entered the same place as the unknown totem.

At the same time as the energy of the light ball disappeared, those strange text cards fell from mid-air. Xiaozhi murmured,"Entei......"

Misty and Satoshi put the cards on the ground in order, and the manor and the entire green grassland began to return to normal. Flowers bloomed again, and the grass swayed in the wind. Misty pushed open the door of the manor, and Brock and Satoshi carried Dr. Xiu Li out. Xiaomei, who was waiting at the door, saw her father and hugged him excitedly. The father and daughter hugged each other and cried.

When Satoshi looked up at the sky, a cloud that looked like Entei was smiling at him. Satoshi watched the clouds above his head dissipate, and the sky began to clear up.

Professor Oak and his team went to take refuge. After seeing the crystallization phenomenon subside, they drove to the manor. Hanako took Xiaozhi into her arms when she saw him:"Xiaozhi, are you okay?"

Xiaozhi hugged Hanako back and said,"Don't worry, mom!"

Professor Oak was also moved when he saw Dr. Xiuli and Xiaomei reunited. He looked at Xiaozhi and said,"You really saved Dr. Xiuli!" Xiaozhi said regretfully,"It's just that Yan Di is gone!"

Professor Oak comforted,"Yan Di was originally created by the unknown totem! You don't have to be too sad. But this time, we also saw the powerful power of the unknown totem, and we can avoid it in the future!"

Xiaozhi nodded and said,"Yeah." Xiaoxia looked around and said,"Speaking of which, where are the three people from Team Rocket?" Speaking of which, they didn't seem to see the three people from Team Rocket after they came out of the gate.

Xiaogang saw them and said,"They're gone! They didn't make trouble this time, and they helped!"

Xiaoxia smiled and said,"Next time we do it, we should be gentler!"

Xiaogang also laughed out loud.

Satoshi and his friends said goodbye to Professor Oak and Hanako, and drove back to Pallet Town. Xiaomao said hello to Satoshi and the others, and then set out on his journey again.

A few days later, Mei's mother also returned to the manor. She can now be with her husband and daughter, and the family will live together happily again. Mei will never be alone again! Dr. Xiu Li also said that he will no longer do research and will stay with his daughter in the future.

Before leaving, Satoshi conveyed to Mei what Entei said before he disappeared. Mei just said that she would see Entei's father in her dreams.

Satoshi and his friends continued their journey to Manjin City.

【The Crystallized Emperor's Tower storyline mission is over, with a reward of 20,000 points.

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