As long as Xiaozhi and his friends pass through the forest in front of them, they will be close to Manjin City. When they walked to the depths of the forest, which was even darker than at night, they saw many bird nests placed on the trees.

Xiaoxia pointed at the bird nest box on the tree and said,"Could that be a bird nest box for a bird Pokémon?"

Xiaogang said,"It does look like a good bird nest box. It's too big for a Pidgeot home, and too small for a Pidgeot home! What kind of Pokémon's bird nest box is it?"

Xiaozhi pulled the two of them up and hid in the bushes,"Here they come!"

A night owl landed on the tree trunk. Xiaogang said,"It turned out to be a night owl! The IQ of a night owl is ranked high among Pokémon!"

Xiaoxia asked curiously,"Shouldn't night owls appear at night?"

Xiaozhi said,"It should be because it's dark in the deep forest!"

Xiaogang said,"That's a night owl!"......"

A branch reached up to the nightowl on the tree trunk, trying to drive it away.

"I'm not looking for an ordinary nightowl, go away!"

Xiaogang asked in confusion:"Did a branch drive the nightowl away just now?"

Xiaoxia nodded:"I saw it too!"

At this time, another nightowl landed on the tree trunk. This one was smaller than the ordinary nightowl and its color was different. Xiaozhi and the other two thought at the same time: The shining nightowl

"I've been waiting for a long time for this unique nightowl!"

The three saw that the branch was slowly retracted, and it was replaced by a branch with fruits that stretched out to the shining nightowl. The nightowl didn't buy it, and kicked the branch to the ground, and slammed it against the trunk. The man hiding on the trunk lost his balance and almost fell off the tree. In a critical moment, he grabbed the branch below.

The nightowl flew to the man's hand holding the branch and pecked his hand with its beak. The man shouted:"No, no, no, it hurts! Shut up! Shut up!"

The man still fell to the ground, and the nightowl looked very proud.

Xiaogang went to help the man up:"Are you okay!"

The man stood up and said:"Thank you! My name is Ayou! I want to catch the shining nightowl, but I fail every time!"

Xiaozhi said:"The nightowl doesn't plan to leave! Look!"

Ayou said angrily:"It's making fun of me! The IQ of this night owl is higher than that of ordinary night owls, so I have tried to capture it ninety-nine times, but all failed without exception."

Xiaozhi said:"I want to capture it!" After all, this was his first shiny Pokémon in his previous life!

Xiaoxia said:"Xiaozhi, are you serious? Didn't Mr. You fail after trying so many times?"

Xiaozhi smiled and said:"This is challenging!"

The night owl stared at Xiaozhi for a while, then flew away!

Xiaozhi and the other two followed You to the mountain hut where he lived. You made tea and prepared snacks for the three of them. Xiaoxia asked:"Mr. You, do you live in this mountain hut just to capture that night owl?"

You said:"Yes, my dream is to collect rare Pokémon."

Xiaoxia said:"Speaking of rare Pokémon, I have one! Yes, it's you!"Psyduck showed up by itself.

You stared at Misty's Psyduck for a long time, but couldn't see any difference. He asked,"This Psyduck doesn't have any special features!"

Brock explained,"As a water-type Pokémon, it can't swim!"

You smiled and said,"That's quite rare, but I will never give up! Let me show you something!" You walked to the thing covered with a green cloth beside him.

The three of them came over, and when You pulled the cloth away, Brock looked around and said,"Isn't this just an ordinary mirror?"

You said confidently,"This is the conclusion I came to after ninety-nine failures. Just wait and see! My one hundred capture plans will definitely succeed."

After a short rest, Xiaozhi and the others followed You to the bird's nest box before. You installed the mirror, and the four of them hid in the grass nearby.

Misty said,"Is this really okay?"

Brock said,"I don't think it's possible!"

You said,"You don't know, it has regarded the duel between it and me as a kind of fun, so it will definitely come."

Xiaozhi said:"Mr. Ayou is right, the nightowl is coming!"

The shining nightowl landed on the branch again. Ayou took the opportunity to pull the rope, and the mirror appeared in front of the nightowl. The nightowl looked at himself in the mirror and used hypnosis.

Ayou said excitedly:"Great, I've taken the bait!"

The nightowl was hypnotized by his own hypnosis and fell to the ground. Ayou ran over and picked up the nightowl:"I finally got the nightowl! I didn't expect it to be so small, but so heavy!"

Xiaozhi said helplessly:"I said it was impossible to succeed."

Xiaogang said:"Lift a stone and say it's a nightowl? I see, Mr. Ayou should have been hypnotized without knowing it!"

Xiaoxia said:"The nightowl is over there!"

The nightowl was staggering, and it was obvious that the hypnosis that bounced back just now had an impact on it. A mechanical hand suddenly appeared and grabbed the nightowl

"Pikachu uses Iron Tail!"

"Pikachu!"Pikachu's Iron Tail cut off the mechanical hand, and Nightowl fell into Xiaozhi's arms.

Xiaozhi said:"Team Rocket, why are you here again!" Musashi said:"Of course it's us! Our target today is the shining Nightowl!"

Nightowl looked at Xiaozhi, and Xiaozhi said:"Are you awake? Do you want to fight?"

Nightowl nodded.

"Nightowl uses his magical power!"

Nightowl used his magical power on the three members of Team Rocket and threw them away. Considering their help last time, he would have used 100,000 volts to treat them.

"What a disgusting feeling!......"

Nightowl landed beside Xiaozhi, Xiaozhi said:"Nightowl, I want to challenge you. If I win, you will be my Pokémon, okay?"

Nightowl flew to the opposite side of Xiaozhi.

Xiaozhi said:"Mr. You, is it okay?"

You said:"Of course! It's a pity, but if you can really capture it, it will be a good thing for it."

"Dalubi has decided that it is you!"

The night owl took the initiative and used hypnosis on Dalubi.

"Dalubi closed his eyes, listened with his ears, and judged the position by the vibration of the wings. Use Bite!"Dallubi stood still, carefully catching the position of the Night Owl. The Night Owl used Air Slash on Dalubi.

"Dodge! Come on, Dalubi!

Dalubi easily dodged the air slash and bit the night owl.

"Dalubi, use Flame Fang!"

Nightowl was bitten by Dalubi and hit by Flame Fang.

Xiaozhi threw a Poké Ball at Nightowl and Nightowl was captured by him.

【Night Owl】(Flash)

【Attributes: General, Flying】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Tinted glasses (can use moves that are not effective at normal power)】

【Strength: Ordinary intermediate】

【Skills: Impact, Call, Peck, Echo, Telekinesis, Reflection Wall, Clearing Fog, Air Slash, Divine Power, Ramming】

【[Capture the Nightowl and get 500 points as a reward]

Xiaozhi and his friends finally walked out of the forest with Ayou's farewell. Ayou waved goodbye and said,"Be careful on your journey!"

Xiaogang replied,"We will!"

Manjin City is right in front of them!

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