Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 255 The Footprints of the King of Chaos

Su Mo picked up the Heart Fruit, and a pure soul power penetrated his skin and entered his body, faintly increasing his spiritual power.

"Good stuff~"

Su Mo rubbed the smooth skin of the fruit, his throat rolling, but then he shook his head and said: "Forget it, it's a waste to eat it for me."

This fruit of the heart has a high probability of helping a well-qualified peak telekinesis master to break through natural disasters.

As for himself, with the Soul Refining Pot in hand, it is not difficult to improve his mental power. There is no need to waste such a treasure.

Taking the fruit back into the space equipment, Su Mo looked into the distance and said:

"Come on, it's time to end this journey."


During the battle between Su Mo, Hu Tao, Qian Liuyu and the four tree envoys, Haide and Mondo were also fighting fiercely against the giant beast that protected the tree.

The behemoth side has the advantage in both numbers and strength.

However, Hyde and others were protected by general-level armor, and coupled with their exquisite cooperation, not only were they not at a disadvantage, but they also found the right opportunity to kill three less powerful beasts.

Da da da~~~

Frank's fists turned into cannon barrels, and beams of rays poured down like a curtain of rain. Although they could not penetrate the hard-as-iron skin of the giant beasts, they beat them until they screamed and screamed in pain.

The three main combatants, Hyde, Asura, and Mundo, wandered around the giant beast, mainly fighting and harassing them.

The giant beasts that can be kept by the four tree guardians to protect the sacred tree are of course quite powerful. There are several at the top of the command, and their attack methods are diverse. Some are powerful, some can breathe fire, some can release poison, and some Even soul attacks.

To fight against these giant beasts, one must be extremely vigilant. When the strength is insufficient, one must not act recklessly, but must wait for opportunities and look for loopholes.

After all, beasts are beasts. Even if their intelligence is very high and not inferior to humans, the bad temper and irritability in their bones will not disappear with the improvement of their intelligence.

In particular, these dozen giant beasts come from different races. They lack communication and cooperation with each other, making it easy for them to find opportunities to defeat them one by one.


The dazzling electric light lingered around the Hydra's claws. He sprinted, nimbly jumped on the head of a certain dragon beast, clenched his fist and smashed it down hard.

boom! ! !

Suffering a heavy blow to the back of the head, the dragon beast staggered and let out a cry of pain.

At this moment, three purple-black sword lights flashed past.

"Santo-ryu·Ghost Hunting"

The sound of tearing cloth was heard, and three cross blood marks appeared on the dragon beast's neck, with the bones clearly visible. The next second, blood spurted out like a waterfall, soaking the earth.

boom! ! !

The huge body fell to the ground with a crash, and the ground shook slightly.

The dragon beast opened its eyes wide, its body twitched, and it didn't take long before its eyes completely lost their look.

"Kill another one."

Hyde quickly drank a bottle of courage potion to regain his strength, and a smile appeared on his face.

After Asura joined, the team's ability to attack difficulties was greatly increased.

Especially when dealing with such an enemy with strong defense, Asura's unparalleled sword skills are more lethal than his Thunder Dragon Fist.

"Hyde, the three of us have eliminated our opponents. Now we will go over to support you."

Suddenly, Su Mo's voice came from the earphones, which made Haider overjoyed.

"Brother Mo and the others have already killed their opponents!!!" Haide shouted.


After hearing this, everyone was suddenly surprised and excited.

"Very good!"

Frank shouted excitedly, pointing the barrel of his gun at the giant beast and firing hundreds of laser bullets to express his mood at the moment.

Asura Dao paused for a moment, with a hint of emotion in his eyes.

With three against four, the enemy can be completely annihilated.

I really don’t know when he will become so powerful~

His spirits were invigorated and his attacks became more powerful.

Everyone seemed to be pumped, their combat effectiveness soared by 20%, and soon they worked together to kill a giant beast that dominated the peak. Just when everyone was about to attack the next target, more than a dozen cyan fireballs fell quickly like meteors.

The fireball accurately hit each giant beast, and the violent and scorching energy exploded instantly.

Boom boom boom~~

Along with a series of explosions, blood rained down from the sky, and blood clots, internal organs, and bones were scattered everywhere.

"Brother Xiaoyu, you move too fast. Leave it to me to deal with this little monster next time."

The golden figure stopped in mid-air, looking at the flesh and blood slaughterhouse below, and couldn't help but shake his head.

These giant beasts are huge and full of vitality and blood. If they can be sucked dry, they can gain two or three monster proficiency points.

Oh, what a waste~

Qian Liuyu blinked:

"Be sure to pay attention next time."

After landing smoothly, Hyde and others quickly gathered around.

"Brother Mo! What do the fruits of these trees look like?" Haide opened his eyes wide, looking like a curious baby.


Su Mo showed all the fruits that Qian Liuyu and Hu Tao had given him.

The killing fruit is blood red and crystal clear. It doesn't look like a fruit, but more like a red crystal.

The fruit of the heart is pure and white.

The poisonous fruit is thin and long, like a purple eggplant.

The fruit of wisdom has an ordinary appearance, but if you look closely, you can still see extremely small and complicated lines on the peel.

“What a magical fruit~”

Frank clicked his tongue in surprise.

A few fruits turned into natural disaster level tree envoys.

There are indeed many wonders in the world.

"We will study these fruits later. We have more important things to do now."

Su Mo took back the fruit and turned to look at the sacred tree in the distance that penetrated the heaven and earth.

Although the tree user is dead, the barrier above his head has not disappeared.

So, now it's time to go have a talk with the sacred tree.


Several people set off immediately and flew to the sacred tree before long.

Standing next to the sacred tree, a strong vitality hits my face, making all the cells in my body cheer. Looking up, the leaves are unusually wide, and various fruits are hanging on the branches, like lanterns with colorful lights. , with different shapes, giving people a strange feeling of being in a fairy tale dreamland.

"Brother Mo, how should we communicate with it?"

Hyde scratched his head.

They are not druids and do not have the ability to communicate with plants.

If I had known earlier, I should have left a tree envoy.

Su Mo rubbed his chin and said:

"All the tree envoys are dead, but the barrier in the sky has not disappeared. This means that the sacred tree is conscious and it is still controlling the barrier."

"I'll try to communicate spiritually first. If that doesn't work, I'll have to think of other means."

For example, burn the sacred tree and force it to open its barrier.

But he was unwilling to harm such a magnificent miracle of life unless absolutely necessary.


Su Mo jumped onto the branch and placed his right palm gently on the trunk. Feeling the rough and thick texture, his mental energy aroused and he penetrated deep into the trunk.

In an instant, the majestic breath of life enveloped his spiritual power, and then, a peaceful and gentle soul power blended with his consciousness.

"Are you a divine tree consciousness?" Su Mo asked.

After waiting for a few seconds, there was no reply.

Just when Su Mo was about to ask the question a second time, a message came into his mind.

It is a history made up of several fragments.

The first image that comes to mind is a man and a tree thousands of meters high.

This tree was far less strong and tall than today's sacred tree, but Su Mo knew that this was what the sacred tree looked like in its "growth stage".

Standing next to the sacred tree was a burly middle-aged man with strong features and a bohemian smile on his lips. He was dressed in a black gold cloak, exuding a natural domineering aura.

"It's him!"

Su Mo was surprised.

He recognized this man, or in other words, everyone in the entire Chaos Star Territory recognized this man.

Lord of Chaos - Rogers

He was the only king of the Chaos Star Territory before the era of the Four Emperors. He single-handedly controlled the Star Territory, and his reputation shocked the universe.

Unfortunately, the King of Chaos acted too casually and domineeringly, which angered many civilizations. With the secret support of the three major civilizations, more than a dozen god-kings worked together to encircle Rogers. In the end, they paid a heavy price of two deaths and one injury before killing Rogers. .

Before his death, Rogers said that he hid his most valuable wealth in the Chaos Star Territory. This sentence attracted countless adventurers from later generations to come, creating the prosperity of the Star Territory today.

Rogers stood under the sacred tree, stroking the rough lines of the sacred tree, and chuckled:

"What an ambitious tree that wants to extend its roots to the entire planet. Yes, I like people with ideas. Let me help you."

After finishing speaking, Rogers took out a small white jade bottle. Golden patterns were engraved on the bottle body, creating a beautiful painting. Just looking at the bottle, one could tell that what was inside was definitely not a mortal thing.

Rogers murmured: "I just extorted a bottle of Star and Moon Dew from Elrond some time ago. I just want to try the effect today. I want to see if it is as amazing as Elrond said."


Su Mo raised his eyebrows. If he guessed correctly, the Elrond Rogers mentioned was none other than the famous Elf King in the universe - Elrond Evening Star.

The only god-king-level elf in the universe and a professional magician, he has many titles such as "Lord of the Stars", "Controller of the Forest", "Moonlight Envoy", etc., but people are still more accustomed to calling him the Elf King.


I saw that Rogers uncorked the bottle, and a liquid as bright as the Milky Way flowed out, shining with starlight and beautiful.

When Xingyuelu appeared, the sacred tree was like a child seeing a toy. The branches shook violently and the fruits fell down one by one.

"Haha, interesting tree!"

Rogers laughed heartily, raised his hand, and sprinkled the star and moon dew on the tree trunk.

I saw that the star and moon dew was quickly absorbed by the trunk. Not long after, the sacred tree began to grow wildly. The trunk became thicker and thicker, growing taller and taller. The roots of the tree penetrated deeply into the ground and spread further, majestic and majestic. The vitality burst out, and a weak consciousness continued to grow.

"Hey, it seems Elrond didn't lie to me. This thing is quite powerful~"

Rogers looked up at the sacred tree whose canopy was gradually breaking through the clouds, touched his chin, and raised a smirk on his lips: "If I want to blackmail him again another day, the tree in my back garden should also grow longer."

Soon after, the sacred tree finally stopped growing.

The breeze blew by, the branches swayed slightly, and a sense of intimacy and gratitude came into Rogers' mind. Then, several fruits of different shapes fell down.

Rogers stretched out his hand, and several fruits were lined up and floating neatly in front of him.

"Haha, even a tree knows how to be grateful, but some people only know how to fight for power and profit. People are really inferior to trees~"

Rogers showed a sneer, then waved his hand, and a few more drops of star and moon dew fell on each fruit:

"That's all, for the sake of this, I will give you another opportunity."

When the dew of the stars and moon drops on the fruit, the fruit suddenly blooms with light that matches its own color. You can see that the fruit continues to expand and contract, as if it is an embryo, nurturing incredible life.

The first clip ends abruptly here.

This is followed by the second clip.

One day, a group of outsiders descended on the planet. They stood under the sacred tree and looked up with deep shock in their eyes.

Immediately afterwards, three figures appeared on the branches and met the outsiders' eyes.

Su Mo recognized that these were none other than Dragon Tree Envoy, Zhi Shu Envoy and Li Shu Envoy.

Perhaps because of Rogers, the tree messenger and the sacred tree are particularly friendly to outsiders. They not only communicate warmly, but also receive them with the best fruits, making the outsiders feel flattered.

However, this group of outsiders learned the identity and origin of the tree envoy during the communication process, and they immediately showed their greed. They took advantage of the tree envoy's simplicity and innocence to poison the food and trick the tree envoy into eating it.

This seemed to be a toxin specifically targeted at energy creatures. When the three tree envoys ate it, they immediately fell into a state of pain and mania, and their strength plummeted.

But what the outsiders didn't expect was that the three warm and friendly tree messengers turned out to be natural disaster-level powerhouses and were not defeated by the poison. At the same time, in addition to the three tree messengers, there were five other tree messengers here, including Yu Poison Expert - Poison Tree Envoy.

The Poison Tree Master appeared in time and absorbed the toxins in the bodies of the three Tree Masters, allowing them to escape safely.

What followed was an angry massacre.

The first betrayal caused Shu to change his attitude towards outsiders.

However, they still remembered Rogers' kindness, and after the second wave of outsiders arrived, they still chose to entertain them in a friendly manner, and then - they ushered in a second betrayal.

After the second betrayal, several tree messengers were no longer willing to trust outsiders. However, the sacred tree still had hope for humans, so after the third wave of outsiders arrived, they chose to let the tree messengers test it again.

This time, the greedy nature of human beings completely disappointed the sacred tree.

After three betrayals, neither the Sacred Tree nor the Tree Envoy no longer believed in humans. Therefore, when Hyde and others arrived at the Sacred Tree Star, what greeted them was the Tree Envoy's merciless pursuit.

The clip ends here.

But the content in the clip made Su Mo silent.

Greed is the original sin.

The greed of these three waves of cosmic visitors not only made the sacred tree and the tree angels completely disappointed with the outside world, but also caused several tree angels to lose their hard-won lives.

Of course, he had no regrets about killing the Eight Great Tree Envoys.

After all, these tree-envoys chose to start a war without any reason when they first came up, without giving them any chance to communicate and explain. As a self-defense party, he could only kill them.

No one is wrong, only the first few waves of greedy cosmic outsiders are wrong.

If Hyde or himself were the first to arrive, things might develop completely differently.

Thanks to Poison Horned Dragon King for the reward

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