Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 256 Return Mysterious Masked Man


The giant screen barrier in the sky trembled, gradually fading away until it disappeared.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but look happy.


Su Mo jumped off the branch and stood firmly on the ground. Others immediately gathered around him.

"Brother Mo, what do you communicate with the sacred tree?" Haide asked curiously.

Su Mo thought for a while, and then told everyone the origins of the sacred tree, the tree messenger, and the stories that had happened before.

After hearing these stories, everyone was somewhat silent.

They finally understood why the powerful tree-users and other tree-users were so hostile to themselves and others.

The good intentions and sincere efforts only resulted in three betrayals.

If it were him, he would probably do the same thing.

"Brother Mo, have we gone too far!"

Hyde said in a low voice. Being a kind-hearted man, he felt very sympathetic and guilty for the tree messenger's experience, and he felt a deep sense of guilt in his heart.

"Hyde, this is not our fault~"

Su Mo patted Haide on the shoulder and said: "You have also seen that the tree envoy is very determined to kill us and does not give any chance for communication to ease. Therefore, this is a life-and-death battle, and no one can hold back. , although I also sympathize with the situation of the tree envoys, I can only say that it is not us who are at fault, but the previous groups of greedy outsiders."

Hearing this, Hyde was silent for a moment and nodded slowly.

"That's right, Hyde."

Su Mo smiled and said: "Isn't your dream to find the treasure of the King of Chaos? Congratulations, you have found the first treasure."

"Now, in addition to the Dragon Fruit, I will also give you these fruits."

After speaking, Su Mo took out three fruits from the space ring.

"The Fruit of Wisdom can greatly improve the intelligence of the user and make them smarter. This is left to Frank who needs to constantly learn knowledge."

"The Heart Fruit contains pure and abundant soul power. When Paige reaches the peak of her leadership, she can use it to break through natural disasters."

"The Killing Fruit allows the user to draw strength from killing and blood and cultivate the intention to kill. This fruit is very suitable for Asura."

While talking, Su Mo handed the three fruits to Frank, Peggy and Asura one by one.

"Brother Mo, this fruit is too valuable."

Frank held the fruit in his hands and smiled bitterly.

The Lucky Team has already received too much kindness from Brother Mo, including the gift of saving lives and the gift of general-level armor. Now Brother Mo has given him the precious fruit that he, Hu Tao, and Qian Liuyu worked so hard to kill the tree envoy. Everyone.

They really deserve it.

"Keep it~"

Su Mo waved his hand and said: "These fruits are of no use to me, and they are a waste in my hands."

This sentence was of course meant to comfort Frank and the others.

In fact, he can use these fruits for cadre training and always find the right person, such as giving the fruit of wisdom to Andolfo or Gefus, the fruit of heart to Ming, and the fruit of killing to Yingfeng or Manshan. .

However, rather than giving these precious fruits to his subordinates, he would rather give these precious fruits to his friends, especially friends who can bring him good luck.

This time, Hyde's cry for help brought him to the Sacred Tree Star.

In just half a day, Hu Tao broke through the natural disaster. His body broke through the natural disaster, which was a huge harvest. In addition, he also got a planet that could continuously produce resources.

That's right, he had just reached an agreement with the Sacred Tree. In the future, he would protect the Sacred Tree Star and continue to provide the Sacred Tree with treasures similar to the Star and Moon Dew, so that it could grow stronger.

In return, he will pick the right amount of the eight fruits from the sacred tree.

The eight kinds of fruits correspond to the eight major trees, namely

Fruit of power, increased strength

Dragon fruit, extract dragon blood

The fruit of the beast, increases the ability to communicate with beasts

The fruit of life, transforming the body and enhancing vitality

Fruit of the heart, enhances mental power

The fruit of poison makes the body immune to all poisons, and even controls the power of poison

The fruit of killing, containing the intention to kill

Fruit of wisdom, enhance intelligence

Fruit effects will vary depending on fruit size.

The larger the size, the better the effect, but at the same time, it also places higher demands on the user.

For example, if Mundo was allowed to take the fruit of the poisonous tree user directly now, he would definitely be poisoned to death in an instant.

But if Mundo takes some low-level poisonous fruits during this period to let his body adapt to the poison and even evolve some abilities, then when he takes the natural disaster-level fruits when he reaches the peak of his command, it is very likely that he will be able to break through his superpowers [ Physical hardening】B++'s shackles, break through natural disasters, and combine with fruit abilities to awaken more powerful supernatural talents.

In the future, these eight fruits will greatly enrich the resource base of the Holy Light Mercenary Group, accelerate the growth of members, and attract more talents.

In addition, the sacred tree star full of giant beasts can also be used as a trial ground for the Holy Light Mercenary Group to select talents and increase the actual combat experience of the team members.

To be honest, the process of reaching an agreement with the Divine Tree was much smoother than he expected.

Originally, he thought that the Divine Tree would be angry with him because of the death of the Eight Great Tree Messengers, but after communicating with him, he discovered that the Divine Tree's mind was very immature, like an ignorant child, with simple and simple thoughts. In other words, it was very So easy to deceive.

He made a small promise, and the sacred tree agreed to his conditions so quickly that it even made him feel guilty as if he had deceived a child.

Of course, he would not lie to the sacred tree.

Protecting the sacred tree is a must.

Next, he will send key members of his confidants to station on the Sacred Tree Star. With the current reputation and strength of the Holy Light Mercenary Group, it will not be a problem to defend a resource star.

In addition, he promised that the resources of the sacred tree would not be lacking.

Star-Moon Dew is too advanced and he won't be able to get it for a while, but mid-to-high-end resources that have functions similar to Star-Moon Dew and can promote plant growth are not uncommon in the universe.

For example, the spiritual liquid of the Lingzhi tribe, the earth stalactites of the Hoyak tribe, the forest language seeds of the wood elves, etc.

At worst, just spend some money~

What he lacks most now is money!

Ahem, that’s too far off topic.

In short, he got too many benefits from this operation to save Hyde, so he didn't feel bad at all when giving four natural disaster fruits to Hyde and Frank.

The stronger the strength of Hyde and others, the higher the level they can reach in the future.

The first time he met Hyde, he went to the Shenyao Empire, successfully broke through to the leader level, and obtained the God's Gathering Stone and the Soul Refining Pot.

The second time he rescued Hyde, he came to the Sacred Tree Planet and his body broke through the natural disaster.

Then the next time he meets Hyde, will it be the time to attack the God King?

For example, a few years later, Hyde found the treasure of the King of Chaos, which might contain an opportunity to help him break through to the God King.

With a high-level lucky aura, everything is possible.

"Then...thank you, Brother Mo~" Frank put away the fruit of wisdom and felt filled with emotion.

Hey, they owe Brother Mo more and more.

How should I pay it back in the future~

"Thank you, Brother Mo!"

Peggy's smile was as bright as a flower. If she hadn't known that Su Mo already had someone he liked, she would have definitely hugged Su Mo and kissed him hard.

"Thank you~"

Asura took the fruit of killing and bowed slightly to Su Mo, sincerely expressing his gratitude.

He and Su Mo only met for the first time, but now they have inherited such a great kindness.

The grace of saving lives and the gift of treasures.

For him, who always repays kindness, this is both a burden and a motivation.

Now he is too weak to help Su Mo.

But in the future, when he breaks through the natural disasters and achieves great fighting power, he will definitely repay the favor with all his strength.

"Little things!"

Su Mo smiled and said, "After we pick some fruits, let's prepare to return. Let's take a look at the brand new Holy Light Base."


Hyde and the others nodded in unison, with a look of expectation in their eyes.

They also want to see how the Holy Light Base will change in the past few months.

In the next few hours, everyone picked hundreds of thousands of fruits of different types and sizes.

Hundreds of thousands of fruits are less than one-tenth of the total fruit yield of the sacred tree, but it is enough for the current Holy Light Mercenary Group.



Under Pooh's control, the Seiya quickly descended from the space layer and stopped in front of everyone after a while.


Hyde and Frank couldn't help but exclaimed when they saw such a gorgeous and handsome Seiya.

This spaceship is so handsome~

“Brother Mo, is this the deluxe version of the Federation of Light’s top small spacecraft ‘Star Arrow’?”

As an avid fan of spaceships, Frank recognized the Lamborghini in this small spaceship at a glance. His eyes shone with admiration and he wanted to drive around it immediately.

"Hehe, that's right!"

Su Mo smiled and said: "It's the Xingya Deluxe Edition."

"It should be expensive, right?" Paige asked with her eyes wide open.

Su Mo shrugged: "Not bad, 25 million innars."


Suddenly, there was a gasp.

25 million!

This is really an astronomical sum that they can't even imagine.

"Let's go, your spaceship has been smashed, this time you can take my spaceship back~"

Su Mo smiled slightly, "When we return to Zatanvi, I will give you a better assault ship."

After hearing this, Hyde, Frank and others looked at me and I looked at you, not knowing what to say.

It’s really cool to be friends with wealthy people~

However, this favor is owed more and more, and it seems difficult to repay it.


The hatch slowly opened, and Su Mo and his party walked into the spacecraft and embarked on the return journey.


Chaotic star field, a certain star area

Two spaceships were parked side by side in the dark space. One of them was very small and dark purple in color. The coating of the spaceship was engraved with complex magic patterns. It looked like high-end goods at first glance.

The other one is a very ordinary medium-sized transport ship.

"Damn it, why did the spacecraft stop suddenly and couldn't even send a message?"

In the central control room, Claude's eyes were full of anxiety and he pressed the buttons frantically, but the spacecraft remained motionless.

He is a member of the 103rd Team of the Holy Light Mercenary Group, and he just took on the task of escorting a transport ship a few days ago.

The escort distance is very short, it only takes six or seven days to go back and forth, and there are no valuable materials in the transport ship.

With the current reputation of the Holy Light Mercenary Group, as long as the corps logo is affixed to the outer surface of the spacecraft, no star thief would dare to rob it without foresight.

Therefore, this should have been a fairly easy and simple task, otherwise it would not have fallen on their team.

But who would have thought that just as they were about to return, an accident would happen.

During the normal flight, it suddenly stopped uncontrollably. All signals were blocked and it was impossible to call for help from the outside world.

"Who is it?"

Claude was sweating profusely, and the other team members clenched their fists anxiously, panic rising in their hearts.

At this moment, the indicator light for the hatch to open came on, causing everyone's expressions to change drastically. Then, two figures appeared at the end of the passage and walked slowly towards the main control room.

The two were wearing dark purple clothes with no markings on them. One was tall and the other short. Judging from the exposed skin, they did not belong to the same race.

They all wear masks on their faces, one looks like a clown, painted with colorful patterns, and the other is very simple, pure black, with only a pair of eyes exposed.

"who are you!"

Claude asked tremblingly. He felt extremely heavy pressure from these two people, which showed that their strength was far superior to his.

"Members of the Holy Light Mercenary Group, where is your leader now?"

The man in the black mask asked, his voice low and undeniably domineering.


Their target is the group leader?

Claude was shocked. As a newcomer to the corps, his loyalty to the corps had not yet reached a level where he could disregard his own safety. If he knew the whereabouts of the regiment leader, he would definitely not hide it.

But the key is, he doesn’t know!

The leader left in a hurry. Except for Minister Colin, Master Ming and a few core cadres, no one knew the real whereabouts of the leader.

Claude swallowed and said tremblingly:

"Sir, where the leader is going is not something we newcomers can know."

"No need to talk nonsense to him, I'll find out after checking."

Next to him, a man in a clown mask said in a high-pitched voice.

As soon as the words fell, Claude and everyone in the main control room instantly lost consciousness.

Search the soul with telekinesis!

Ten seconds later, the man in the clown mask checked everyone's memories and shook his head:

"These people are too low-level and really don't know where the Holy Light has gone."

Hearing this, the man in the black mask was silent for a moment and said:

"Let White Bird invade their internal network and see if we can find any clues."


The man in the clown mask nodded, and with a thought, everyone's intelligent optical brains detached from their wrists and were put into space equipment by him.

The two left the transport ship and returned to the small spacecraft next to it.

"How about it?"

In the command room, a woman wearing a bird-head mask asked. Besides her, there were four other masked people here.

The black masked man shook his head and said:

"Nothing gained, but I got their intelligent optical brain back. You can hack into the Holy Light Mercenary Group's internal network and see if you can find any clues."

After saying that, the man in the clown mask handed the light brain to the white bird.

"I'll try~"

Shiratiao took one of the intelligent optical brains and then attached a metal component to the upper layer of the optical brain.

She opened the personal lock of the light brain, and then found the special internal software of the Holy Light Mercenary Group.

The virtual invasion begins.

The data quietly passed through layers of firewalls, and the whole process went very smoothly. However, just when Bainiao was about to touch the core area of ​​the software, a huge torrent of data suddenly poured down.

"not good!"

Shiratiao's expression changed and he quickly responded.

However, she was beaten back steadily by this torrent of data.

"How is that possible!" Bai Niao was shocked.

You know, although she is not a mechanic who specializes in virtual technology, after all, she has the background of a natural disaster-level mechanic. It is easy to invade the database of a galaxy-level civilization consortium, but today she was defeated by the Holy Light Mercenary Group. Somersault.

Soon, Shiratiao exited the virtual state and told what happened just now.

After hearing this, everyone was very surprised.

"Could it be that there is a natural disaster-level mechanic in the Holy Light Mercenary Group?"

Black Mask murmured to himself, then his voice deepened and he said:

"Things have changed. Now we can only wait for the Holy Light on his way back to Zatanvi."


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