
But not cold.

Whose tears are warm?

An Ming closed his eyes and fell towards the cliff behind him.

[Life Simulator Cooling Down Completed]

The azure light and shadow floated in the darkness, showing the countdown that had already returned to zero. If An Ming wanted to simulate, he could have started it long ago when he was in Yaliluo.

But he still had to accompany Liuying at that time, and now there seemed to be no reason not to start.

He needed to take a break after being stabbed by Xuan'er. Anyway, the real time would also stagnate during the simulation. Maybe he would become a star god when he came back from the simulation.


[Life Simulator, Start! ]

The familiar panel appeared in front of him. An Ming said after a while: "Start."

The next moment, the warm blue light submerged him, dragging him upwards out of the abyss. In a trance, he seemed to see some broken fragments, like a rushing river, melting into the depths.

[Life Simulator is starting]

[Please select three talents from the following talents as talents for this simulation]

[Please note that the talent system has been upgraded and you can now select additional talent branches]

[Gold] Garden of Eden

What you desire will become a reality, and with the soul as the guide, a new world without pain and sorrow will be created.

Your soul will give birth to the fruit called the future, and give love and hope to all living things.

Play the Genesis movement of the new era.

Deny all evil, and go to the Garden of Eden——

[Red] Blessing of the Star God

(First) An epic, a possibility, a choice.

(Second) Choose a blessing that has been experienced and get the corresponding effect:

Destiny [Joy]: Randomly upgrade or downgrade one of the three selected talents, and upgrade this blessing with a small probability to directly obtain a [? ] level talent.

Destiny [Abundance]: The upper limit of selectable talents is +1, and life-related talents are upgraded.

[Green] Master of Mingchao

Green talent is like this. Master of Mingchao only needs to charge under the official account and wait for friends to charge, and then apply Mingshi when the opponent is exhausted. However, green talent needs to consider a lot of things.

You are proficient in Mingshi, and you can only speak in ABA format after selecting it.

[White] Blank option

Anyway, you will not choose the white talent, so just don't think about it.

Selecting this talent will automatically go to the next talent.

[Purple] Lyricist

All the songs you know will emerge in your mind in an inspirational way, and you will resonate with the lyrics when you experience or feel the situation corresponding to the song.

Proficient in all musical instruments and have absolute pitch.

[Blue] Daydreamer

You only need to dream during work hours, no matter how absurd the scene is, there is a 0.001% chance of it becoming a reality.

Don't dream of unrealizable dreams, but what if this dream can be realized?

Go dream! Until the end of life!

"Next time, just show me the golden, red and purple talents," An Ming inevitably felt embarrassed, "Garden of Eden, Star God's Blessing No. 1, Lyricist."

The greatness of the golden talent needs no further explanation. It can be chosen without looking at the content. The bad news is that only one can be swiped out each time. When will Tongzi swipe out a row of golden lights for him?

Then he can walk sideways in the simulation, even if he is allowed to travel to the God War.

The newly added second blessing of the Star God is equivalent to providing a stable choice. Although there is no need to bear the risk of randomness, the effect is still somewhat abstract.

The effect of the talent limit of abundance +1 is quite powerful, but the talents swiped out this time are too historical, and there is no talent worth choosing extra.

There is no need to look at the joyful one. An Ming has a very clear understanding of his fortune after seeing the self-explosion talent. The one-third probability and the chance of swiping the golden talent are slim, not to mention that it is not a 100% upgrade. If his golden talent drops to purple, he will be finished.

The only effect is to let An Ming know that there is a higher level of talent above gold. No, buddy, the colors are almost used up. Could it be a colorful level?

In summary, it is better to continue gambling on a new Star God Blessing. First, An Ming is sure that he will get a memory, and second, this will add a new choice for the next simulation.

An Ming is like this. Green talents can be replaced by different game masters every time, but An Ming needs to consider a lot when choosing talents.

In various senses, the system has started to play badly on white and green talents. These few times are classic talents that make up the numbers. There is no point in choosing them.

The daydreamer is even more amazing, with a probability of 0.001%. With this luck, he might as well go for ten consecutive golds.

In comparisonAlthough the lyricist seems to have some unclear meaning, it is at least a useful talent. It seems that being a plagiarist in the simulation is also very good.

I believe that everyone in the Black Tower Space Station knows that An Ming has a great dream of singing the world, but it is a pity that this dream was shattered at the beginning. The popular song "But Snow" was not recognized after all, and a generation of singing superstars fell.

[Talent selection is completed, and the third simulation is about to begin]

[The simulation content is all fictional]

[Talent confirmation——]

I don’t know what the star god blessing will open this time. Based on the experience of the last time, this time it is most likely to be Fu Li.

An Ming is still looking forward to the blessing of memory. What if he gets a blessing like controlling memory, wouldn’t he be invincible directly?

[Garden of Eden]


[Star God Blessing - Fantasy Tower]

The only thing the Lord cares about is memory.

You have the ability to build reality with memory as a blueprint.

When you touch the memory, reality will merge with what you want.

If the world disintegrates and everything ends, the memory will revive the world and create an immortal building between the cracks.

"It is indeed a memory..." An Ming muttered to himself. It seems that the star god he sensed in the consciousness field before the simulation is most likely the fate that the star god will bless randomly next time.

But before he went to Yaliluo, he met the chairman. It stands to reason that he should meet Brother Lanzi when he arrived in Luofu.

Could it be that because he had been a rich evil creature, he was so arrogant that he didn't come to see it?

But no matter what, the talents this time belong to the most inexplicable riddle type, but they don't look like they will die young.

I just don't know if I will "dream" of a new girl this time.

An Ming closed his eyes and was almost getting used to the dizziness before the simulation began. The impact like a wave brought his consciousness to the unknown end.


The tranquil sea water washed over my feet, and surprisingly I didn't feel cold, but on the contrary, it was warm waves.

It was like tears, warm and bitter.

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