Tips before watching: If there is a backstab... uh, it seems that there is no backstab this time (hands on hips); time is chaotic, there is nothing I can do, it is difficult to make up for it, just pretend I didn't see it.

Aha's mistake!


The pink and blue waves washed the beach, and at the end was the familiar white light.

An Ming stood there in a daze. This was not quite the same as the simulation process in his impression, right? He also said that he had seen similar white lights twice before.

So that wasn't the loading interface? An Ming always thought that it was a simulation loaded to 99%.

At the edge of the beach, the figure that was once so blurred that it was difficult to detect became more and more real.

She stood at the end of time, in the narrow space of memory.

"Who are you?"

An Ming shouted loudly at the back, and started running towards her at the same time.

But the more he ran, the faster the beach on both sides moved backwards, as if the whole world was rejecting his progress and began to retreat madly.



The voice was cut off in an instant and turned into a blank.

This time, An Ming heard the second word clearly. The moment the sound disappeared, the whole world began to turn upside down. The sea water turned into the sky, and the ground fell into the blank sky.

In the world of pink and blue, only boring white remained.

There was nothing, nothing existed.

In the last moment, the girl turned around, and her snow-white hair swayed in the air in a beautiful arc.

An Ming fell into the sky, and the girl with pure white hair stood high up, just like countless times -

Extended her right hand.

This time, I will find you first.

Strong white light swallowed up all vision from all sides, and consciousness instantly drowned in darkness.

When An Ming opened his eyes again, the elegant piano sound echoed from his ears, and there was a pair of lake blue eyes, looking at him gently.

[One year old, you were born in Kachipe, the land of the Tianhuan tribe. The blonde woman looked at you tenderly, and even though she was weak, she still couldn't hide her perfect face.]

"Look, it's our child."

The woman gently reached out and stroked your cheek, her eyes full of love.

"What's the name? Today is Wednesday, An, why not call it Wednesday?" The man's face was also full of excitement, his hands were suspended in the air, wanting to hug you but worried about crying.

An pursed her lips and smiled, "Hubby, you are really casual."

"Ahem, I'm too excited, An, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, come, hug our child."


The man took several deep breaths nervously, and then carefully picked you up with both hands.

In the sunshine of the hospital, your hair shone with a faint light, and the faint energy structure halo flickered gently above your head.

"Like an angel."

"Our child is an angel given by the world."

You were born into this world bathed in the warm sunshine.

【At the age of two, you were born into a musical family. Your mother An is a well-known singer of the Tianhuan tribe, and your father Chen is an excellent pianist】

【An often hums songs beside your cradle. In the sunshine, you wave your hands randomly, as if holding a baton and following the notes】

【Your mother's singing and your father's piano accompanied you throughout your childhood】

"So cute, husband, do you think our child will also embark on the path of music in the future?" An pinched your little face lovingly with a doting smile.

"As long as he likes it."

Chen gently touched the keys and played a soothing movement.

An lay on his back and said with a smile: "Speaking of which, Gianna is about to give birth. If it's a girl, we can arrange a marriage~"

"I won't get involved in your bestie's business."

Chen looked at An helplessly, "Love can't be forced."

An smiled cutely, "Yes, it reminds me of the first time you and I met. Youth is so beautiful..."


"Ah, the baby is angry~"

An smiled with his lips pursed, noticing that you cried because you were ignored.

"It seems that little An Ming doesn't like to hear your love story either," Chen said with a smile, walked to the cradle, and looked at him gently, "An Ming, what a good name."

"Our child has tomorrow and will sing praises for tomorrow."

[At the age of three, you always sat quietly behind Chen, staring at the hands flying on the piano keys without blinking, humming a vague tune]

"You... remember it?"

Chen was shocked and didn't know what to say for a while. In the past year, since An Ming learned to speak, he began to learn the songs that An sang and the songs he played.

No matter how complicated it is, as long as he heard it once, An Ming can hum it accurately.Absolute pitch... is not that simple, it can even be called the ultimate pitch. Chen knew at this moment that his child was destined to become a musician resounding throughout the world.

Even - he could step onto the highest stage, become a musician of the Harmony Festival, and call for the same tune.

"Dad, can music change the world?"

Three-year-old An Ming asked his father for the first time. He saw a tomorrow full of beauty and happiness in the tunes played by his parents.

Is this world so happy?

Chen squatted in front of An Ming and looked at him at eye level. "The world may not be happy, but we can make people have short-term happiness, that's good."

"I want... to make everyone happy!"

"You can definitely do it."

Chen replied so affirmatively, believing from the bottom of his heart that his child can change the world.

[At the age of four, Chen began to teach you to play the piano, and your learning speed once again shocked your parents. In just one year, your piano level can be called professional. You can perfectly reproduce complex music scores with just one look, and add your own feelings to it]

"Hello, Auntie!"

"Welcome, little Anming."

Jaina smiled and welcomed your arrival, and prepared refreshments.

Anming was pulled to Jaina's house by An with a smile. It is said that she is a very good friend of her mother, but she should have practiced the piano during this period.

An and Jaina were chatting in the living room. Anming felt a little bored and left the living room alone and walked to the balcony.

In the open door on the side, there was a piano that had been dusty for a long time.

The notes on the music stand emerged in the depths of my mind with just one glance. Touching the keys, it was as if my fingertips were following the beating of my heart.

Clear music came from the small room. The small and slender figure came to the door with the wall, blinking her beautiful blue eyes and looking at the direction of the music.

The breeze blew the curtains, the boy with short blond hair closed his eyes, a smile of enjoyment on his lips, the halo above his head flashed brightly in the illusion, sacred and inviolable.

Just like... an angel who fell into the mortal world.

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