
"Yes, I know."

The man wore a pair of elegant gold-rimmed glasses, and the black wings behind his ears were even more eye-catching. He was dressed in a solemn bishop's robe and held a thick black book in his hand.

"Survivors of the Cachipe incident, reborn under the star core, the twins of order..."

After the dean quietly left, Gofemu whispered softly, looking at the sky outside the window. Perhaps from this moment on, the plan really began.

One day in the future, order will eventually come, but you still need to wait patiently.

It takes time for seeds to grow into big trees. The Oak family was not as prosperous as it is now. The newborn birds naturally need to wait for their wings to grow full before flying to the world of order.


Gofemu looked at the three people outside the door and smiled kindly, "Welcome to the new world."

"Hello," An Ming nodded slightly. The slim suit made him quite uncomfortable. He still preferred casual clothes.

An Ming and Sunday, the robin between the black and white suits is like a beautiful flower in full bloom, being guarded behind.

Gofemu's deep eyes swept over Sunday and the robin, and finally stopped at An Ming, "My name is Gofemu, the head of the Oak family. This time I came to sign an adoption agreement with the three of you."

"I am very sorry about Kaqipe. You are all members of the Tianhuan tribe, but you cannot share this sadness. All you can do is just a little bit of strength."

Gofemu's voice is sincere, and he stretched out his right hand to the three people, "Children, the dream land welcomes you, you have the power to change the world."

"Let us embrace the embrace of the family together and bathe in the light of harmony."

"Mr. Gofemu..." Sunday pondered for a moment and thought it was a deal.

"I will give you everything, such as the dream of that little girl to go on stage," Gofemu seemed to have known everything Sunday wanted.

Sunday didn't care what he would become, as long as the dream of the robin could come true, even if it was a deal with the devil.

He is willing to give everything as long as the robin can be happy.


The robin stepped forward and whispered: "It is our dream. We will use our own strength to realize the dream with our own hands."

An Ming looked at her with more tenderness. His girl was always so innocent and kind. If possible... I hope she will never be exposed to the filth of the world.

Angels' wings should not fall in muddy swamps.

"No matter what method is used, the family will provide help," Ge Feimu's eyes slowly fell on An Ming, and asked with a smile: "What do you think, An Ming?"

"I am willing to join the family."

"Very good."

Ge Feimu nodded with satisfaction, and the eyes behind the lenses opened slightly, showing An Ming some intriguing smiles.

[At the age of eleven, under the arrangement of Gophermu, you left the Oak Orphanage where you had lived for three years and came to the dream place Pinoconi, lived in the Oak family, and became the object of special training by the head of the family]

[Robin began to receive professional training to become a star, and Sunday also began to prepare for Duoyin]

"Come in."

The elegant voice came from the door. After An Ming opened the door, he saw Gophermu sitting on the leather sofa. He slightly pushed his glasses.

"Come, sit down."

"Head, I won't sit down."

An Ming stood there calmly, his right arm still empty.

"Have you been to the Dream Pool?"


An Ming raised his head and whispered, "It's a beautiful dream."

Gophermu read the hidden meaning between An Ming's words, "I didn't make a mistake... You are really special," but it was actually a lie.

He only saw his former self.

In the dream, An Ming can regain his lost right arm, but dreams are just dreams after all, and he doesn't want to be imprisoned by dreams.

There are always people who indulge in dreams, perhaps because reality is too painful.

This world is not beautiful, so it needs a happy dream like Pinocchio to exist, giving those who are not favored by fate a short-term happiness.

"I want everyone to be happy," An Ming did not think it was absurd, "Master, what do you think?"

Gofemu's right hand was placed on the solid wood next to the sofa and tapped gently, "Do you know that every era of order will inevitably have a pair of twins who embark on the road favored by order."

He did not answer An Ming's question, but instead told a seemingly insignificant story.

An Ming finally knew all this. Robin and Sunday were just birds that the person in front of him manipulated at will. Two seeds of order will one day grow into towering trees in the future.

Become the second "Master Mu"Grandpa".

But this tree can never grow out of the end of the birdcage.

"Do you think we are the same kind?" An Ming did not ask stupid questions like "Why tell me this?" Gofem had obviously noticed him from the very beginning when he adopted the three people.

The fallen young genius of Kachipe, the end of the future performer of the Harmony Festival - An Ming has many labels on him, and he often appeared in newspapers in the three years after Kachipe's destruction.

In the silhouettes of those photos, the young boy has a sacred halo on his head, standing sideways under the sun with one arm, like a real god.

"You want to go to the opposite side of harmony?"

At this moment, An Ming sat on the sofa, silently staring at Gofem opposite.

Gofem shook his head gently, "In harmony, we embrace order," the eyes behind the mirror were extremely sharp. This was a risky move, but it was enough to change the future of Pinocchio.

The real son of order has arrived.

"If I don't agree, you will choose one between the robin and the Sunday, right? "

"And that person is destined to face the fate of destruction."

An Ming's answer made Ge Feimu applaud. It was hard for him to imagine that the boy in front of him was only eleven years old. "You're right, but this is fate."

Fate has always been fair. Ge Feimu gave the future, but he could also deprive the future.

A bird in a cage, no matter how high it flies, is still a bird in a cage.

"I will create a world that makes everyone happy, for this..." An Ming's eyes were calm. If he had to choose one person to sacrifice——

"Even if it means embracing order."

As long as this can make everyone happy, he doesn't care.

Ge Feimu couldn't help but let out a low laugh. The next moment, a gorgeous colorful light shone, and his indifferent eyes suddenly turned into a bloodthirsty lion and locked onto An Ming.

"The soul of the triple face."

"Please use a hot iron to brand his tongue and palms."

"So that he can't make up lies and make false oaths."

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