"Let me ask you."

"Do you serve the order wholeheartedly and move towards the future that the order expects, without any selfish motives?"

The originally gentle Gopherm finally showed his cold fangs at this moment. He would not confirm An Ming's loyalty with a few words. The bird in the cage only needs a little bird.

It is definitely not some kind of beast.

Sunday and the robin, the twins of order, are restricted by each other. You only need to control one of them to control everything, but An Ming is different-

An Ming is a risky move.

This move can allow Pinoconi to move towards a new future, but it can also allow Pinoconi to sink completely into the abyss and return to the barbaric era.

Gopherm had to carefully select the son of order. If he could not put him in a cage, he would break his wings.

Even if he is a god, he is just a child now.

If the fledgling cannot embrace the real sky, then he will become the only sky.


It doesn't matter what he serves, and the future that the order hopes for has nothing to do with him.

It doesn't matter what he becomes, as long as the world can be happy, it is the best future.

An Ming replied calmly, with a mocking look in his eyes, as if a god was high above, as if he was saying that people who serve the order still need to rely on the power of harmony to interrogate.

So ridiculous.

"Let me ask."

"Are you really a son of order and have no intention of rebelling?"

Gophermu's eyes were fixed on An Ming, as if he would swallow him into the abyss if he heard the wrong answer.

If the son of order cannot be used by him, then he will grant it destruction.


Why rebel? As long as he can make everyone happy, why rebel.

The most important thing is that he wants the robin brother and sister to have a future. Their sky should be vast and flawless, and they are definitely not imprisoned birds.

Those free wings will one day break through the shackles and bring hope to people.

But he is a bird with broken wings, destined to only look up at the sky and never return to his hometown.

"Let me ask you."

"Are you willing to sacrifice everything, even your life, to complete the great cause of order?"

The oppression brought by Gopherwood has been reduced a lot. After the first two questions, there is no longer any doubt. An Ming must be the son of order he is looking for.

One day, in the future of Pinoconi, the light of order will cover the sky and create a cage of law.

"I am willing to sacrifice everything in exchange for everyone's happiness."

An Ming spoke calmly, and the halo full of divinity on his head was like a new sun, extremely dazzling.

He disdained to lie, and his philosophy never changed.

Whether it is harmony or order, they are just means to create an ideal paradise, and they will eventually become his power.

All for the ideal Garden of Eden.

"Very good, you are very good."

Gofermu seemed to see himself when he was young, but the fire in Anming's eyes was much, much stronger than his.

What kind of future will the fire of this new world bring?

Great souls will eventually become stars in the sky, guiding the people on earth.



"Anming, are you back?"

On the lawn, the robin held a wounded little Harmony pigeon in both hands, "My brother and I bandaged it, maybe it will recover in a while."

"Birds are born to belong to the sky, I want to see it fly to the sky again."

The robin gently touched the wings of the Harmony pigeon, as if seeing his own reflection.

Sunday looked at Anming, "What do you think?"

Is it really the right choice to let the Harmony pigeon go? If the ending will still be death after that, then flying to the sky... is it worth it?

"I found the bird cage in the warehouse. No matter what, it's best to rest for a while."


The robin blinked, then looked at An Ming with a pleading look. She agreed with Sunday's opinion from the bottom of her heart, but she still wanted the Harmony Pigeon to return to the sky.

That's its home.

"Sister, is flying to the sky more important than staying alive?" Sunday just couldn't bear to make the robin sad. If the Harmony Pigeon could live forever, wouldn't it be good?

"If I can't sing, I..." The robin looked at An Ming again, and the "I'd rather die" that was originally on his lips was no longer said.

She couldn't die.

This life was so heavy, carrying the mother's life and blessings, as well as An Ming's right arm.

"I'm sorry, brother," the robin pursed his lips and murmured, "In any case, we are not qualified to decide its future."

In the end, the little Harmony Pigeon was put into an exquisite birdcage for breeding.

An Ming didn't speak.

Late at night.

He came to the birdcage alone, and the Harmony PigeonThe pigeon was sleeping in the cage.

"Freedom, or life?" An Ming gently opened the cage and gently touched the wings of the Harmony Pigeon. The halo above its head shone with a sacred glow.

Blood splashed on the ground, and shadows covered the dark wings.

"I will give you immortal life to pursue unlimited freedom."

An Ming wiped the blood from his cheek and smiled. It was up to it to choose its own future. The robin was right.

Harmony, order, it doesn't matter.

His hands can create a world where everyone is happy - a day of eternal peace, a Garden of Eden where there is no pain and death.

In that disaster, An Ming lost his parents and his right arm forever, and at the same time gained the ability to make everyone happy.

An Ming touched the dead Harmony Pigeon, and a new Harmony Pigeon was born between the dark feathers, making a pleasant cry and flying into the sky.

Why choose?

Living and flying to the sky can coexist.

An Ming smiled gently, the light of divinity was extremely dazzling in the darkness, and the back of his departure was like a real god.

He didn't care what happened to him, as long as everyone could be happy.

Fly, fly, fly to the sky, with eternal happiness, to a paradise without pain.

This is freedom.

"...Is it an angel or a devil that I brought back?"

In the attic in the distance, Gofemu muttered to himself, staring at the back of the figure, and his right hand began to tremble inadvertently.

Can order really suppress him?

There is no such thing as a son of order, that is clearly Adam who created paradise.

Gofemu was afraid, but also extremely excited.

Perhaps in the future, Pinocchio will usher in a real god - a god who can control order and move towards a new path.

But An Ming was wrong. If the twins of order will become constraints on each other, then he, the son of order... will bear double constraints.

As long as Sunday and the robin are still in control, even if An Ming is a god, he cannot cross the birdcage.

The cage has always existed, but this time the "sky" is higher.

When the edge of the cage is higher than the sky, it is no longer a birdcage.

It is a false freedom.

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