[At the age of 12, as the Son of Order appointed by Gopherm, you followed him and appeared in various families. In just half a year, the whole Pinocchio knew that a young spokesperson appeared next to the head of the Oak family]

[It is rumored that the spokesperson is as gentle as an angel, has a divinity that cannot be looked at directly, is reborn in destruction, and can save all living beings from harmony]

[You don't care about these discussions, just appear silently beside Gopherm, and use impeccable perfect smiles and etiquette to convince everyone you see. That extremely handsome face makes countless girls obsessed]

"An Ming!"

The call of the robin stopped An Ming, and the light blue hair had a pleasant fragrance, and the familiar smell wrapped around his whole body.

"I haven't seen you much recently," she hugged An Ming from behind, put her hands on An Ming's chest, and the clean breath emanating from her wrists was as fresh as the grass after the rain.

The 12-year-old Robin is graceful and elegant, just like a young shoot after the rain, which suddenly grows taller. The tenderness between her eyebrows and eyes is more eye-catching.

The exquisite little dress is like the wings flying to freedom, and every frown and smile seems to be able to tug at the heartstrings.

Beautiful, confident, and generous, Robin has all the good things that a girl should have. She is born to stand on the stage and become the brightest star.

An Ming turned around with a smile. In the past year, he has seen too many realities beside Gopher Wood. He has matured a lot, but in front of Robin, he is still the same as before.

"I'm a little busy recently. How about practicing singing?"

"The teacher said I'm very talented, but..." Robin pursed her lips and blinked her thin eyelashes slightly, "I want to sing your song."

This is their agreement.

An Ming wants to be Robin's lyricist, and she will travel all over the galaxy with their songs.

The childhood agreement is not a joke. Robin is fulfilling the agreement seriously.

"As long as you want to sing."

An Ming raised his left hand and smiled, "Unfortunately, I can't play for you in person." The former piano genius had long died in the ruins of Kachipe, crushed into dust along with his dreams and past.

Robin took An Ming's hand and said seriously, "Come with me."


An Ming smiled slightly, but didn't say that his schedule was tight and there were several important meetings.

Compared with Robin, these were not important and didn't need to be cared about.

The Oak family's manor was very large, so there was naturally no piano room. Robin took An Ming all the way to the piano room.

Familiar music scores were placed in front of the piano, and there were also some coats that girls put casually.

Robin took An Ming to the piano, pressed his shoulders and sat on the soft leather chair, "You will always play this song, right?"

It was the score composed by Robin's father, and it was also the first song that An Ming played for Robin, in that small ordinary piano room.

The sun fell on the boy's face, his eyes were closed, and his hands were jumping like elves.

Robin liked An Ming like that.

"Robin, you should know that I can't play the piano," An Ming smiled gently, but some pain flashed briefly in his eyes.

The family's medical skills can regenerate his right arm, or even replace it with a more advanced mechanical prosthesis, and it is no problem to plate it with pure gold.

But that is not his hand.

Just like the illusory right arm in the dream, beautiful but false.

It is indeed useful, but An Ming doesn't want to.

This body is the only remaining memory, the last gift left to him by his parents.

"Don't talk," Robin gracefully stroked the hem of her skirt and sat beside him, stretched out her hand to straighten the music score, "Let's start?"

An Ming turned his head to look at Robin, but found that the gentle little face was particularly serious, staring at the music score without blinking.

"Don't be nervous."

He smiled slightly, and pressed the keys as he had done countless times before.

The familiar tune sounded again, echoing in the piano room, and just before the notes were about to fall -

The white fingertips fell firmly, and the robin continued the rhythm of the tune and continued to play on behalf of An Ming.

Both An Ming and the robin were very familiar with this song, and they could play it completely without watching, and the harmonious music sounded again.

Zhou Ri leaned outside the piano room, rarely showing a faint smile.

"Isn't it still playable?"

He did not disturb the harmonious backs of the couple, but just listened to the familiar piano music and quietly left.

"I... did it," when the last syllable fell, the robin hugged An Ming excitedly, and tears of joy overflowed from the corners of his eyes.

"Well, you did it."

An Ming rubbed her head, and inadvertently brushed the white wings behind her ears.

The little bird's cheeks immediately turned red, but she still did not let go, but raised her pretty facecheek, but now full of determination.

"From today on, I will be your right hand."

"You always say that I am born to be a big star in the galaxy... But what about you? An Ming, I want to tell you - you are born to be the best pianist!"

Robin practiced for a long time for this moment, just to achieve perfect sync with An Ming and become his new "right hand".

Since the disaster of Kachipe, Robin and Sunday have tacitly not mentioned anything about the piano again, in order not to stimulate An Ming.

But Robin couldn't bear to watch An Ming lose his light.

Why did the boy who was once as warm and shining as the sun have such empty eyes now, and could no longer feel the enthusiasm for music?

You can say she is meddling or that she can't understand without experiencing the same suffering.

Robin is going to do this!

"Thank you."

An Ming put her head on Robin's shoulder. She couldn't see the boy's face, but she could feel the slightly ups and downs of his shoulders.

The corners of Robin's mouth raised a gentle arc, hugged An Ming tightly in his arms, and after confirming that there was no one around, he whispered: "I will always be your little bird."

There was a sound of something being crushed outside the door. Sunday, who had just walked a few steps, took several deep breaths before he could not bear to go back and kick the guy hard into outer space.

In the end, Sunday did not go. He saw the smile from the heart on Robin's face... Yes, as long as Robin is happy, it doesn't matter if he endures it temporarily.

The fact that Robin likes An Ming is something that everyone knows except the two parties involved.

Sunday just thought it was ridiculous. Can An Ming really not see it? Or he didn't want to see it.

But thinking that they were still young, if An Ming still looked like this when Robin grew up, even if he was a family member... Sunday didn't mind letting An Ming never see Robin.

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