Zhang Lie sat on a chair, and the others stood opposite him. In front of him lay Ed's body, and behind him were villagers who died with their eyes wide open.

Ed's mental state was obviously problematic, but even if he was mentally ill, didn't he have to pay the price for his actions?

Normal people should be responsible, not to mention uncontrolled mental illness. Whether it was in terms of taking responsibility for their actions or social stability, they should not be treated differently.

If mental problems could reduce the punishment, could the injured person reduce the pain? If not, then the punishment could not be reduced.

Zhang Lie was thinking about the situation here, because he saw Ed's identity on the panel, which was the pirate named Kamor from last night.

Kalifa broke the silence and said with some concern: "Boss, what should we do next? The current environment restricts us too much."

This sentence pulled Zhang Lie back to reality from his thoughts, and he immediately had a headache. Just like Kalifa said, he couldn't even tell the direction, let alone fight.

"Try again after daybreak. If it doesn't work, we can only wait. It's a pity that we should have asked Ajin to come. He is a naturalist and more suitable for the current situation."

As soon as the voice fell, Ed's body in front of him suddenly moved. Zhang Lie jumped behind him, grabbed the chair with both hands as a cover, and stared at Ed's body.

Others thought Ed was not dead and felt a little strange, but only Zhang Lie knew that this guy was really dead. His name was on the panel, so how could he survive.

But now the body is moving. At first it was just trembling, the amplitude became larger and larger, and finally it sat up suddenly.

Zhang Lie half exposed his head and asked, "Who are you?"

Ed's corpse spoke, but his voice was somewhat hollow and ethereal:

"Since you can see it, I won't hide it from you. My name is Hayward, the guardian of this island, or the devil in their mouth."

Zhang Lie looked around, then looked at 'Ed', and finally walked out from behind the chair, sat down again, leaned on the back of the chair, crossed his legs and trembled:

"If I'm not mistaken, Ed standing up is an illusion."

"Indeed, Ed is the medium through which I can talk to you. Although he is dead, he was discovered early, and I can still receive sounds through his corpse."

Zhang Lie thought for a while and tried: "Observation Haki?"

"Is this called Observation Haki? I can indeed 'see' the images of the entire island, but I can't hear "Why bother? Can't you just come here?" "Sorry, I have some health problems, so this is the only way." Hayward said: "And I'm not sure if you can meet the requirements. I need to see." "Okay, you have the observation Haki, so you should know that we are pirates. Based on the experience of the past two days, I know your attitude towards pirates, such as this Ed Kamoer." This opponent is obviously a very strong one. Zhang Lie needs more information and asked tentatively: "What is your purpose?" "It seems that there is a grudge, but it's normal, so just say it." Hayward said, not knowing whether it is true or not: "Your strength is acceptable, and your heart is kind, so you are considering whether to give this island Leave it to you to guard. "

"Kindness! ??? "

Martin screamed, and then Zhang Lie glared back at him:

"Don't worry about that guy, just keep talking."

'Ed' glanced at Martin, turned his head and continued: "It seems that you have another side, but it doesn't matter, I believe in my eyes, behavior and nature are two different things.

Let's get back to the topic. I have been guarding this island for twenty years.

In these twenty years, there are no nobles who are high above, no officials who suck the marrow out of the bones, no lazy garbage, no pests who disturb the people for no reason, no dangers of wild beasts, and no hidden dangers of enemies at sea.

No one died of hunger, cold or accidents. What do you think?"

Zhang Lie did not answer, but asked: " How did you do this kind of thing?"

"Haha, this is my ability. The nobles and officials have always been full of evil. Those at the top can be killed, and the descendants and those who benefit can be controlled by ability.

Although most of the people are kind, there are always some corrupt people in people, no matter what their identity or situation is. Give them rules and force them to obey with ability and force."

Speaking of this, 'Ed' pointed to the distance outside the door and said:

"See this fog? This is my ability. It can create illusions and affect the senses and spirits of people and animals. Wild beasts cannot leave the range of fog, the island cannot be seen outside the island, and the people cannot get out of the restrictions of fog.

And those redeemers are restricted to live in it, and they are under the influence of their abilities for a long time.As soon as the sound came, my consciousness was infiltrated by me, and I wanted to atone for my past sins and become the best manager from the bottom of my heart. "

"Use illusions to rule the island, no wonder I have never heard of this place." Zhang Lie understood, "But who are the redeemers?"

"At first, they were descendants of nobles and minions, and later some pirates joined, such as this Ed."

"Isn't it isolated from the outside world? How come there are still pirates coming in? The same purpose as now?" Zhang Lie was stunned.

"Of course not, although the island is isolated from the outside world, the information cannot be cut off, and we must understand the outside world after all.

If this person is kind, then it's okay to let them go, such as Roger, but if it's like Ed, then the redeemer is just a good supplement for fresh blood. "

Zhang Lie pulled the corner of his mouth. Although he didn't know how strong Roger was at the time, if they really fought, it would definitely be this Hayward who lost, and there would be no current things.

But let's not talk about the past. Now Zhang Lie needs to protect himself:

"I understand. Look, you also recognize my character, otherwise you wouldn't let me take over, but I don't have any intention. Can we break up peacefully and go our separate ways? I promise not to tell anyone. "

'Ed' smiled: "Take over, or die, you choose one."

"Tsk, then there is no choice." Zhang Lie spread his hands and held the handle of the chair, "Then what are you going to do next? Let me be prepared."

"I have prepared four trials for my successor, corresponding to character, wisdom, will and strength. The character has been completed, and the next is wisdom. I hope you can pass it. "

After saying this, 'Ed' slowly lay down, and it seemed that Hayward began to lift the illusion.

At the last moment, Zhang Lie suddenly asked: "What about this person? "

'Ed's' movements did not stop, only a voice echoed around:

"If you violate the rules, you will die, otherwise the order will collapse, and the redeemer will come to collect the body."

When everything returned to normal, everyone was silent for a while, and Erha was the first to say:

"Captain, what should we do next? Do we really have to participate in that trial?"

Zhang Lie glanced at him: "What else can we do if we don't participate? We can't get out, and we don't know where this Hayward is. We can only get here because this guy is sleeping and didn't notice our actions. Alas~"

Bruno nodded and said: "Yes, we didn't notice anything unusual when we fell into the illusion just now."

"It's very troublesome." Zhang Lie rubbed his temples, "Even if we participate in the trial and meet him, I'm afraid we are not his opponent. There is too little information. "

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