In the center of the village, Zhang Lie and his four companions were sitting cross-legged on the ground, staring at the night sky where no stars could be seen.

Martin was dangling the knife in his hand in boredom, and complained:

"Captain, why don't you wait in the house until dawn? You must run outside?"

"I can't stand the corpse, and I can't stand the desperate look of the villager." Zhang Lie closed his eyes and recalled the previous scene.

"Tsk, hypocritical." Martin started to die, "If you ask me, Captain, you are just escaping. I have never seen such a murderous nature in you, and you can't stand the corpse. You are fooling ghosts."

But Zhang Lie rarely did not take action: "Maybe you are right, I am hypocritical, but I used to find reasons to kill people. Killing is to protect life. After all, we still have to respect life."

When Martin saw him say this, he suddenly remembered his sister, whose life and death are unknown now, and even if she is alive, she doesn't know where she is, and he suddenly lost interest in talking.

I don't know how long it has been. Because of the fog, I can't see the sky and can't tell the time. Before I know it, the sky has brightened.

Before the villagers left the room, a man came from a distance, looking very thin.

When the man came closer, he didn't introduce himself and just said, "Follow me."

Zhang Lie opened his eyes and followed the man without saying anything.

Martin followed with a knife in both hands, staring at the guy. If he made any unusual movements, he would cut him into pieces immediately.

The man came to the fog wall and stepped into it without any pause. Zhang Lie paused, saw the other party turned his head and looked at him, and hesitated for a moment before going in.

Martin quickly grabbed Zhang Lie's arm: "Be careful of traps."

"It doesn't matter, Hayward doesn't need to use this trick." Zhang Lie shook his head and walked in.

The other three looked at each other, stepped forward, protected Zhang Lie in the middle, and each stood in a corner to be on guard.

However, as they moved forward, they did not encounter any attacks along the way, and even did not see any wild animals. It was obvious that they had been cleared by Hayward.

After Zhang Lie entered, the fog that permeated everywhere on the island began to flow. Except for the outermost part of the island, the rest all gathered towards Zhang Lie's position.

Soon, a nearly substantial fog ball formed there, and it was still condensing.

But from the perspective of Zhang Lie who was in it, the fog began to gradually fade. A row of people were sitting on the ground. There was a chair in front of these people, and they seemed to be waiting for this person to come.

At this time, the person leading the way pointed to the chair and said: "Sit, discuss, teach."

"?" Zhang Lie's head was full of question marks. He didn't know what this guy was going to do. "It's not a good habit to jump out one word at a time."

But he understood the word "sit", walked over and sat on the chair, and then heard the other side speak.

"We used to be noble ministers of the former Tiked Kingdom. Now I want to ask you about the strategy of governing the country."

"Govern the country? This island?" Zhang Lie turned around and pointed behind him, and finally gave up the argument, "Okay, ask."

The man was not dissatisfied with Zhang Lie's tone, and still said slowly:

"Governing the country, of course, is to make the country better, rich, strong, and safe. What do you think?"

People are more or less like to teach others, and Zhang Lie also plans to say something casually to end this trial early:

"The most important thing for a country is force, order, education, economy, and future. Of course, the force is the army, and there must be at least one strong person as the cornerstone."

Just when he said this, the surrounding environment suddenly changed. The thick fog suddenly disappeared without a trace, and he turned into an air, and the ground looked like a military base.

Then a person appeared on a high platform, and below was a full army, each holding a weapon, as if listening to a lecture.

"Oh, this is using illusions to simulate, it's quite interesting." Zhang Lie looked down, holding his chin with one hand, and continued:

"Weapons rely on the economy, let's not talk about that for now, first of all, continuous high-intensity training, so that the soldiers have enough physique."

As soon as the words fell, the soldiers on the parade ground were obviously stronger.

"It's enough in the early stage. There is a strong man to protect you. Anyway, you already have one, that is, the guy who is making things difficult for me. Next is the economy, which is the foundation of everything."

Fortunately, a lot of knowledge in this world is interconnected with the earth, so there is no need to explain what the economy is.

"The economy is divided into three types. One is agriculture, which is the foundation of security and cannot rely on the outside. According to the population size here, more than half of the land must be used to grow food.

Then there is industry. I think shipbuilding is good. This place is not on the seven major waterways, soYou must have the ability to build ships yourself, so that you don't rely too much on the outside.

For shipbuilders, you can go to the Sea Breeze Country or the Spring Queen City to learn, and it should be okay to pay a little price.

Then build sea ships, form a caravan, resell goods between islands, and transport materials to the country.

Then, with the money and materials accumulated during this period, make changes to the country, such as building an amusement park.

Then use this illusion ability to attract tourists and drive the development of the entire industry chain of food, accommodation, and entertainment. "

Every time Zhang Lie said a word, the environment below changed, from the shipyard to the caravan, and then to the amusement park, and finally the island became more and more lively and prosperous.

As for other things such as inflation, macro or micro regulation, wealth redistribution, etc., Zhang Lie did not mention them.

One is that he is only here to deal with the trial, and the other is that this so-called country is too small. In the last world, it is not even as big as a town, so it is not needed at all.

Zhang Lie continued to say: "The economy needs to be protected by force and maintained and developed by knowledge. While the economy develops, the strength of the army and popularization of education must be strengthened.

Weapons can be updated, more advanced weapons can be purchased, schools at all levels can be established, tutors can be hired, or the state can fund students to study abroad.

As for order, it is natural to formulate appropriate laws. Of course, popularizing them to the people is necessary. There must also be a force agency to maintain the law, and the army can be allowed to work part-time, so there will generally be no problem. "

The illusion kept changing, and the final result was the same as Zhang Lie thought. After all, although he had not learned systematically, he had lived in this environment for more than 20 years, so he still knew what to do.

As for these nobles, to be frank, it is a small probability for hereditary system to produce talents. In Zhang Lie's opinion, these things that everyone knows are beyond their cognition.

After Zhang Lie finished speaking, he looked around and finally asked: "That's all, do you have any questions?"

"Uh... um... no problem." The man stuttered back.

Zhang Lie wanted to ask something else, but found that the person in front of him suddenly disappeared, the illusion stopped, and the surroundings became foggy again.

"I can't feel any problems at all, it's very troublesome." Zhang Lie, who was very interested just now, now looked ugly.

At this time, the person who led the way before came over again, stretched out his hand and pointed in the direction he came from: "Let's go. "

Zhang Lie's expression returned to normal, he stood up and followed the man in the direction he came from.

In a place in the center of the island, a man sat in a wheelchair with a thoughtful look on his face:

"Although I don't understand it very well, it sounds very powerful. Let's see what you are going to do next."

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