Zhang Lie found something wrong after just two steps, because Martin and his men had been guarding behind him after he sat down, but now there was no trace of them at all.

"Where are my people?" Zhang Lie stared at the guide.

"I don't know, I'm only responsible for leading the way."

Zhang Lie grabbed the other person's neck and said, "You are also a sinner, either a noble or a pirate. You look like you're better off dead than alive. Do you want me to help you and free you?"

"Whatever, I'm only responsible for leading the way." The guy still said the same thing. He was brainwashed and didn't care about his own life at all.

Zhang Lie immediately understood the situation of this person, and then closed his eyes and carefully felt the surroundings.

But perhaps he was deliberately targeted, he couldn't sense anything unusual at all. Just when he was about to make a big fuss, a voice suddenly sounded next to him.

"Don't worry, they are doing well now, including the companion you left on the boat. I have arranged for people to provide water and food."

Zhang Lie looked over and saw a middle-aged man suddenly appear in the empty place. He looked very ordinary and there was nothing special about his clothes. However, this person did not exist at all in his perception.

"What is your purpose in separating us?"

"Just treat them as hostages. If you care about them, then complete the trial well. If you don't care about them, then there is no need to care."

"I am not cooperating, why do you still do this?" Zhang Lie didn't understand. If he really wanted to give the island to him, he shouldn't do this. There is no benefit except to increase hatred.

"The trial is not over yet, and I don't think you will accept it next." Hayward said, and then disappeared abruptly without a trace.

Zhang Lie suddenly took action and kicked a mist kick in the direction where Hayward had just stood, but it did not cause any reaction.

"Illusion? But why is there a sound? If it's not an illusion, why does it suddenly appear and disappear? Or is it always there, but just covered up by illusion? It feels much smarter than before."

He stared at that direction for a while, and only got out of his thoughts when the guide signaled, and then he followed him out again.

Not long after, Zhang Lie walked out of the fog, and in front of him was still the village before. At this point, he finally couldn't help asking:

"Okay, tell me what you are going to do next, I'm in a hurry."

Hayward suddenly appeared again, and Zhang Lie jumped back a step and took a defensive posture:

"You can appear outside the fog range. It seems that your illusion is not only dependent on fog."

"Guess." Hayward spread his hands and smiled.

Zhang Lie was in no mood to joke with him: "Guess what? Tell me what you're going to do next."

"Okay, that's boring." Hayward sighed, showing a regretful expression, "You just talked about some ideas for governing the country, and I think they're very good. Then the next step is to implement these ideas."

"Are you kidding me!" Zhang Lie exclaimed.

"Do you think I'm kidding? What I have to do is to govern this country well, make it better, and make the people happier. I'll hand the island over to you, so I have to make sure you can make them better."

"I don't want it anymore. There are so many things waiting for me to do outside. You told me that you want to govern and develop this island? Don't bullshit, let me leave, I will keep it a secret for you, and you continue to look for the next successor."

"Do you think I will believe you?" Hayward's face was cold, "Don't forget that your people are still in my hands."

"Then there is no choice?" Zhang Lie gritted his teeth and squeezed out a few words.

Hayward suddenly laughed again: "Of course not, you can leave if you want, but only you can leave, and the others have to stay."

"Isn't it the same!"

"Then do as I say." After saying that, Hayward finally smiled again, "Don't worry, it won't take up too much of your time."

"Tsk, it doesn't take too much time to develop an island. In my opinion, it will take at least two years to start." Having said that, Zhang Lie still calmed down,

"Where do I work? Who will help me?"

"The location is optional. Since this village is the closest, I will work here. As for people, those redeemers can do it."

"I still want my people to help me." Zhang Lie still didn't give up.

"Don't even think about it."

After being clearly rejected, Zhang Lie no longer had other ideas, but walked into a room and started working under the strange eyes of the villagers.

But the first thing he did was to make a direct request:

"Hay... Ward, right? I need to open up the island. It is impossible to develop if it is covered with fog every day. Isolating the country will definitely lead to backwardness."

I thought this was impossible to achieve, and he wanted to do it because of the conditions.The conditions were not established, and he refused these tests, but the result did not let him get what he wanted.

"No problem, I will remove the fog right away, and now you have the final say."

"Is it so easy to talk to you?" Zhang Lie climbed up and prepared to go further, "Then give me a Den Den Mushi so that I can give orders."

"This won't work. Who knows what you will use the Den Den Mushi for? Besides, these redeemers are under my control. Your orders can be transferred through me and instantly transmitted to any place." Hayward didn't give him a chance.

Zhang Lie spread his hands and said, "Okay, but I can't contact the outside world, and I can't let people go out to learn shipbuilding technology. Isn't this a dead end? So just let me go."

"No need. This island has only been closed for 20 years. The relics of the past are still there."

Hayward waved his hand, and mist rose in the center of the hall, forming a very detailed map of the island. He pointed to a corner of the map and said:

"This is the remains of the former shipyard. It can be used after repairs. The shipbuilders are still there. We can call them together to build ships. There is no problem now, right?"

"What a coincidence! I'm really unlucky!" Zhang Lie was quite depressed when his little trick failed. Now he had no choice but to start developing honestly.

I don't know if it's because of Hayward's long-term "guardianship" that all the people on this island, or this country, are very "well-behaved", and those redeemers are machines without personal feelings, and their execution is simply extraordinary.

Zhang Lie had a deep understanding of this. Often, he would just give an order in the morning and the arrangement would be completed in the afternoon. He only needed to sit in the room and listen to reports and give orders.

Zhang Lie had temporarily given up the idea of ​​escaping, and even the war at the top. He only planned to resume the shipyard in half a month, build the first batch of ships in two months, and organize the voyage.

But the actual progress was ridiculously fast. The factory resumed work in just three days, and the voyage was already underway in half a month.

This period of time made Zhang Lie feel unreal, as if this island had gathered all the talents, and anyone needed could be found immediately.

He also had hope when he saw this scene, and he also carried out other work simultaneously, such as unified planning of farmland, formation of military training, construction of educational facilities, etc., all completed within a month.

One day a month later, Zhang Lie was working on compiling laws, regulations and various rules and regulations, when Hayward suddenly appeared and brought very bad news.

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