"I have good news and bad news for you. The good news is that the people who set out on the voyage are back."

"Back? This time is wrong, how could it be so fast?" Zhang Lie was a little surprised, but he was more concerned about the latter, "Let's talk about the bad news."

"The bad news is that the people from the World Government are here, and they are Celestial Dragons."

"Celestial Dragons?!!!" Zhang Lie's brain short-circuited instantly, and when he reacted, he jumped up and cursed, "Why did those cosmic stains come here!"

"Cosmic stains?" Hayward was stunned for a moment, then laughed, "It's a very appropriate metaphor."

Zhang Lie is in a bad mood now, and he will spray him whenever he catches him: "What are you laughing at, hurry up and find a way, those cosmic stains If the guys come here, I don't know what this island will become. "

Hayward didn't buy it: "Now you are the manager of this country, I am just assisting you, you decide."

"You call this assistance? Forget it, now is not the time to entangle these things, can't you create illusions, create some illusions, so that they can't find this place, or lead them away."

Hayward rejected this method on the spot: "No, they followed the returning caravan and found the island before it was covered by illusions. Now illusions can't play the role they should. "

"In other words, they will definitely come to the island?" Zhang Lie scratched his head anxiously.

"Not necessarily." Hayward suddenly changed the subject.

Zhang Lie asked hurriedly: "Do you have a way?"

"There are several redeemers on the merchant ship. Now the distance is within control. I can release my ability through them to mislead the strong among them."

Zhang Lie was silent for a few minutes without saying a word.

But Hayward saw his performance, but his face was relieved, as if he didn't care about the impact of this Tianlong man.

Now is not the time to delay, Zhang Lie finally gave up the plan:

"You can't do this, unless he deserves to die, otherwise everyone has the right to live, or notify the people on the island to move in the opposite direction."

Hayward closed his eyes for a moment, then said: "It has been arranged, don't you regret it?"

"Maybe I am not born to be a leader. Anyway, I think that people can choose to sacrifice themselves, but they cannot be sacrificed."

"Then I wish you all the best." After saying this, Hayward disappeared without a trace.

Zhang Lie usually complained a few words in his heart, but he was in no mood at this time. He could only wait for the Tianlong people to land:

"If the Tianlong people come, it may be calm, but even if they come to take a look, it may lead to destruction. It is completely unpredictable. It's disgusting."

Time passed quickly, and the ships of the caravan and the Tianlong people officially docked, but the two sides strangely had no intersection at all and left separately.

The Tianlong man looked about 30 years old and was a little fat, which was more in line with the characteristics of this kind of garbage. He was followed by a man wearing a suit and a mask, obviously a CP0.

The CP0 officer reported: "Saint Rozward, the people on the island are running away from us. What do we need to do?"

"Humph, a bunch of garbage didn't come to kneel to welcome the great Rozward. It's a capital crime, but in order to show my mercy, just kill half of them."


Two sentences determined the life and death of half of the people on the island, and the decadent breath of power rushed to the sky.

At this moment, a group of people suddenly appeared and came to the side of the Celestial Dragons. The CP0 leader was on guard, but these people suddenly knelt down and cried bitterly:

"My lord, please save us. We are all nobles in this country. We are bullied and tortured by a demon. Please help us!"

Zhang Lie had received the news at this moment. He stared at the real-time map and kept thinking, and finally asked:

"Hayward, did they only send ten people? How strong are they?"

"You only take care of these CP0s. What do you plan to do with those nobles who took the opportunity to cause trouble?"

Zhang Lie didn't care about this: "Look at their behavior. If they just want to escape from their current life, it doesn't matter. If they still want to make trouble, just kill them."

"Okay." Hayward smiled,

"I know what you are thinking. No matter how strong these ten people are, they represent the world government. As long as we take action, it is a declaration of war. You have to think clearly."

"What about trapping them with illusions?" Zhang Lie didn't give up.

"It's the same as taking action. Do you think these people will care? They don't care about the dead, they only care about you taking action."

Zhang Lie also understood this truth: "But you can't just watch people get killed, right? There is always room for easing the situation by doing this."

"I won't take action. The consequences are too serious. And as a manager of a country,We must consider the overall situation and make some choices. "Hayward directly denied Zhang Lie's plan, but encouraged: "If you can't help it, you can do it yourself. It doesn't matter if you kill, including that Tianlong man." Zhang Lie turned his head to look at Hayward and said sarcastically: "Then when they make trouble, they can just push everything on me. Anyway, I am a pirate with a formal bounty order." "Smart, then what do you choose?" Hayward snapped his fingers and looked at Zhang Lie quietly. Zhang Lie still stared at the map. After a moment, the red dot representing CP0 was close to the position of the people. He did not make a decision and was still waiting. Soon, the two intersected, and the blue light dot representing the people quickly disappeared. Zhang Lie clenched his fists, was silent for a moment, and finally gritted his teeth and said fiercely: "Is this what you call equality? "

After saying this, his figure disappeared from the spot, leaving only a red afterimage streaking through the air, like a burning meteor.

Second gear fully opened, skills pushed to the limit, Moon Step and Shaving were integrated together in an anxious mood, the air was first trampled into substance, and then instantly endured more than a dozen tramplings exceeding its upper limit.

A red light streaked through the air, the speed was definitely faster than the speed of sound, but no gas explosion cloud was produced.

Zhang Lie didn't notice these, in just ten seconds, he had already rushed to the massacre site, at an extremely fast speed. The ground fell from the sky at a speed of 100 meters.

There was a loud explosion, and a huge pit was blown out on the ground. He did not prepare to cover it up. The CP0 officer next to the Celestial Dragon obviously had the Haki of Observation, so there was no possibility of any secret action.

Zhang Lie's appearance obviously stunned the other party, and he stopped his actions for a while. Then a man walked out and warned him directly:

"Here we are executing the order of Saint Rozward, punishing civilians who do not welcome us. If you take action, you will be an enemy of the World Government and the Celestial Dragons. Leave quickly if you know what's good for you."

"What is the order?" Zhang Lie still had the last hope.

"Don't worry, we only kill half of the civilians in this country. Those things are weeds with strong vitality, not to mention only killing half. "

After saying this, the man waved his hand behind him, and those people started to move again.

"Kill half of them... Kill half of them..."

Zhang Lie kept repeating this sentence, and those CP0 lackeys continued to take action, watching the unarmed people fall one after another, unable to escape, unable to resist, and could only face death.

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