"They do look very weak and ordinary, so ordinary that they can be found everywhere. They have no ability and have to work hard to survive, but they may still end their lives for a bullshit reason."

Zhang Lie was tense, his fists were clenched and crackling, and even his voice was trembling:

"But no matter how ordinary they are, each of them is a treasure to their parents and a support for their children to survive. Everyone has their own life, their own joys and sorrows, and their own responsibilities.

Even if being weak and poor is a crime, it is definitely not a crime punishable by death. They can have many things, but they cannot have the most basic rights as a human being, such as survival."

As he spoke, these CP0 agents gradually stopped moving and turned to face the enemy.

Zhang Lie closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and then exhaled. He did not open his eyes, but slowly said:

"If I came here, it would be fine if I was still ordinary, but now I have the possibility of becoming stronger, even the strongest. I have to do something in this life. I didn't find it before, but now I finally know it."

"I can't adapt to this world. If so, I will change this world and make it what I want."

As soon as the voice fell, Zhang Lie rushed out with his eyes closed. Under external stimulation and the establishment of will, the observation Haki came naturally.

There was no suspense in the battle. Even if the people in CP0 were elites, they were low-level agents after all, and their strength was not even comparable to Kalifa.

At this moment, Zhang Lie was in the second gear state. He didn't even use a second, and all ten people were beheaded, without even room for reaction.

Just after doing all this, Hayward suddenly appeared again, his face full of complexity:

"You... are better than me."

Zhang Lie did not look back, but asked a question: "Is it over?"

"I want to see what you do next, after all, your identity as a Tianlong is there." Hayward did not answer, still looking at Zhang Lie.

"Next, I need your ability to help me cover up with illusions."

This time Hayward did not refuse again: "Okay, how do you do it?"

. . . . . . .

Zhang Lie rushed to the location of the Tianlong people, met a few old nobles on the way, followed by several CP0 agents, and headed towards the island.

"Tsk, this is too fake, just want to see them die once, then I will do as you wish."

Zhang Lie turned over and passed through these people, leaving a few broken bodies on the spot, as if to show the final end of the nobles.

Satisfying Hayward's evil taste, Zhang Lie no longer wasted time and rushed directly to the side of the Tianlong people's team. At this moment, the place was already full of chaos.

That Rozward was talking to the air, laughing from time to time, as if he was completely in another world.

The other people responsible for protection surrounded him tightly in the middle, and were injured by Rozward's actions from time to time.

Zhang Lie had a clear goal and rushed directly to the CP0 officer. Although this man was strong, the real fight was beyond common sense and it was over quickly.

Because Zhang Lie really didn't want to waste time, Hayward also knew that the two were just going through the motions now to see how this incident ended.

All the guards were dealt with, but Rozward seemed very happy. In the illusion, he could really satisfy all his desires.

Finally, after leaving a pile of corpses, a group of people in the illusion boarded the ship and left. Zhang Lie watched the ship go away and said softly:

"It's obviously a simple thing. How did you do it before, Hayward?"

"..." Hayward appeared and said after a long silence, "I'm a coward."

"Alas, no wonder there are so few people on the island, so this is the case." Zhang Lie sighed after hearing this cry-like words,

"You should get rid of the illusion. You have delayed me for a long time."

Hayward was not surprised, but just asked: When did you find out? "

"Just now, I awakened my Observation Haki, and I immediately felt a very awkward feeling, a sense of time rupture. If I mastered it more deeply, I should be able to see through it."

"Well, it can be considered that you have gained something, which is a good result."

"In fact, I should have deduced it from the beginning. After all, how could it be so coincidental that I have everything I need, and the development speed is too fast, and the accident is too coincidental."

Hayward snapped his fingers, and his body disappeared, and the surrounding environment began to change.

The sky, the earth, and the sea twisted into waves, and then, like a stone thrown into the water, all the scenes were fragmented, and the sky and the earth were black.

Zhang Lie opened his eyes and found that he was still sitting in the chair, and the location was still the place where he had talked with a group of nobles before.

Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his brain and dizziness. WhenHe screamed and rolled to the ground with his hands on his head.


Zhang Lie saw Martin and the others surrounding him at the last moment, and he relaxed and fainted.

When he woke up, he was still lying there, but he was half lying down. Martin and Bruno were standing on both sides, alert.

After realizing the situation, he immediately leaned his head back and shook it left and right: "Ah~ My head hurts so much."

Martin turned his head and took a look and couldn't help saying: "Do you want to get up when you wake up?"

"Shut up, I'm a wounded soldier now, I can't get up." Well, it's because of the headache, not because the pillow is soft.

But playing around is enough, business cannot be delayed, Zhang Lie asked: "How long has it been since I sat down?"

Before Martin spoke, a pleasant voice came from behind:

"She sat for one hour, five minutes and forty-six seconds, and then lay on me for three hours..."

"Stop, I get it." Zhang Lie reluctantly got up from Kalifa, tidied his clothes, and began to talk about his situation,

"I was dragged into the illusion by Hayward, which only works in the brain. It is a mental illusion, and the time flow is very fast. One hour outside is one month inside.

And the situation inside feels very real, even mental abilities will be affected, for example, I awakened my Observation Haki inside, so I realized it was an illusion. "

Several people showed solemn expressions, Kalifa said: "Even the boss couldn't find it, and it can speed up the sense of time by 720 times. Even Observation Haki can't see through it completely. It's really a terrifying power!"

Martin thought about it and suddenly said: "In this case, don't you have to worry about not having enough time for the exam!"

"Thank you for the compliment!" A voice suddenly came from the side, but it sounded a little strange.

Zhang Lie had already spotted this person. It was the redeemer who led the way. He had been standing by and had not left. He immediately asked in confusion:

"Are you... Hayward?"

"The ability just now was Mirror Flower and Water Moon, which consumed a lot of energy. I also fainted for a while. There are also some other people who need to be guarded against. Now I can only use this redeemer to communicate."

"Mirror Flower and Water Moon?" Zhang Lie thought of a guy in the Soul Society, then shook his head and threw the idea away. He was more concerned about another thing.

"You said we should be wary of other people. Who is that person?"

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