On the other side, Dan Heng has already received all the items in the blind box.

【Footprints of Destiny X10】

【Adventure Record of the Nameless Guest X1】

【Five-star Cone of Abundance X1】

【True Knowledge Lollipop X1】

【Purify Ether X30】

【Red Mushroom X1】

【Teleportation Ring X1】

【Dragon Ball: Four Star X1】

【Dayao Soda X1】

【Aikun exclusive poster X1]

The table is full of things, which looks very spectacular.

Lin Ye also obtained detailed information about all the items.

Things like ether, light cone, adventure record, and footprints of fate are the items of this world, so there is no need to look at them again.

Lin Ye is mainly concerned about the remaining things.

【Red Mushroom: A one-time consumable item from the distant Mario world. After use, it can permanently increase the upper limit of health by one third, and the body will also become larger.】

【Dragon Ball: Four Stars, from a magical Saiyan world, collect seven Dragon Balls to summon Shenlong, who can help you fulfill a wish】

【Damaged Teleportation Ring: From a legendary world, the full version of the ring can be teleported to any location. Due to the damage of this ring, the teleportation location may be deviated, and the cooling time is one day.】

【Dayao Soda: A classic orange soda, a must-have in barbecue restaurants】

【Aikun exclusive poster: The exclusive singing and dancing poster of the great star Kunkun, which was spoofed by the little black man and gave birth to a new secondary art, is of great collection value. 】

Looking at it this way, Danheng's luck is really not bad, some items can definitely be called top-notch.

Even better than the things opened on March 7, the quality is much better

"Mr. Danheng, you are lucky."

"Except for the last one, the others are all good stuff."

But Dan Heng's eyes fell on the Aikun exclusive poster.

Because of the folding, the poster looked like a skill secret book.

""Is this the skill book?" Dan Heng asked excitedly.

Sanyueqi and Walter also looked at Lin Ye, waiting for his explanation.

Lin Ye just shook his head awkwardly and said,"Not at all, this is just a poster."

"Poster?"Dan Heng's face darkened."Then I'm at a big loss."

"But I feel like this thing is not simple, and there seems to be a power emanating from it.

Seeing that Dan Heng seemed to be a little obsessed with this Aikun poster, Lin Ye quickly stopped him.

"Mr. Danheng, if you like this poster very much, you can put it on the head of your bed. It should help you sleep and ward off evil spirits."

"Or you can sell it to the Interstellar Peace Company and maybe get some credits."


Seeing Lin Ye hesitant to speak, Dan Heng was very anxious."But what?"

"As a conscientious seller, I would like to remind you that it is best to seal this poster in a safe place. If you are overly obsessed with this thing, you may fall into the Kunshen Sect, and then there will be no recovery."

Dan Heng did not understand a word Lin Ye said, but for the sake of safety, he put the poster away directly.

"Is there nothing that can actually help me improve?" Dan Heng asked

"Yes, for example, this red mushroom can increase your health by a large amount if you eat it."Lin Ye explained."And it is a permanent increase without any side effects."

"The only side effect is that your body may become a little bigger."


After hearing this, the three people present exclaimed

"Boss, do you mean this mushroom can directly increase a person's life value? How is this possible?"Walter Yang asked.

He had never heard of the existence of food in this world that could permanently increase a person's life value.

If they wanted to increase their qi and blood, they had to rely on constant exploration and training, which was a slow and steady process.

But now Lin Ye said that through this small mushroom, the life value could be directly and permanently increased. It was too unbelievable.

Moreover, this mushroom looked bright red with white spots on it, and it looked poisonous.

""Haha, don't get excited." Lin Ye smiled."I said before that the things in this blind box are magical. Many things will be beyond your understanding."

"But you can try it on the spot and you will know."

Dan Heng grabbed the red mushroom in his hand.

"So how do you use this?"

"How else can this be used? Just eat it directly."Lin Ye said with a smile."Eating it raw can preserve more nutrients."

"I hope what you said is true."Dan Heng swallowed his saliva, then pinched his nose and swallowed the red mushroom in one breath.


Thump thump thump thump!

A magical scene appeared. Dan Heng's body seemed to swell a little, and the muscle lines on his arms became noticeably thicker.

In the blink of an eye, it was obvious that Dan Heng took a step towards Ji Ba Nan.

The clothes on his body were directly burst, and his sturdy body made him exude male hormones.

March Seventh ran to Dan Heng eagerly, his little face flushed."Teacher Dan Heng, are you okay? I feel like you've grown a lot bigger."

Dan Heng didn't speak, and seemed to be completely stunned.

He kept touching his arms and abdomen, his face full of disbelief.

It seemed that he was confirming something.

"The thing is real... I feel that my body has changed a lot, and my blood and qi have become more abundant."

Dan Heng's voice trembled slightly, and his heart was already turbulent at this time.

The changes in the body cannot be deceived.

"I've really grown bigger."

Dan Heng didn't really care about the change in his body size. At this moment, he only had an irresistible impulse in his heart.

An increase in blood volume is a very direct increase in strength. Only with thick skin and flesh can you gain an advantage in a duel.

Dan Heng was tired of hiding and evading pursuit over the years.

If he could use the treasures in the blind box to increase his strength to a certain level, he would no longer have to live this nightmare life.

"Boss, I want to open ten more!"

March Seven and Walter looked at Dan Heng and felt a headache.

Is this guy crazy about opening blind boxes?

Lin Ye said at the beginning that he could only open 10 blind boxes a week, but Dan Heng had to open new ones before he could figure out the 10.

Looking at Dan Heng's performance, Lin Ye laughed in his heart.

This guy is crazy and has fallen into the trap.

Once you enter the blind box, it's like a deep sea. From then on, your wallet is a passerby.~

"Don't worry, Mr. Danheng, you have used up your quota this week. You can come back next week."

"And I haven’t finished explaining what you just found. There are even better things in there than this red mushroom."

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