Seeing March 7th coming, Lin Ye put away his crossed legs and climbed up from the chair. He began to greet enthusiastically,"Hey, the beautiful March girl is here, do you want to buy a few more blind boxes this time?"

"Yes, boss, I’m here again. Your shop is really dedicated. Why are you still open so late?"

"Hey, our store is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, blind boxes are sold all day long."Lin Ye said meanly."We never close."

"Is business so competitive now?"March Seven was very surprised.

Lin Ye smiled secretly in his heart. It was not that he wanted to be competitive, but the temptation of the blind box rebate was too great.

No matter what came out of the blind box, Lin Ye could get double.

How could he bear to close the shop?

To make money, it is better to work hard and be tired.

And Lin Ye knew very well that some people had troubles and it was inconvenient to go out during the day, so they would definitely choose to act at night.

For example, the teacher Dan Heng with a cloak behind March Seven

""Boss, I brought you two new customers, they also want to buy cans."

Sanyueqi pointed at Danheng and Walter Yang behind him.

In fact, Lin Ye recognized them when they walked into the store.

Especially the"respectable" Old Yang. He was once the first Herrscher and a great hero who protected a planet.

And the tightly wrapped Danheng, I guess he was still being expelled by the Immortal Boat and hunted by the Blade at this time.

"Welcome, warm welcome"

"Miss March is so lucky, your friend must be lucky too."

At this time, Walter Yang and Dan Heng had already started looking around the shop.

Looking at the room full of densely packed square boxes, the whole picture was completely different from what they imagined.

In their understanding, a blind box that can produce so many rare and strange treasures must at least be beautifully packaged.

As a result, Lin Ye's boxes looked very simple, and some were even worn to the point of bursting.

Dan Heng whispered in Walter Yang's ear:"Uncle Yang, is this the blind box that March said can produce magical things? It looks a bit too chilling.……"

"Could it be that he entered a black shop?"

Walter Yang also lowered his head and murmured secretly:"It is indeed strange. It is said that the boss who sells this kind of magical blind box should be very powerful, but I can't feel any energy fluctuations from him."

"This person has not received any favor from the Star Gods, he is just an ordinary mortal... It's really a bit weird."

Dan Heng and Walter Yang looked at Lin Ye, and at this time Lin Ye had already walked in front of them.

"Two handsome guys, how many blind boxes do you want to buy?"

"Our shop's blind boxes are sold in limited quantities each week, and you can only buy a maximum of ten"

"I suggest you do ten consecutive draws, hehe, that way you have a higher chance of winning a treasure."

Dan Heng has already picked up a blind box and started fiddling with it.

"Boss, are you sure there are treasures in each one?" Dan Heng asked."I mean treasures like the skill card that was drawn on March 7th."

"The goods are genuine and the price is fair. And the skill card is just the younger brother's level, there are many better things than that."

Lin Ye smiled secretly.

I didn't expect that a small ninjutsu experience card could make them feel like they had found a treasure.

To be honest, this thing is just a mediocre one in the entire Wanjie blind box system.

There are many strange things in the world.

And because of the different planes and different power systems, in some worlds, a small thing that gets the star iron world is a nuclear explosion level

"Boss, you are exaggerating a bit." Dan Heng curled his lips.

"I'm telling the truth. If you're lucky, you can even get a star core directly from this blind box. Compared to a star core, what is a skill card?"

Lin Ye's words made the three of them stunned.

"What are you talking about! Impossible!"Dan Heng said angrily

""Boss, don't talk nonsense. Do you know that this sentence of yours is enough to get you into the Ten Kings Division for interrogation?" Walter reminded coldly.

Star cores are called the cancer of all worlds in this world. They constantly infect neighboring worlds and spread throughout the universe like cancer cells.

They are the most terrifying creations.

How many natural disasters and how many destructions are caused by star cores.

This is an existence that even the star gods are helpless.

This term cannot be mentioned on many planets.

According to Lin Ye's understanding, the collapse of Uncle Yang's star and the expulsion of Dan Heng seem to be related to the star core.

So when the star core is mentioned, they immediately get angry as if their tails are stepped on.

"Don't get so excited, I'm just saying it's possible, I'm just saying it, don't take it too seriously."Lin Ye quickly turned a blind eye."Star cores are definitely top prizes, and you can't just draw them if you want to."

Walter Yang sighed and said,"Don't make jokes like this."

"Sorry, sorry." Lin Ye bowed slightly to express his apology

"Okay, let's start opening the blind box." Dan Heng said coldly."We don't have much time, so let's get to the point."

"Okay, Mr. Danheng, how many do you want to buy?"

"Ten at random."

"Frank, I like doing business with people like you."

Dan Heng was still being hunted, so he didn't dare to stay in Lin Ye's shop for too long, lest he be discovered by the patrolling Cloud Cavalry and cause unnecessary trouble.

4.5 million credit points arrived quickly.

Lin Ye picked 10 blind boxes from the shelf and piled them on the table.

""Let's start, Mr. Dan Heng, just open it."

Dan Heng said nothing more, but swung the spear behind him.


A flash of cold light came first, and then the spear came out like a dragon.

Dan Heng directly cut all 10 blind boxes in half.

Then ten golden lights emerged from the shop at the same time.

The holy light penetrated from the blind box shop and directly illuminated the entire Xuanye Street.

All the pedestrians on the street were attracted by the dazzling flash.


"Oh my god, it’s so bright outside?"

"It seems to be Lin Ye’s store!"

"What's going on? Why is this blind box store the only news today?"

"Could it be that a rare treasure has really been born?"

"Could it be that treasures can really be found in Lin Ye’s blind box shop? Oh no, I feel like I missed out on 1 billion."

People were attracted by the ten bursts of golden light, and they all set out to Lin Ye’s shop to join in the fun.

This golden light also attracted a big shot from Luofu Xianzhou.

The chief representative of the Tianbosi Merchant Group"Minghuo", the beautiful fox lady Tingyun. To be precise, she should be regarded as Lin Ye's direct leader, and all the merchants on Xuanye Street are under her management. At this time, she happened to be inspecting the business situation on Xuanye Street.

"Hmm? Look in this direction, it's Lin Ye's blind box store……"

"This brat hasn't paid the rent for several months."

Tingyun followed the crowd to the blind box store. She wanted to see what Lin Ye was doing.

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