Dan Heng and Walter, who were originally panicked, now looked expectant.

"Where is the exact location of the Immortal Boat? Are there any coordinates?"

Dan Heng took San Yue Qi's hand and asked anxiously.

Seeing the postures of Walter and Dan Heng, they couldn't wait to go there.

"It's on Xingcha Haixuan Night Street."

Ji Zi couldn't help laughing when she saw that the two usually calm men were so interested in blind boxes."You grown men are also interested in blind boxes."

Dan Heng and Walter Yang smiled awkwardly.

They realized that they had lost their composure.

In the common people's cognition, fancy things like blind boxes are toys exclusively for girls.

They are not interested in blind boxes, but in the treasures in the blind boxes.

Skill books like the ones that March 7 saw are definitely rare treasures. If they can draw one or two, it will be of great benefit to their future travels among the stars.

"But I advise you to calm down."Ji Zi smiled meaningfully."Not everything in this blind box is useful."

"What do you mean?" Walter asked."Didn't March say there were no empty cans?"

"There are indeed no empty cans, but it is hard to say whether the things in the cans can be used."

Jizi took out a beautifully packaged square box from her bag.

There was a red M on it.

The overall packaging looked pink and tender.

There were a few lines of small words printed on the back: This disc includes the top 10 masterpieces of Madou Film Company, including teachers, coaches, and instructors; 4k high-definition picture quality, giving you an immersive experience.

It was the [Madou Blu-ray Videotape] that Jizi had opened in the blind box before.】

"Look, this is also from a blind box, what do you think it is useful for?"Ji Zi directly threw the box to Walter Yang."Old Yang, you are knowledgeable, give me an estimate of the price"

"What is this?" Dan Heng looked at the box in confusion.

"This seems to be a CD."Walter said solemnly

"CD?"The others stared at each other.

They had never heard of such a thing.

"CDs are an ancient storage medium on my planet. People at that time usually stored videos or music in them."But I also saw these in history books. When I was born, this thing had already become extinct."

"So, this is a space antique?" Ji Zi asked in surprise.

"Yeah." Walter Yang nodded.

"If you sell this thing to the rich guys at Interstellar Peace Company, you should be able to get a good price, and you won't lose money."

Ji Zi's eyes sparkled. She didn't expect that this inconspicuous and strange thing could be so valuable.

It seems that she might have wronged the boss Lin Ye.

She felt a little ashamed.

"However, the specific price depends on whether the content stored in it is valuable."

"That's right!" Walter suddenly thought of something."I have a Jiexing player in my room. If I'm lucky, I might be able to read this CD."

"Danheng, come with me, maybe you can help."

The two left the carriage and walked into Walter's room.

After a while, they heard a strange sound coming from the room.


An hour later,

Walter Yang and Dan Heng walked out of the room tiredly.

Their eyes were dark, as if they had experienced something terrible.

They couldn't even stand steadily.

"How is it, is the CD usable?" Ji Zi asked curiously."Why does it take so long?"

"Ahem."Walter Yang coughed twice and adjusted his glasses frame."I'm sorry, Jizi, the disc is a little damaged and can't be read completely."

""Ah?" Ji Zi showed a disappointed expression."But I just heard a sound coming from inside."

"That... you must have heard it wrong."Walter pondered."But it doesn't matter, I'm just very interested in this kind of damaged antique media, you can sell it to me for 2 million credit points." 2 million credit points


I've never seen Uncle Yang so generous before, Ji Zi immediately nodded and agreed.

Ji Zi was very satisfied with the four times the price, and she was not interested in this kind of collection.

But Dan Heng on the side had a very strange expression. Helplessness and a bit of annoyance.

Uncle Yang, I always saw you as elegant and easy-going, but I didn't expect you to be such a person.

Not only did you cheat, but you also lowered the price so black-heartedly.

Based on the content on the disc, if you sell it to the people of the Interstellar Peace Company, you can sell it for at least 10 million credit points.

It's a pity that I don't have something like the Jiexing player, otherwise I would have bought this disc at a higher price.

Tsk tsk, I've never seen such a hot thing

"By the way, Xiao Sanyue, why don't you take us over there now?"Walter Yang pretended to be calm and said

"Okay!" Sanyueqi nodded repeatedly.

In fact, she also wanted to go again. After all, she only bought 5 blind boxes last time, and she still had 5 blind boxes this week.

Then she could fool Teacher Danheng and Uncle Yang to pay for herself.

"But, is Teacher Dan Heng going to Xianzhou as well? Didn’t they say that Teacher Dan Heng was expelled from Xianzhou?"

"I can't care about that anymore." Dan Heng got a cloak from somewhere and put it on to cover his face.

For Dan Heng, this blind box that can be gambled once with 500,000 credit points is simply the boss doing charity.

Who knows, you may get something you really need, and you won't have to be hunted all day.

Once you miss this opportunity, you will never have it again.


San Yueqi took the two back to the blind box store.

It was almost evening, and many stores on Xuanye Street were closed.

Xingchahai Port, which was always busy during the day, was also shut down for repairs.

But Lin Ye's blind box store was still shining.

"Is this the store? It doesn't look like anything special."

Looking at this secluded little store, Dan Heng was a little surprised.

In his opinion, a small store with so many treasures should at least be magnificent.

"Dan Heng, don't just look at the appearance. The more mysterious something is, the simpler it appears on the surface."Walter Yang reminded·

"Hehehe, you'll know when you go in."

The three of them walked into the shop and rang the bell.

Inside the shop, Lin Ye was sitting in a rocking chair enjoying the cool air, looking very leisurely.

He was humming a strange little tune.

"I went to bed at 7am and had a meeting at 9am……"

"I always cram... cram"

""Boss, open the box!"

Suddenly, a voice outside the door woke him up from his sweet dream.

When he looked up, he saw the quirky face of San Yue Qi.

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