Sanyueqi and Jizi returned to the Starry Sky Train.

At this time, Sanyueqi was only thinking about the ninjutsu experience card she had obtained: [Wind Style: Toad Oil Flame Bomb Experience Card].

There are always cloud cavalry patrolling on the fairy ship, and skills cannot be used casually.

But it is different on the Starry Sky Train.

The Starry Sky Train is protected by the pioneering star god Akivali, and ordinary small skills will not have any effect on it.

And even if the train is damaged, the train conductor Pam has a way to repair it.

Therefore, Sanyueqi can't wait to show off her new skills in the observation car.

As soon as the door of the observation car was opened, a figure with a gun was seen standing right in front of him.

"Dan Heng... Teacher Dan Heng?"

San Yueqi recognized him at a glance. That person was Dan Heng.

At this time, Teacher Dan Heng's expression was obviously a little strange.

"Teacher Danheng, what's wrong?" Sanyueqi scratched his head and smiled foolishly.

"Little Sanyue~ How dare you ask? Aren't you going to challenge me?"

Dan Heng was in a big headache at this time.

He had just asked everyone on the train, including Uncle Yang and Pam.

Everyone heard Sanyueqi's shout just now.

This meant that Sanyueqi had made a regional broadcast in some way.

Dan Heng didn't really care that Sanyueqi called him a fool, but he would never allow such behavior of making his name known.

Because the reason why he boarded the Starry Sky Train and lived a low-key life was actually to avoid being hunted down.

What Sanyueqi did was very likely to expose her identity.

If this reckless girl is not taught a lesson this time, she will definitely do it again next time.

""Ah?" Sanyueqi laughed awkwardly."Teacher Danheng, that was just a little joke. You are so busy on weekdays, how can you have time to accept my challenge?"

"I have time now."Dan Heng said firmly.

Sanyueqi fiddled with her two fingers back and forth, showing an innocent smile.

She wanted to use this cute way to calm Dan Heng down.

How could she be Dan Heng's opponent?

Dan Heng practiced the hunting skill of wind attribute, while she practiced the protection skill of ice attribute.

There is an innate attribute restraint.

Thinking of the attribute restraint, Sanyueqi's mind suddenly became active.

His ninjutsu experience card is a combination of fire and wind attributes.

The fire attribute is very effective against Dan Heng's wind attribute!

Just in time to practice with him

"Hehehe~ Mr. Danheng, since you have accepted the challenge, don't blame me for being merciless."

"The loser will clean the train for a week."

The two climbed directly to the top of the train, which was relatively open and more suitable for a duel.

Ji Zi also climbed up. In fact, as a navigator, she should have checked a series of train maintenance after returning to the train.

However, seeing that Sanyueqi and Danheng wanted to duel, she felt helpless, but also a little curious.

Because she also wanted to know whether the treasures that Sanyueqi opened were actually useful.

"Teacher Danheng, I just learned a new skill, you have to be careful"

"Go ahead and do it."

Dan Heng didn't take San Yue Qi's reminder seriously.

After all, he had only been separated from San Yue Qi for less than half a day, and he knew very well how good this little girl was.

It was impossible for her to change her appearance in just half a day.

"Then I'm going to do it!"

Sanyueqi's face darkened and she suddenly became serious.

She gently placed her finger on the ninjutsu experience card.

In an instant, the experience card emitted a dazzling light, and then the card directly turned into a ball of memory and poured into Sanyueqi's body. The light also dimmed after a moment.

This magical scene scared Ji Zi and Dan Heng.

At the same time, a piece of information began to appear in Sanyueqi's mind.

【The Wind Style Toad Oil Flame Bomb Experience Card has been used, and you have obtained the Ninjutsu: Wind Style Toad Oil Flame Bomb. The Ninjutsu cooldown time is 2 hours! The remaining time for the Ninjutsu experience is: 48 hours. 】

Sanyueqi, who had never learned this skill before, mastered it completely in an instant.

She thought about it, and the Ninjutsu started!

She began to make seals with her hands and made a series of strange gestures.

Jizi and Danheng were both stunned.

"What is this girl doing?"

The next second, something even stranger happened.

Two big, fleshy toads suddenly appeared beside San Yue Qi.

One toad was spewing black oily liquid, with a whirlwind swirling above the liquid.

The other toad began to spit out hot flames from its mouth.

The flames touched the black oily substance, ignited it directly, and began to climb along the oily substance.

In an instant, it was like a blazing fire dragon roaring towards Dan Heng.


"Dan Heng, get out of the way!"

Ji Zi was shocked by the scene in front of her and had no idea how to deal with it.

She had been practicing fire-attributed skills, but she had never seen such a strange and powerful skill.

Dan Heng also realized that something was wrong, but because he had no advance warning, it was too late to dodge.

Suddenly, a gray figure blocked Dan Heng.

It was Walter Yang.

He waved a strange cane and summoned a huge space-time vortex in front of Dan Heng, swallowing the fire dragon alive.

The vortex dissipated, the fire dragon disappeared, and the two strange toads beside March Seventh turned into white smoke with a puff.

But the hot air waves still permeated the air, and the train was filled with the smell of burning.


San Yueqi was also shocked by the power of this skill.

She didn't expect that a spell on a card could be so powerful.

If she had known in advance, she would never have practiced with Teacher Dan Heng, which almost caused a disaster.

""That was close, luckily I blocked it." Uncle Yang took a breath and adjusted his glasses.

But the more he thought about it, the weirder it seemed.

The skill that March Seven had just used was definitely far beyond her current strength level.

What was even more bizarre was that this skill was completely contrary to March Seven's destiny and attributes.

Logically, even if March Seven had learned it, she wouldn't have been able to use it.

Thinking more deeply, there were actually more weird points.

Having two skills at the same time was something that even the experienced Uncle Yang had never heard of.

And when it was released, there was no energy fluctuation at all, which meant that March Seven didn't use up any combat skill energy at all.

"How is this possible?"Walter Yang fell into deep thought.

"Teacher Danheng, are you okay?" Sanyueqi came to his senses and quickly helped Danheng up."How do I know you didn't hide at all?"

""Girl, how could I have thought that you could use fire-attributed skills?" Dan Heng wiped the sweat from his forehead and complained."Tell me the truth, how did you learn this skill?"

San Yueqi blinked in grievance, feeling like she was about to cry.

"I opened them all in a blind box store in Xianzhou. You can open a blind box once with 500,000 credit points."

"Blind box?"Dan Heng looked incredulous."You said you got a skill that you can master instantly in the blind box?"

"Do you think Uncle Yang and I are fools?"

"It's absolutely true, Sister Ji Zi can also testify, and she also opened the blind box."

Seeing Ji Zi nodded, Dan Heng and Walter Yang believed that what March Seven said was true.

"Where is this shop located?"

""Is it the one that advertised just now?" the two asked in unison.

At this moment, they were both very interested in this blind box store.

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