From the beginning, a group of immortal boat people gathered outside Lin Ye's shop.

The flashing golden light attracted them all.

Even a few patrolling cloud cavalry soldiers came over.

"What are you all doing here? Don't you know that it is forbidden to gather and cause trouble on the Immortal Boat?"

"Sir, there is something strange about this shop. There was a golden light coming out of it just now."

"This shop is a blind box shop. The owner, Lin Ye, came to Xianzhou three years ago. In the past three years, this shop has not sold a single blind box. But today, it has started to have business. Don’t you think it’s strange?"

"Could the blind boxes sold inside really contain rare treasures?"

"I didn't believe it before, but after seeing the golden light in the store, I'm a little unsure."

Just then, Sanyueqi and Jizi just walked out of the store.

But the expressions of the two people were completely different. Sanyueqi looked very happy, while Jizi looked a little angry.

"Ladies, you didn’t buy the blind box from this store, did you?"

"Girls, you are obviously from other places. You have been deceived."

"You are so confused, spending 500,000 to buy this kind of thing. But it doesn't matter, you can go to Minghuo Chamber of Commerce to complain!"

March Seven nodded quickly and said happily:"Yes, and I also opened something very powerful"

"Didn't you hear my voice just now? That was the voice I heard from the treasure in the blind box."

The crowd was shocked. They all heard the voice coming from the sky just now.

They didn't expect it to be the treasure in the blind box.

"The sound just now turned out to be from you, girl. I thought it was an interstellar broadcast.……"

"Is this true? To be able to make such a loud noise, it must be a very powerful treasure!"

"How is that possible? Most of the props in this kind of blind box are put in by the store owner himself. Just look at Lin Ye's poor appearance, how could he have such a powerful treasure?"

"It must be some trick. Lin Ye is lazy and likes to eat and drink for free. He has been cheating on food and drink for a long time."

"I think this boss is amazing." Sanyueqi kept shaking his head."There are all kinds of treasures in the blind box, and Sister Jizi also drew an experience skill book that can be learned in one go."

Jizi knocked on Sanyueqi's head, not wanting the stinky girl to continue talking.

Everyone turned their eyes to Jizi again.

"Miss, are there really treasures in the blind box?"

Ji Zi looked annoyed, but still nodded.

Thinking of the things she had just opened, her cheeks flushed again

"There are indeed treasures in the blind box. But the owner of this shop is a dirty bastard!"

Ji Zi never believed that her luck would be so bad.

And she even drew those shameful things.

She thought it was Lin Ye's deliberate trick.

Isn't such a boss dirty?

Everyone present was stunned.

They got two very important pieces of information.

The first is that this shop really sells blind boxes containing treasures.

The second is that the owner of this shop, Lin Ye, is very problematic and may have done unspeakable dirty things to foreign guests.

"Sir of the Cloud Cavalry, we also think that Lin Ye is suspicious."

"If he really did something to damage the reputation of our Xianzhou, he must be severely punished!"

"We implore you to investigate this shop and Lin Ye."

Several Cloud Cavalry soldiers nodded.

If what everyone said was true, this shop was indeed a bit strange.

However, considering that the blind box inside was so strange, the Cloud Cavalry decided to report the matter directly to their general Jing Yuan.


After Ji Zi and San Yue Qi left, Lin Ye was alone in the store, staring blankly.

He looked a bit like a pervert.

"My Aunt Himeko... My beloved Aunt Himeko"

"Our first time ended so awkwardly."

"I still want to listen to your last lesson."

Then the system prompt sounded in his head.

"Wake up, host! We are here to make money, not to fall in love."

Lin Ye slowly came back to his senses and remembered that he had sold 15 blind boxes in one go today.

His mood instantly improved, and Ji Zi's matter was thrown behind his mind.

This real money harvest is always real.

In addition to the 7 million credit points earned from selling blind boxes.

Lin Ye can also double the items opened in the blind boxes.

【Wind Style: Toad Oil Flame Bullet Trial Card x2】

【Footprints of Destiny X20】

【Geomechanical frame X2】

【Big World Speaker X2】

【Purified Ether X40】

【Concentrated Ether X100】

【Nine-turn Large Intestine Sashimi Skill Book X2】

【Umbrella that rains when opened X2】

【Dior Wilderness Perfume X2】

【Packaged Xundi X2】

【Screaming Chicken X2】

【MADO Blu-ray Video Tape X2】

【Pink cute cat ears X2】

【Black fishnet stockings X2]

Looking at the dense harvest, Lin Ye's scalp tingled with pleasure


"Hehehe, you may make a small profit, but I will definitely not lose money."

Lin Ye already has a financial plan. The first step is to take out some money and spend it at the night shop next door.

But then his phone rang with a transfer notification sound.

【Your Mihoyou account has transferred 7 million credit points to the system.

The system has quietly transferred all of Lin Ye's"stolen money" away.

"Wang Defa! System, you actually took away all the money?"

"Host, the blind boxes in the store are all provided by the system, so the credit points obtained from the transaction naturally belong to the system. You can get a rebate on the props in the blind box, so just be happy."

"In addition, I would like to remind you, host, that all the props you get through rebates can only be used by yourself, and cannot be traded."

Lin Ye finally understood that this system is definitely a profiteer among profiteers.

All credit points are taken for himself, which indirectly leads to Lin Ye having no cash.

Although the treasures opened are also valuable, the fact that they cannot be traded blocks Lin Ye's way to sell treasures for money.

Lin Ye will become the richest poor dog in the entire Star Iron World.

"System, aren't you afraid that I will go on strike? At worst, I'll just quit and become an unknown person wandering the universe."

"You won't."

But I heard the system's mean laughter.

"Host, now that people outside already know that there are treasures in the blind box, do you think it will be safe for you to go out alone?"

"What do you mean by system?"

"In fact, I have not told you a secret for three years. As long as you stay in this shop, you are invincible. No matter what kind of star god or envoy he is, as long as he walks into this shop, you can kill him with one punch!"

Lin Ye's head was buzzing, which triggered a resonance in his head.

I didn't expect the system to have such a trick up its sleeve. It's really sinister.

The world of Xingtie is very large and cruel, and there are countless strong people outside.

The man is innocent, but he is guilty of possessing a treasure!

Now that the news that there are treasures in the blind box shop has spread, many people must be keen on buying them for zero yuan. As the owner of a blind box shop, Lin Ye will be in great danger.

It seems that it is the safest to stay in this invincible blind box shop for the time being.

"Brother System, how can I leave?"

"Wouldn’t it be nice for everyone to get rich together?"

"I want to treat the sale of blind boxes as a noble cause."

A real man can bend and stretch, Lin Ye has already made a plan.

He wants to sell more blind boxes, and then get rebates from the treasures inside, so as to continuously improve himself.

When one day he is strong enough, he can leave the system and fly solo.

What he needs to do now is to try his best to increase the popularity of the store and let everyone come to buy blind boxes.

"Brother System, I have a plan!"

"Since I am invincible in the store, I am not afraid of someone coming to ruin the place. I decided to carry out a wave of viral advertising."

Lin Ye's sudden excitement caused the system to be silent for a short time.

"You... Host, what are you going to do?"

Lin Ye directly took out two world loudspeakers and pressed the buttons on the loudspeakers simultaneously.

"Luofu Xianzhou, Luofu Xianzhou, the largest blind box store, Wanjie Blind Box Store has closed down!

"The previous boss was addicted to gambling and drinking, owed 300 million in gambling debts, and ran away with his sister-in-law……"

"I have no choice but to use the blind boxes to pay my salary! The blind boxes originally priced at 100 million or 200 million are now all worth 500,000 credit points!"

"There are all kinds of treasures in the blind box! There are even star cores."

The loudspeaker disappeared, and Lin Ye's impassioned speech began to spread throughout the universe.

The two loudspeakers were used at the same time, and the effect was doubled.

The sound traveled across the sea of stars and played in every corner.


Taiziyuros Planet.

Nanook, the Star God of Destruction, angrily struck the ground.

The words that just came from the sky made him extremely uncomfortable.

At first he thought it was a declaration of protest from a Star God, but after listening carefully, he realized it was���

It's a fucking ad.

"Who is barking so loudly?"

"How noisy! How can there be such a filthy race?"

"What does it have to do with us if the boss runs away with his sister-in-law?"

The Star God of Destruction was violent and eccentric by nature, and at this moment he was absolutely murderous, wishing he could fly to the Luofu Immortal Boat right now and kill this bastard who was advertising.

"Antimatter Army!"


"You guys go to Luofu Fairy Boat and capture this person who is posting the advertisement for me!"

"I want to destroy him completely!"


The cold planet of Yalilo.

A world covered in snow.

The upper district of Beloberg.


Great Guardian Kokolia frowned.

Beside her stood several Silver Mane Iron Guards, as well as her daughter, the current Silver Guard Commander Bronya.

"Did you find out what the sound was just now?"

"My Lord Guardian, I don't know where that voice came from, and I have no way to find out."

Bronya pondered for a moment, and suddenly said:

"Mother, I hope I can go to Luofu Xianzhou and find this blind box store before the planet's nuclear crisis breaks out completely."

"Since this blind box store can spread the news to the distant Yaliluo, it means that there may really be rare treasures in it."

"If you can draw a treasure, you may be able to save our planet"

"Moreover, the star core was mentioned in the broadcast just now, which means that the person knows a lot about the star core. Even if there is no treasure, the person who sent the broadcast may have the ability to help us."

Cocolia naturally doesn't believe in blind boxes.

But at this stage, she really can't see any hope for the future.

This icy world is getting colder and the star core cracks are expanding.

She doesn't know how long she can protect this planet.

So she can only hope for this unknown possibility.

At this point in time, the star core crisis is just in its infancy, and the interstellar channel is still open.

In another year or so, I'm afraid it will be a luxury to want to leave this planet.

"You go with Jeppard, and be sure to be safe"

"May the builders of the wall protect you."

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