"What about this umbrella? What does it do?"

"Hehe, this umbrella is of great origin."Lin Ye still had a playful expression."Miss Ji Zi, why not give it a try, there will be a surprise." Ji Zi didn't think much about it and directly opened the umbrella.

When the umbrella was opened, the crackling sound of raindrops also appeared at the same time.

Heavy rain fell directly from the umbrella, soaking Ji Zi like a drowned chicken.

In an instant, her hair and clothes were soaked, but she looked charming.

"Hahaha, sister Jizi, you are so funny."

Sanyueqi held her stomach and could n't help laughing. She also took out the camera on her chest and took a beautiful photo of Jizi.

Jizi put away the umbrella angrily, and the rain stopped immediately.

"Boss! Explain this to me!" Ji Zi said angrily while wiping her wet hair.

"Miss, don't be angry. I just didn't have time to tell you that this umbrella is not an ordinary umbrella. It is an umbrella that can rain when it is opened.���"

March 7:"……"


Both of them had three black lines on their heads.

If it wasn't for the fact that she had to maintain the image of a good big sister in front of a child like Sanyueqi, Ji Zi even wanted to curse.

What is an umbrella that rains as soon as it is opened?

Aren't umbrellas meant to protect against wind and rain and avoid getting wet?

But this umbrella can actually create rain.

This sounds too weird.

Lin Ye explained with a smile:"You can't look at this thing with the eyes of ordinary people. If you treat it as an ordinary umbrella, it is really useless."

"But if you use it as a water supply tool, it is a real magic weapon. Because it can provide water continuously, it is very useful in places where water is scarce and drought breaks out."

"Isn't it just something that an adventurer like Miss Jizi needs? Imagine if one day you came to a deserted planet alone.……"


After listening to Lin Ye's explanation, Ji Zi's expression became even more strange.

After Lin Ye's explanation, she actually felt that it did make some sense.

But she also felt that she was fooled.

San Yueqi on the side asked in confusion:"But where does the water come from? Teacher Dan Heng said that everything in the world has a source, so where is the source of these rainwater?"

Lin Ye was helpless. This little girl has so many questions.

If I knew such a profound question, would I still sell blind boxes here?

"These details are not important, the things in the blind box are all weird."Lin Ye said vaguely. Ji Zi frowned and said,"Boss, I admit that these things are magical, but I feel that they are of no use to me."

""Miss, you have to know that it is better to be prepared. Just because it is useless now does not mean it will be useless in the future." Lin Ye comforted Ji Zi."And you still have 7 blind boxes to open. You never know if you can get something you like."

Ji Zi calmed down and picked four blind boxes from the shelf behind Lin Ye.

Pah pah pah!

Four golden lights flashed

【Dior Wilderness Perfume X1】

【Footprints of Destiny X5】

【Package of Xundi X1】

【Screaming Chicken X1】

When seeing these four things.

Lin Ye was speechless.

Aunt Jizi, you are really embarrassed.

You say these things are useless, but they are still somewhat useful.

You say they are useful, but there are really not many.

Not to mention the Footprints of Destiny, I have also drawn it on March 7th before, it is a very basic material in this world.

There is also Xundi, which is the common currency on the Immortal Boat, it is definitely useful.

But if you really need Xundi, you can just go to the business on Xuanye Street to exchange it with credit points, do you still need to open a blind box?

Lin Ye carefully observed the detailed introduction of the other two things.

【Dior Wilderness Perfume: A very popular men's perfume, commonly known as the fragrance of scumbag men. Spraying it on the body can greatly increase your attractiveness to women in a short period of time.】

【Screaming Chicken: A strange item from a mysterious world. Just press it gently to make a sound like"Ouch, what are you doing?" and people who hear the sound will dance unconsciously. 】

Seeing this strange introduction, Lin Ye's head hurts a little

"System, you made such a weird thing, how can I explain it to the customer?"

"Host, I can't decide what's in the blind box, so I'll leave the task of appeasing the customer to you."

Seeing that Ji Zi's expression was a little wrong, Lin Ye took the initiative to explain.

"Ms. Jizi, these two things are actually quite good."

"Just like this screaming chicken, if you take it out and pinch it a few times at a critical moment, it will definitely surprise people. Especially when facing a strong enemy, it can definitely have an unexpected effect."

"As for this perfume, it is still necessary to occasionally enhance the charm between the same sex."

Ji Zi looked at him speechlessly and did not speak.

Instead, she directly opened the remaining three blind boxes

【MADO Blu-ray Video Tape X1】

【Pink cute cat ears X1】

【Black Fishnet Stockings X1】

The information of the item also appeared simultaneously.

Oh my god!

Lin Ye was shocked

【Madou Blu-ray Video: Contains the most popular works in the Madou series. After 4K video restoration, every frame has reached the most perfect state.】

【Pink cute cat ears: Very kawaii cat ears headdress, mostly used for cosplay. After wearing it, it can greatly increase your sense of shame and make the whole person in a state of being controlled by the enemy.】

【Black fishnet stockings: A very sexy pair of stockings. Because they have big holes, you don't have to worry about them being torn. The wearer's movement speed will increase by 20%.

Lin Ye swallowed hard.

In his mind, there was already a picture of Ji Zi wearing fishnet stockings and cat ears, and watching a Madou video with him.

""Hmph! A profiteer!"

Lin Ye came to his senses and found that Ji Zi had put away everything.

His face was flushed with embarrassment. He changed from his usual dignified and gentle appearance to a very irritable one.

This was clearly a sign that his defense had been broken.

"I spent 4.5 million credits just to buy this pile of junk?"

"You said before that this blind box must be worth the money, which is a complete lie."

"You are a profiteer! A liar!"

4.5 million credit points is definitely a big expense. Ji Zi's anger is not without reason.

"Ms. Jizi, the things you opened this time are actually good things, but they may not be suitable for you."

"If you give these things to other men on the Star Train, they will definitely be willing to pay a lot of money for them."

"Maybe if you draw ten times in a row next week, your luck will change."

Lin Ye could only try to say nice things to comfort Ji Zi's wounded heart.

"Bah! This is a shady shop. I will report you to Minghuo Chamber of Commerce right now."

After saying that, Ji Zi dragged Sanyueqi out of the door, leaving only a graceful back figure for Lin Ye to imagine.

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