Sanyueqi was not aware of the huge fluctuations that were happening in the entire universe at this moment.

However, after seeing the effect of the world's loudspeaker, she and Jizi were convinced that the blind box could produce treasures.

This blind box is really amazing!

""Two beauties, do you believe me now?" Lin Ye said with a smile."If you are satisfied, please help promote it."

Lin Ye was not polite to them.

The Starry Sky Train runs all over the universe, and can advertise Lin Ye's blind box store on every planet.

Lin Ye would never miss such a great promotion.

As long as everyone knows that his blind box can really produce treasures, he will never worry about lack of customers.

"No problem." Sanyueqi nodded with satisfaction and said mischievously,"I will help you sell the goods. Is there any commission?""

"Ah? Sorry, haha, this is a small business, so I can't give you a commission."

March 7 has obviously become a core customer of the store.

But Ji Zi remained silent and didn't speak.

��Ye noticed Aunt Ji Zi's tangled eyes and knew that a new business opportunity had come.

"Miss Jizi, wouldn’t you like to try a few blind boxes?"

"You never know what treasure you might get if you are lucky."

Lin Ye showed Ji Zi a very kind smile.

At this moment, Ji Zi was really moved by the blind box in front of her, and her mood was very complicated.

Blind boxes were invented to please girls.

No woman can resist the surprise of opening a blind box.

"Are there really treasures in these blind boxes?"Ji Zi said hesitantly

""No cheating, and every one of them will at least make back the money, absolutely no loss." Lin Ye replied."And you also saw that the things that Miss March Seven opened are all pretty good." Ji Zi nodded half-doubtfully.

The treasures that Miss March Seven opened are indeed worth more than 500,000 credit points.

Some things are obviously worth more than the money.

Ji Zi calculated her savings. Although it was not much, after all, she had traveled around the universe for so long, and she still had some savings. It was more than enough to buy this kind of blind box.

"Then give me 10 blind boxes."


Lin Ye was secretly happy. She didn't expect Aunt Jizi to buy it, but she bought it ten times in a row.

Aunt Jizi, I still love you.

Sanyueqi on the side pouted.

"Sister Jizi, you are cheating. When I wanted to buy it just now, you tried to stop me, but now you want to draw 10 times in a row."

Jizi lifted her red hair, laughed awkwardly, and touched Sanyueqi's head.

"Xiao Sanyue, you are still young. It would be bad if you develop the bad habit of gambling at such a young age."

"My sister bought 10 in a row to save money."

Lin Ye also responded:"Miss Ji Zi is right. If you buy ten at a time, you can save 500,000 credit points. It will be a lot of money if you accumulate it over time."

"Miss, take your pick. There are all kinds of blind boxes in this room. You can choose from them."

Ji Zi looked around and then selected 10 blind boxes and piled them on the table.

She started to open the boxes skillfully with her slender fingers.

Snap, snap, snap!

Ji Zi opened three boxes in one breath, and the golden light illuminated the whole room.

【Concentrated Ether X50】

【Nine-turn Large Intestine Sashimi Skill Book X1】

【[Open the umbrella that makes it rain x1]

Looking at the full of things in her hands, Ji Zi's face was filled with smiles.

The quality of concentrated ether is definitely not as good as the purified ether drawn on March 7, but fortunately the quantity is large and full.

The value of 50 tubes of concentrated ether is basically 500,000 credit points, so it is neither profitable nor loss-making.

The other two things also look like treasures.

This skill book is likely to record very powerful skills, and the umbrella is also very likely to be some kind of exotic treasure.

【The skill book of Nine-turn Large Intestine Sashimi is a one-time consumable item. It is a recipe book that records the supreme delicacies. Users can directly gain experience in making Nine-turn Large Intestine. The highest-level Nine-turn Large Intestine retains the most original flavor and gives people a natural enjoyment.】

【An umbrella that will rain when opened. Rain will flow out of it when opened. It is a spoof prop from a Doraemon world. 】

Looking at the item information displayed by the system, Lin Ye was embarrassed.

My Aunt Jizi, your luck is so bad!

"Boss, how do I use this skill book?"

"It is very simple to use. You just need to open the book and the memories in it will directly enter your brain and merge with your experience. You can directly master the skills in the skill book."Lin Ye explained

"Gain experience directly? Oh my god."

Ji Zi was shocked. Gaining experience directly was equivalent to learning skills directly.

This was too incredible.

You know, learning a skill requires long-term practice and enlightenment.

Now, with this skill book, you can master the skill instantly, once and for all.

"However, Miss Jizi...your skill book……"

Before Lin Ye finished speaking, Ji Zi had already opened the skill book.

She couldn't wait to see the power of this skill book.

After the skill book was opened, it instantly turned into smoke, and at the same time, a white light briefly flashed above Ji Zi's head.

The memories in the skill book began to twist and turn in Ji Zi's brain.

Then, Ji Zi's gentle and beautiful face gradually became uncertain.

In the end, it turned into a fake smile.

There was shyness, anger, and even a physiological reaction of wanting to vomit.

"What a strange memory.……"

Ji Zi stared at Lin Ye with her beautiful eyes. She just wanted to delete this memory from her mind.

"Hehehe, Miss Jizi, I just wanted to explain it to you."

"This skill book contains more than just combat skills. Life skills can also be considered skills. The skill book just now belongs to cooking skills."

"Congratulations, you have learned how to make a famous dish."

Three ellipsis marks floated over Ji Zi's head.

"You dare to call this a famous dish? Is this for people to eat?" Ji Zi complained

"Miss, you can't say that. Different people have different tastes."Lin Ye said with a smile."Who knows, some people may really like to eat this dish."

"Blind boxes are interesting because they are full of unknowns. You have just witnessed the power of this skill book. Who knows, you may get a skill book that suits you next time?"

"And I want to remind you that the things in the blind box can actually be traded. For example, if you sell the skill book just now to the chef of Xianzhou, you can definitely get a good price."

Although she was helpless, Ji Zi had to admit that what Lin Ye said made some sense.

As the navigator of the Starry Sky Train, she was embarrassed to cheat.

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