The golden light appears again, and the treasure in the blind box has reached the hands of March 7

【1 bag of Crave cat food X1】

【Five-star Relic X1】

【Poké Ball with Pokémon X1】

【Rainbow Little White Horse Rocking Car X1】

【Purify Ether X30】

"Wow, I feel like I'm really lucky this time."

Sanyueqi was immediately attracted by the rainbow white horse.

"This thing looks so cute, it must be a treasure, right?"

Looking at this rocking car in the shape of a little white horse, Lin Ye had three slashes on his head.

Girl, what are you looking at?

This thing... doesn't look like a treasure at all.

To confirm, Lin Ye carefully checked the detailed explanation given by the system.

【A bag of Crave cat food: Very delicious cat food, mixed with a variety of meats, it helps kittens grow cheeks and is a favorite of cats. In difficult conditions, it can also be eaten by humans, but the taste may be a little strange.】

【Rainbow Little White Horse Rocking Car: A children's toy from a distant world. With it, you no longer have to worry about your child's entertainment.���question】

【A Poké Ball with Pokémon in it: From the magical Pokémon world, you can randomly summon a Pokémon by opening the Poké Ball. 】

No matter how you look at it, this rainbow white horse is just an ordinary toy.

"Well, this thing is really cute and very fun to use"

"Really."March Seven's eyes were shining, and he looked very energetic.

After all, he was still a child, how could he resist the temptation of a rocking car??

"I'll teach you how to use this thing." Lin Ye really couldn't bear to disappoint Sanyueqi."Just sit on it."

Sanyueqi rode on the back of the little white horse swiftly.

"what's next?"

"Next, someone needs to shake this thing by hand."

March Seven looked back at Walter Yang and said with a smile:"Uncle Yang, I'll leave it to you."

Walter Yang had never seen such a strange thing before, so he cooperated very well and began to shake the rocking car according to Lin Ye's instructions.

The little white horse continued to rock back and forth, and the horse's hooves emitted colorful lights, as if it was stepping on a rainbow.

At the same time, the little white horse's mouth opened and closed, and a very pleasant song came out from it.

"You are the inner inner inner inner inner……"

"Sunshine Rainbow Little White Horse."

Looking at March Seventh rising and falling on the little white horse, Walter Yang was directly embarrassed.

He looked at Lin Ye with a slightly dull look and slowly said:"Boss, what's next?"

"That's all." Lin Ye replied."This is a children's entertainment facility that requires human control, and it will bring you the most primitive joy."

"Look how happy Miss March is having fun."

At this time, March Seven seemed to have been immersed in the world of Sunshine Rainbow Little White Horse, and did not hear the conversation between Walter Yang and Lin Ye at all.

"Hehehe, it's fun"

"Uncle Yang, don't stop"

"La la la, sunshine rainbow little white horse~"

While playing, Sanyueqi also laughed silly

"Uncle Yang, do you want to come up and try it too?"

Walter Yang held his forehead, sighed deeply, and stopped shaking the little white horse.

March 7 also stopped immediately.

"Uncle Yang, why did you stop?"March Seven complained unhappily.

"Sanyue, this thing is not something you should play with at your age, you are about to become an adult."

Sanyueqi came back to his senses and suddenly realized that his behavior just now was a little stupid.

His little face turned red again.

Walter Yang looked at Lin Ye and said with some disappointment:"Boss, I admit that there are treasures in your blind box, but at the same time, there are also many such shoddy things."

"Just like this thing just now, it is obviously used to deceive children, and it is not worth 500,000 credit points at all"

"Hey, sir, you can't say that."Lin Ye said with a smile."It's impossible to make a lot of money every time I open a blind box, otherwise how can I do this business?"

"What's more, Miss March didn't lose out this time."

"The most valuable thing she found in the blind box this time was actually the Poké Ball."

Lin Ye pointed to the inconspicuous red and white ball on the table.

If it weren't for Lin Ye's reminder, San Yue Qi and Walter Yang would have even forgotten about the ball because it was so inconspicuous.

"This ball is called a Poké Ball, and it contains a Pokémon that can fight alongside you."Lin Ye explained."You can treat it as a combat pet that belongs to you."

Upon hearing this, San Yue Qi's eyes lit up immediately, and he picked up the Poké Ball and started to fiddle with it.

"Can you fight alongside me? That sounds awesome."

March Seven only knew that some people could make robots fight for them, but she had never heard of combat pets.

In this interstellar world, pet training had long been lost.

She couldn't wait to find out what kind of pets were inside. The more she thought about it, the more excited she became.

"So what kind of pet is in there?"


This question stumped Lin Ye. He had watched the cartoon Pokémon when he was very young.

He only remembered a few of the most classic Pokémon in it, and he only had a limited understanding of them.

"I can't tell you what kind of pet you can get, but it's likely to be a cute, fluffy one."

"Moreover, this kind of pet can evolve and upgrade continuously. Some of them may not be cute at first, but they will become cute as they evolve."

Lin Ye thought about it, and the pets in Pokémon seemed to be cute.

At least they were cute before they evolved.

Unless March 7 was very unlucky and got a stinky mud or a gas bomb,

"Then I'll open it now!"

March Seven raised the Poké Ball and threw it directly to the ground.

A white light illuminated the���The white light slowly gathered in the shop and finally formed a small figure.

The result was a standing yellow duck.


Sanyueqi stared at the duck in confusion.

This was too different from her expectations.

She thought the summoned pet would be tall and mighty, even with wings, able to fly. How cool it would be to take it out like that.

But what stood in front of her was a very funny duck.

The most important thing was that the duck had a dull look in its eyes and didn't look very smart.

Lin Ye recognized at a glance that this Pokémon was the most spoof of all Pokémon: Psyduck.

If you say it's good, it's actually good, at least it's not like Mud, Psyduck is still very cute.

"Hahaha." Lin Ye laughed awkwardly."Miss Sanyue, congratulations on getting Pikachu. Look how cute he is."

Pikachu ran back and forth in the room, circling around Sanyueqi.

It made a duck sound of"Pikachu Pikachu".

Then it rubbed back and forth at Sanyueqi's feet, with a shy expression on its face.

"Boss...are you sure he can fight?"

""Ahahaha... should... should be possible."

Lin Ye scratched his head and said.

He remembered that this Psyduck was quite powerful and would use telekinesis once it was angered.

But most of the time, Psyduck would not do anything else except being cute.

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