Although she was a little disgusted, Sanyueqi couldn't lose her temper when she saw the cute duck.

She just hugged the duck in her arms.

Don't say it, the duck is fluffy and really feels good.

"Hahaha, you must admit that this duck is quite cute"

"Pikachu, I'm going to make you into a crispy duck"

"Keda Keda."

March Seven started playing and fighting with Keda Duck in the store.

This time Walter Yang did not stop her, but just shook his head helplessly.

"Boss, it's my turn."

"Okay, Mr. Walter, how many blind boxes are you going to open this time?"

Walter looked at March Seven, who was fighting with Psyduck, with a stiff smile on his face.

When he first saw the skill cards that March Seven opened in the blind box, Walter Yang was indeed full of expectations for Lin Ye's blind box.

But after watching Dan Heng and March Seven open the boxes, he realized a very serious problem.

That is, the blind boxes in Lin Ye's hands, the things in them are too mixed and chaotic.

Walter's brain was about to overload, and he didn't find any rules.

Many things are actually useless.

Not as good as the rocking car and Poké Ball just now.

Walter analyzed rationally that these things were put into the blind box, most likely to lower the winning rate.

In this case, it is actually very luck to want to draw something directly used in combat, such as a skill book.

So he is not going to draw ten times this time, but a little bit at a time.

Because he had heard a famous saying on his planet before: A single draw can produce a miracle

"Let's try a blind box first." Walter adjusted his glasses, looking very calm and steady.


Lin Ye didn't sell anything this time. As an old player who had played from Honkai to Star Iron, he knew Lao Yang's character.

Opening blind boxes is addictive. If he gets something slightly useful, Lin Ye doesn't believe Walter can hold back. He picked up a blind box from the shelf and placed it neatly in front of Walter.

Walter didn't hesitate and tore the blind box open.

Then a coin fell out of it.

【Primary Resurrection Coin X1】

【Primary resurrection coin: from the mysterious world of toxic milk powder, a one-time consumable. A coin engraved with mysterious runes, containing huge mysterious power, can ignore the cycle of life and death, and the bearer can be resurrected on the spot within one minute after death through this coin.

Looking at this coin, Lin Ye's eyes showed a very shocked look.

"Mr. Walter, you've made a great start."

"I got something very useful in my first draw."

Primary resurrection coins are actually a very common consumable in the poisonous milk powder world, but in this world, this thing is definitely a top-notch item.

"But it looks like an ordinary coin."Walter looked at the coin carefully, but could not see any clues.

"NONONO, this is not an ordinary coin, this is a resurrection coin"

"Resurrection Coin?!"

Walter's body was shocked.

The name of the coin was so straightforward that he understood its meaning at once.

But he changed his mind and gave up the idea.

"How is this possible? It is the basic rule of this world that people cannot be resurrected after death. How can this rule be changed by a small coin?"

In this world, everyone's life has an end, even the Star God is no exception.

If you have to talk about immortality, the first thing Walter thought of was the strange curse related to the Xianzhou Fengzao evil creature - the demon Yin body.

Thinking of this, Walter's eyes slowly changed from shock to anger.

Lin Ye noticed the change in Walter's expression and guessed his concerns. Before Walter opened his mouth, he explained directly

"Mr. Walter, this coin has nothing to do with the destiny of abundance, and it has no side effects at all."

"There are no side effects?"Walter still seemed unwilling to believe it.

"What's the big deal? I've said before that everything in the blind box is beyond your imagination."Lin Ye looked at Walter Yang calmly.

In front of this first Herrscher, he played the role of a teacher.

"Before today, have you ever seen a skill that can be mastered without training? Have you ever seen a panacea that can double a person's size?"

This question really left Walter Yang speechless.

Lin Ye's blind box really gave him too many subversive shocks in just one day.

"If it is really possible to revive a person on the spot, then his value is indeed more precious than a skill book."Walter pondered.

No matter how powerful a skill book is, it can only quickly improve one's strength within a limited range.

Even without a skill book, one can achieve the same effect through acquired efforts.

In comparison, resurrection is a completely cheating advantage.

Walter Yang carefully put away the coin, his eyes already looking at the other blind boxes on the shelf.

With such good luck in the first draw, it would be difficult for anyone to stop the car.

"Another blind box."

Lin Ye smiled and said nothing, and took down another blind box.

Walter Yang opened it in no time, and a white fruit rolled out of the blind box.

【Devil Fruit X1】

"Hmm? Isn't this the same thing as the red mushroom before?"Walter picked up the fruit and looked at it carefully.

The moment he saw the fruit, Lin Ye almost dropped his jaw.

This old Yang was really lucky.

It was fine that he got the resurrection coin with the first shot. But the second shot actually got the devil fruit directly.

"Sir, you are so lucky. You are here to teach me."

However, Lin Ye observed it again and found something strange. The main reason was that the appearance of this devil fruit was a little strange.

Lin Ye looked at the explanation given by the system again.

【Psychic Devil Fruit: Egg-egg Fruit: A magical fruit from a sea world. The eater will acquire the structure of an egg and be endowed with a very magical evolution process. Every time a chicken is on the verge of death, the eater will evolve once, from a chick to an adult rooster. 】

It turned out to be the fucking Egg-egg Fruit...

Lin Ye scratched his head in embarrassment.

I really don't know if Lao Yang is lucky or unlucky.

He drew the most bizarre fruit among the devil fruits.

The Egg-egg Fruit, as the name suggests, will turn the eater into an egg. The advantage of the Egg-egg Fruit is that the eater has several more lives. Every time he suffers fatal damage, he will not only not die but also evolve.

From an egg to a young Kun, it goes through five growth stages and finally evolves into a majestic giant Kun.

The effect of the devil fruit will not disappear until the eater in the giant Kun state dies.

If Walter Yang is a Kun lover, he might like this Egg-egg Fruit very much.

But it is obvious that this man is a standard straight man.

Thinking of the respectable Lao Yang getting into the eggshell, Lin Ye felt nauseous.

"Mr. Walter, don't be impatient, let me explain to you."

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