Walter Yang ran very fast and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

However, Sanyueqi was stopped by a group of Xianzhou residents.

The curious residents began to ask Sanyueqi questions.

"Girl, what happened?"

"Your friend looked a little strange just now, and he was carrying an eggshell on his back."

"Are there really treasures in this blind box store?"

"Have you been deceived?"

At this time, San Yueqi was in no mood to answer these people's questions.

"If you want to draw a blind box, why don't you just go and ask the boss? Why ask me?"

"I have something else to do, all of you move aside."

At this moment, a fox fairy girl in a red and white gauze dress with a fluffy tail behind her walked out of the crowd.

She had an outstanding temperament, and she had a bit of the texture of an oriental beauty with a fairy-like figure.

Wherever she walked, the crowd automatically made way for her.

"It's Miss Tingyun"

"I didn't expect it to be Miss Tingyun, the president of Minghuo Chamber of Commerce."

This beautiful fox person is Tingyun, the chief representative of Minghuo Chamber of Commerce of Tianbosi. To a certain extent, she is in charge of all the commercial activities of the entire Luofu Xianzhou.

The helmsman of Tianbosi, Yukong, is also from the fox clan and has always favored Tingyun.

Therefore, in Luofu Xianzhou, Tingyun's reputation can be said to be the first person under the Six Imperial Guards.

The residents of Xuanye Street all respect her.

Tingyun walked in front of March Seven with a smile on her face.

"Miss, I am Tingyun from Minghuo Chamber of Commerce. You look unfamiliar, so you are probably not from Xianzhou."

""Let me guess, you must have come here by the Starry Sky Train. You must be the quirky little Sanyue."

Tingyun's tone was so soft that people couldn't lose their temper at all.

Even the noisy crowd quieted down at this moment.

Earlier, General Jingyuan, the supreme commander of the Immortal Boat, gave Tingyun a secret mission and asked her to be responsible for receiving the passengers of the Starry Sky Train.

But she hadn't seen the navigator of the Starry Sky Train, Ji Zi, hand over to her.

Although there were many people on the Immortal Boat who came from other planets, most of them were business people.

Sanyueqi obviously didn't come to do business.

So with a little calculation, you can guess her identity.

"It turned out to be Sister Tingyun."March Seven smiled embarrassedly.

She remembered that Ji Zi had told her about the name of Tingyun, the fox man who was known as the most versatile in Luofu Xianzhou.

They had come to Xuanye Street today to make a handover with Tingyun.

But they delayed their business because of opening the blind box.

"It seems that I guessed right." Tingyun smiled slightly."But why are you the only one here? Where are Jizi, Walter, and Danheng?"

"Ah, they……"San Yueqi was so hesitant that she really didn't know where to start.

Teacher Danheng had been teleported to who knows where, and Uncle Yang had now turned into a chicken. How could she explain this to Tingyun?

At this time, a nosy Xianzhou person suddenly interrupted and said,"Girl, if you were cheated by that Lin Ye, you must tell Miss Tingyun, she will definitely be able to help you."

Hearing the name Lin Ye, Tingyun frowned and said,"Did that brat cheat you?"

"Ah...haha, that's not the case."Sanyueqi smiled awkwardly."In fact, Boss Lin Ye is still very good."

Although little Sanyue is a little naughty, he is still very reasonable.

Although there are many strange things in Lin Ye's blind box, Lin Ye will explain the specific function of this thing clearly.

For example, Dan Heng's disappearance and Lao Yang's transformation can't be blamed on Lin Ye.

And there are so many rare treasures in the blind box. Just based on a ninjutsu experience card, it is reasonable to sell it for millions of credit points, so it can't be said that Lin Ye is a profiteer.

On the contrary, he is actually a generous boss.

"Sister Tingyun, I will go back to find Sister Jizi first, and we will talk about the handover later."

March Seven pushed the crowd and ran away.

She didn't have time to explain anything now. The most urgent thing was to find the miserable Uncle Yang first, and then tell Jizi everything that happened today as soon as possible.


Watching March Seven's figure going away, Tingyun did not chase after him.

The identities of the people on the Star Train were still somewhat sensitive, and it was best not to let the public know too much. This was General Jingyuan's instruction.

So Tingyun did not want to make a big deal out of it, and directly dismissed all the onlookers outside the blind box store.

Even the patrolling Cloud Cavalry, Tingyun also gave them a break.

"Benefactor, leave the matters of Lin Ye's shop to me. Why don't you all go to the nearby Bu Ye Hou to have a few cups of good tea, just consider it as a treat from me.

Then, Tingyun walked into Lin Ye's blind box shop alone.

""What the hell are you doing, little brat?"

Lin Ye was still worried about Walter eating the devil fruit, but he was frightened by Tingyun's shout.

When he looked up and saw that it was Tingyun, Lin Ye could only smile awkwardly.

"Oh, it turns out to be the beautiful, smart and clever Sister Tingyun"

"Are you here to open a blind box as well?"

Lin Ye has both love and hate for Tingyun.

As the head of Minghuo Chamber of Commerce, Tingyun usually directly manages all business activities on Xuanye Street. To a certain extent, Lin Ye is half her subordinate.

Although this little fox fairy is very good with outsiders, she is quite strict with her own people.

Outsiders call her a benefactor, which makes people's bones numb.

But when it comes to his side, he becomes a brat, which makes him tremble with fear.

But when it comes to love for Tingyun, Lin Ye really loves her.

In the three years since she came to Xuanye Street, it has always been Tingyun who has helped her.

In the past three years, she has not sold a single blind box. It can be said that Lin Ye has zero income. Although she usually goes to other stores to do some part-time jobs, that little income is not even enough for the Chamber of Commerce membership fee.

In this case, Tingyun not only did not make things difficult for Lin Ye, but also usually funded Lin Ye's daily life.

So this little fox is her benefactor to a certain extent.

"You little bastard, stop talking nonsense." Tingyun rolled his eyes."I heard from the neighbors that your blind box store is making money again. Is that true?"

"Hehehe, I was lucky today and did sell a few blind boxes."Lin Ye said with a smile

"Since you've made money, you should be more conscious and pay the Chamber of Commerce dues as soon as possible."

When Lin Ye heard that it was another dues, his expression immediately became stiff and he could only smile repeatedly.

"Sister, this membership fee……"

Although he sold a lot of blind boxes, all the money he earned was taken away by the system.

He was a completely penniless pauper, so where could he get the membership fee?

"System, what should I do? Hurry up and transfer some credit points to me." Lin Ye talked to the system in his mind."It's been three years, I should pay some membership fees to them, otherwise if their business license is revoked, we will both be finished."

"It is impossible to transfer money."The system laughed meanly.

"But you can use the blind box as collateral."

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