For a profiteer like the system, being able to let Lin Ye use the blind box to pay off his debts can be considered as special care.

You should know that the Wanjie Blind Box Store has always believed in paying the money first and then receiving the goods.

"Blind box?"

Tingyun frowned, as if he didn't expect Lin Ye to do this.

"Sister Tingyun, I roughly calculated that I owe a total of about 1.5 million in membership fees in the past three years." Lin Ye took out a small notebook and began to calculate."One of my blind boxes sells for 500,000 credit points. Since you usually care about me, I will round it up and give you one more blind box."

"How about taking five blind boxes to pay off my three-year membership fee?"

Hearing this, Tingyun was furious.

In fact, Tingyun didn't come here this time to ask for any membership fee.

It has been three years, and he hasn't asked Lin Ye for a penny, and he doesn't expect to get it now.

But Lin Ye actually said that he would use the blind boxes to mortgage the membership fee, which made Tingyun very unhappy.

Outsiders don't know, doesn't she, the president of the Chamber of Commerce, know Lin Ye's weight?

If this blind box is really that powerful, how could it be possible that none of them have been sold in three years?

"Lin Ye, you little bastard, you actually got your sister's head hurt by your business." Tingyun pinched his waist and shook his big fluffy tail to complain."You think you can fool me with your tricks?"

"To be honest with you, I have seen this scam a hundred years ago. You put some good things in the blind box to attract customers, and then you cheat, right?"

After saying this, Tingyun winked at Lin Ye proudly.

Tingyun is also a businessman, and he is also an immortal. He has seen too many business tricks over the years.

"Sister, I, Lin Ye, am absolutely a conscientious seller, operating with integrity, please don't say anything nonsense"

"Besides, even if you don't want these blind boxes, I don't have any membership fees to give you now."

"If I were you, I would choose to open the blind box and try my luck."

Lin Ye grinned and laughed.

"You stinky boy!"

Looking at Lin Ye's playful smile, Tingyun was at a loss.

She had known Lin Ye for three years and had long been accustomed to Lin Ye's shameless appearance.

"Well, don't miss it, anyway, you are a stingy person and you can't give me anything else."

Tingyun was not polite and took five blind boxes directly from the shelf.

Then he slid his jade finger gently and the first blind box opened.

As the golden light emerged, a stack of papers appeared in Tingyun's hand.

【Detonator x10】

"Which planet's currency is this?"

Looking at this strange stack of paper, Tingyun was a little puzzled.

The paper was square and looked like an ordinary piece of paper, with dense black symbols written on it. The whole paper was white, with a word"explosion" written in the center.

As the president of Minghuo Chamber of Commerce, Tingyun usually went to many different planets for business negotiations.

But he had never seen such a strange paper money.

"This is not paper money, this is a detonating talisman."Lin Ye explained.

"Detonating Talisman? What is that?"

Lin Ye glanced at the explanation given by the system, then chuckled and said,"Detonating Talisman is a disposable weapon. You can think of it as an evolved version of firecrackers."

"The method of use is also very simple. Just stick this thing on the place where you need to detonate, and then apply a little pressure, and the talisman paper will explode. It is fireproof and waterproof, and can also explode underwater. The killing effect is so-so, but it is convenient, flexible and portable."

"This is worth it."

In the world of Xingtie, the detonating talisman is at best an ordinary skill. In an advanced world ruled by destiny, ordinary small explosions are definitely not enough.

But if the detonating talisman is combined with other skills, it is very likely to produce unexpected results.

Tingyun was confused and shook her head repeatedly.

According to Lin Ye's explanation, this thing should be a talisman to be precise.

She knew that the Chiming tribe on the fairy boat had experience in making talismans, but it had been lost many years ago.

"How do you make something like this?"

""Sister, please don't accuse me of something. I didn't make this thing. It was in the blind box." Lin Ye explained helplessly. Sure enough, Tingyun still believed that the things in the blind box were put in by Lin Ye in advance.

Tingyun didn't say anything more. She had to go back and do some research to determine what this detonating talisman was.

Soon she opened the second blind box.

This time a book fell out of the blind box.

【《Dawei Ge teaches you how to start a company》X1】

【Dawei Ge Teaches You How to Start a Company: A financial book from a mysterious world, it tells the story of how Dawei Ge, a super otaku, founded miHoYo and gradually built it into the world's number one gaming company amid public doubts. In this book, Dawei Ge uses actual operations to tell everyone how a technical otaku can save the world.】

"What is this? A skill book?"

Tingyun flipped through the book, and the miraculous thing was that the moment he opened it, all the words in the book had been transformed into Xianzhou characters.

"Ahaha." Seeing the name of the book, Lin Ye laughed awkwardly."This is actually a financial book from a planet. It should be very helpful to you."

He didn't expect that there was such a thing in this blind box. It was too weird.

If judged by Lin Ye's standards, this book really has no value and is definitely not worth 500,000 credit points.

But Tingyun didn't think so. When she heard that it was a financial book, she immediately became interested and began to read it carefully.

It doesn't matter if you don't read it, you will be impressed once you read it.

The book is an autobiography with a simple writing style, so it doesn't look difficult at all.

But���The content inside is very exciting, with ups and downs.

"It's great." Tingyun clapped his hands and exclaimed,"This book contains a lot of business tips and company management methods, and they are all very well written.""

"As long as you like it."Lin Ye nodded repeatedly

"It seems that there are some good things in your blind box."

"That's not right. Honesty and integrity are the key to success."

Tingyun put the book away and continued to open the boxes.

The third and fourth blind boxes were also opened one after another.

【Purify Ether X30】

【Harmonious Five Star Light Cone X1]

These are very common things in the Star Iron World, and their value is in a state of neither loss nor gain.

Until the last blind box was opened, Tingyun and Lin Ye were shocked.

A small glass bottle rolled out of the blind box, which looked very delicate.

Lin Ye took a look at the system's explanation and breathed a long sigh of relief.

【Essence Cleansing Pill: A top-level pill from an ancient world. After taking it, the body will be restored to a baby-like state, and impurities in the body will be expelled from the body. 】

This thing is really amazing.

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