If Lin Ye was really doing serious business, he would have definitely lost a lot this time.

Because the things that Qingque got from each blind box far exceeded 500,000 credit points.

Let alone rare things like the Hyuga Byakugan, even if it was something very common in the Star Iron World, such as the Footprints of Destiny and the Purified Ether, Qingque got far more than others.

Others got purified ether in the tens digits and the Footprints of Destiny in the single digits, but Qingque got 500 bottles of purified ether directly. The market price of this pile of purified ether alone was far more than 450 credit points.

Not to mention making money, I'm afraid he would lose everything.

Fortunately, the mechanism of the blind box system is not that simple. Because of the rebate, Lin Ye can get double the amount of everything that Qingque got.

So he will never lose money, and only the system will lose money.

Thinking of this, Lin Ye felt a little happy in his heart. He liked this kind of good luck. The better the customer's luck, the happier he is.

Lin Ye began to look at the detailed introduction of the items given by the system.

【Intellectual Bark: A rare strengthening material in the Star Iron World, it is like a dry bark with intellectual power. Its wrinkles tell of the accumulation of years and the wisdom of the earth. After turning into pulp, it can tell more. It can be used to strengthen and synthesize intellectual destiny.】

【Quantum Ripples: A rare strengthening material in the Star Iron World, a ripple rising from the vacuum sea. It is called ripples, but it is the most basic energy fluctuation phenomenon in the existence of all things. It can be used to strengthen and synthesize quantum properties.】

【Five-star relic set with quantum attribute bonus: a relic set with quantum attribute bonus, every item is perfect, speed is maxed out, critical hit rate is maxed out, critical hit damage is maxed out, in short, nothing is wrong……】

Just by looking at these three things, Lin Ye has been deeply shocked.

It turns out that the European emperor is different from ordinary people, and the gap between people is so big.

Others draw relics one by one, but Qingque directly draws a set.

If Lin Ye remembers correctly, Qingque is the destiny of intelligence and quantum attributes.

Whether it is the strengthening materials or relics drawn, they all fit her perfectly.

In this world, with so many destinies and so many attributes, Qingque can stay straight at all.

What kind of fate is this.

Looking down, Lin Ye's shock becomes stronger and stronger.

【The King of Cheats: A red book about cheating, containing hundreds of cheating techniques, from cutting cards, shuffling cards to touching cards and hiding cards, giving you all-round guidance. Under the protection of the King of Cheats, you no longer need to rely on luck to play cards, but only on skills.】

【Gambler's exclusive BGM player: a strange gadget from the mysterious world, the player stores Gambler's exclusive BGM, which can be directly bound to the user. Under the user's control, the BGM can be played at any time. With the blessing of this dynamic music, you are the most handsome guy!】

【Storage Ring: A space-time ring from a mysterious world, which contains a huge space that can be used to store items at any time.】

【Hyuga Byakugan: The strongest bloodline limit from a certain ninja world, the most powerful eye technique possessed by the Hyuga clan, descendants of Otsutsuki Hamura, the second son of Otsutsuki Kaguya. The user can see through everything in front of them and even foresee the future.

These things are interesting. In fact, except for the Byakugan, the other three things are not treasures.

For ordinary people, these three things are completely useless, and even a little tasteless.

But for Qingque, these things are simply artifacts.

Before Lin Ye began to introduce, Qingque had already picked up the book"The King of Thousand Kings" and started reading.

As a poor student, Qingque doesn't like reading books. She gets sleepy when she sees dense text.

But there are very few words in this book"The King of Thousand Kings", and they are all stick drawings, which is very suitable for her.

"Using ever-changing means and every possible way to target the psychology and beliefs of the deceived person to carry out deception, which means thousands!"

"Deception? This book actually talks about deception."

After reading just two pages, Qingque was deeply attracted. She began to flip through the book intently.

Seeing this, Lin Ye smiled awkwardly."Miss Qingque, I advise you not to read too much of this book."

But at this moment, Qingque would not listen to Lin Ye's words. She sat on the ground and read attentively.


"It turns out that I can play like this. I can hide the Emperor Yuan Qiongyu directly in my sleeve."

Qingque kept muttering while reading.

Tingyun and Bailu beside him were also confused. They had never seen Qingque so fascinated by a book.

I really don't know what magic this book in the blind box has.

"It's a really wonderful book, it really opened my eyes." After a long time, Qingque slowly stood up and stretched."It turns out that there are always people better than you when playing cards."

"This book is very satisfactory to this girl. Your blind box is really good."She patted Lin Ye on the shoulder and looked very satisfied.

Since the customer was satisfied, Lin Ye couldn't say anything more.

But cheating is not a good thing in itself. As a seller, Lin Ye was really worried.

"Miss Qingque, please buy it and leave it. This book is yours now. It is your freedom to read it or not."

"But as a qualified boss, I still want to remind you that on the planet where I used to live, if you were caught cheating, your hands would be broken."

At this point, Lin Ye deliberately emphasized his tone, sounding a little more serious.

"Broken hand? I wonder who dares to break my hand." Qingque swung her arm, looking disapproving."Besides, I won the game by my own ability, why should I be beaten?"

Lin Ye was speechless, thinking that this girl's train of thought was really novel.

"This... Hahaha, since you are determined to cheat, I can't stop you. I just hope that if you are caught in the future, don't say that this book was opened by me."

With Qingque's status in Xianzhou, even if he is really caught, it is estimated that nothing will happen.

All departments must give some face to Fu Xuan's subordinates.

I am afraid that this girl will go out and say that her blind box store sells this fraudulent teaching material and teaches people to speculate.

Then Lin Ye will die unjustly.

""Tsk." Qingque pouted and gave Lin Ye a look.

"As a civil servant who has worked in various departments for a century, I think it is necessary to help you promote more"

""Okay, I won't tease you anymore. Tell me what this thing is used for?"

Qingque shook a small silver box in his hand.

It was the player that stored the God of Gamblers BGM.

Lin Ye himself was actually very curious about this thing.

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