"If I were to explain it to you, this is actually a music player." Lin Ye explained patiently."But unlike ordinary players, this one only has one song in it."

"Only one song? That's a bit of a loss, isn't it?"Qingque said

"It's not as simple as you think. This player can communicate with your mind and can be integrated into your body."

Qingque blinked, as if he didn't understand at all.

"It’s actually hard to explain it to you clearly. Let’s do it this way. Then you will understand it."

Lin Ye instructed Qing Que to put the player in his palm. A magical scene happened. The player actually melted directly in Qing Que’s palm.

""Huh?" Qingque was surprised.

"OK, now the player is completely bound to you and you can control it with your mind."

"Now you recite in your mind,"Start playing" four words."

Qingque half-believed and half-doubtedly followed Lin Ye's instructions and recited the four words"Start playing" in her mind.

Then a very classic BGM came from her body.

Thump thump thump~ thump thump thump~

Hearing this familiar frame-dropping divine song, Lin Ye immediately thought of Xiao Ma Ge's familiar figure.

Black coat, white shirt, and shiny big back hair.

His face was filled with a mysterious and confident smile.

However, this music sounded a little bit out of place in Qingque's petite body.


Three question marks appeared above Qingque's head, and he looked at Lin Ye in surprise.

"What just happened?"

"Hehe, that piece of music just now was played by the treasure, how about it! Very impressive, right?"Lin Ye laughed."Congratulations on getting the exclusive background music of the God of Gamblers"

"Are you kidding me? What's the use of this thing?"Qingque shook his head and retorted.

Lin Ye was not angry and patiently explained

"Miss Qingque, you don't understand this, this thing is tailor-made for you. Imagine that every time you win, this music will be played at the moment you show your cards."

Lin Ye patiently described the heroic image of Xiao Ma Ge to Qingque.

After listening, Qingque's eyes lit up immediately."What you said seems to be true."

Qingque took out the Diyuan Qiongyu from her pocket and stuffed it into Lin Ye's hand.

"Come on, come on, accompany me to practice it again."

The two pretended to be playing cards, and then Qingque suddenly knocked the Emperor Yuan Qiongyu in his hand hard.

"This girl has won!" At the same time, the background music of the God of Gamblers also began to play synchronously.


"Welcome to the God of Gamblers!"Lin Ye quickly cooperated.

Qingque put his hands behind his back, looked proud, and laughed out loud.

"Not bad, not bad, very interesting!"

"This will not only let everyone around know that you have won, but also give your opponent a strong deterrent!"

Qingque nodded with satisfaction, and Lin Ye also gave a thumbs up.

Only Tingyun and Bailu on the side looked at the two people as if they were fools.

"Who is she? I don't know her."

"Hehe... I don't know him either."

Under the ruthless gaze of Tingyun and Bailu, Qingque stuck out his tongue and turned off the dynamic BGM.

"What is the use of this ring?"Qingque asked

"This ring is a space ring, which contains about 100 cubic meters of space. With it, you can store a lot of things directly in it, and you don't need to carry a backpack when you go out."

"Isn't it very similar to the cave on the fairy boat, and it seems not as big as the cave."

The cave mentioned by Qingque is actually a very cutting-edge space folding technology on the fairy boat, also known as an artificial space bubble.

On the surface, it is just a small bubble, but there may be a huge city hidden inside.

Like Changle Tian on the fairy boat, it is actually a small cave.

Judging from the effect alone, it is indeed similar to the storage ring opened in the blind box.

"Although the cave bubble on the fairy boat is much larger than the space of this ring, it requires huge resources."

"But your ring does not need any energy supply."

As he was talking, Lin Ye suddenly put his mouth close to Qingque's ear and whispered

"Miss Qingque, you have to learn and apply some things. For example, if you go to a gambling house, can you bring Dongtian with you? Even if you bring it in, everyone will notice you."

Lin Ye's face showed a sly smile again.

"But if it is this ring, it won't attract anyone's attention, and then you can hide the Emperor Yuan Qiong Yu in it... Hehehe, you know what I mean, right?"

""Hehehe." After hearing Lin Ye's words, Qingque also showed a sly smile on her face.

If it is according to what Lin Ye said, this ring is completely an auxiliary tool for the previous"King of Kings".

With this ring, Qingque can use the tricks of cheating more conveniently.

She nodded with satisfaction again and put all the things into the ring.

After suppressing the gambling addiction in her heart, Qingque set her sights on the last treasure.

It was a sealed scroll containing the Hyuga Byakugan.

Thinking of the Hyuga family Byakugan, Lin Ye's mood also became a little excited.

If the previous treasures only had some effect on Qingque under special circumstances, then this Byakugan can be said to be a treasure that everyone should regard as a miracle. It is the most precious treasure among all the Byakugans opened so far. Lin Ye thinks the most practical thing in the blind box.

That is the Byakugan of the Hyuga family. Although it may be slightly inferior to the Sharingan and the Samsara Eye, it is definitely one of the strongest bloodline limits!

The function of the Byakugan is to see through everything in front of you, see the flow of a person's meridians, and detect the enemy's movements from a distance.

After evolving to a certain level, it can even predict the future.

And it is said that the fusion of two Byakugan may evolve into the Samsara Eye.

Once evolved into the Samsara Eye, it is a heaven-defying existence even in the advanced world of Star Iron.

A large number of Tao-seeking Jades can be emitted out of thin air through the eyes, and even the trajectory of the planet can be controlled to build a connecting track between two celestial bodies.

With just one eye, it can reach the level of starburst!

"Miss Qingque, I have to say that even I envy your luck."

"With this eye, your strength will be greatly enhanced. It will not be difficult to reach the level of a general with a little use."Lin Ye said seriously.

"So powerful? This is too exaggerated."Lin Ye's words made everyone's eyes widen.

You know, Qingque has always been the most lazy one. Although he is not a weakling, he is definitely not strong.

The strength of the Lingshi level is second only to the existence of the Star God. The strongest combat force of the Immortal Boat, General Jingyuan, is only at the level of Lingshi.

A treasure can make Qingque's strength rise to the same level as Jingyuan. This is simply a fantasy.

"I didn't say that this eye can make people reach the power of a Lingshi directly, but I said it provides a possibility."Lin Ye continued to explain.

After all, many functions of the white eye are mainly auxiliary, and the specific level to be achieved depends on the luck of the user.

"Come on, come on, tell me how to use it!" Qingque shouted excitedly

"I can't explain to you what's so special about this eye. You need to feel it for yourself later."Lin Ye explained."If you want to start using it, you just need to open the scroll, and your eyes will be replaced with white eyes."

In the world of Xingtie, there is no system of pupil techniques at all, so even though Lin Ye explained it once, everyone was still very confused about the power of this eye.

Qingque didn't think of it as something scary, and opened the scroll directly.

The moment the scroll was opened, a beam of white light poured directly into Qingque's left eye.

Under the strong light, Qingque closed her eyes unconsciously. She clearly felt a force rotating along her eyes.

Time passed by minute by minute, and about half a minute later, Qingque slowly opened her eyes.

"Qingque, are you okay?"

Tingyun and Bailu hurried to Qingque.

Qingque looked no different from before, except for the white eyes.

""Why did your eyes turn white?" Bai Lu looked solemn.

Qing Que did not speak and began to look around.

She first looked at Ting Yun and Bai Lu, and saw a very amazing scene.

Then she looked at Lin Ye again, and her nose bled instantly.

"this……"Qingque was confused by the effect of the white eyes and didn't know what to say for a while.

She didn't expect that the first function of the eyes was to see through things.

The word"see through" suddenly flashed in Qingque's mind.

���Boss, I know what you mean! I know why you said that with this eye, I have the opportunity to become a master!"

Suddenly Qingque became excited, and his voice increased by several decibels.

After saying that, Qingque took out the Emperor Yuan Qiongyu again and repeatedly used his white eyes to see through it.

"I can actually see the cards, it's amazing"

"With these eyes, I am the real king of kings!"

"By then, I will have won over everyone in the universe, and my personal wealth will be greater than that of the entire Interstellar Peace Company, and even the Star Gods will give me three points."

After hearing Qingque's words, Lin Ye almost fell down in one breath.

Big sister, you are awesome. You want to use such an awesome pupil technique to play cards, right... To put it nicely, you are single-minded, but to put it bluntly, you are a hopeless case.

Lin Ye was a little helpless. This white eye would be a miracle to anyone else, but it was given to the gambler in front of him.

How could he justify this?

"Ahahaha... Miss Qingque, as long as you like it"

"Your blind box is just for me!" Qingque danced with joy."The book of King of Kings taught me how to cheat, the storage ring can help me hide the cards, and this white eye allows me to see the cards directly."

"Stealing cards, hiding cards, and looking at cards! Plus that domineering BGM, with my skills, who can beat me?"

"From now on, I am the real mahjong god!"

Qingque's gambling addiction has reached its limit.

"No, no, I want to have a go now."

She didn't even bother to say goodbye to Tingyun and Bailu, and ran directly to the gambling house on the other side of Xuanye Street.

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