"Is there anything different about this thing?" Bai Lu held the Senzu beans and played with them repeatedly."It feels like a very ordinary broad bean."

The Senzu beans really looked very ordinary, and their appearance was exactly the same as the fried broad beans on the street.

"Broad beans? You underestimate my blind box. If I put ordinary broad beans in it, wouldn’t it be a scam?"

"This is a special bean from a mysterious world. We all call it magic bean."

"Senzu beans?"Bai Lu scratched his head, bewildered."I've never heard of this name."

"No matter whether it is magic beans or broad beans, they are just beans. What’s magical about them?"

"As for Senzu beans, you can actually think of them as a kind of elixir. After taking them, you will feel full and you can go without food for 10 days."

This made Bai Lu feel more energetic immediately.

"This is not the most important thing. In addition to the feeling of fullness, the biggest function of the Senzu Bean is to restore energy. As long as the person is not dead, giving him a Senzu Bean can directly restore him to his peak state of vigor and vitality."

"Is this true? Then doesn't this fairy bean have the same effect as the healing pill?" Bai Lu asked in surprise

"It's not just as simple as healing. After taking this thing, your health, combat skill power, and secret skill power will be directly restored to full."

In fact, according to Lin Ye's own understanding, the Senzu beans and the Snickers that he drew on March 7th actually have the same effect.

They are both magical foods that help a person recover.

But if you compare them carefully, this Senzu bean is actually more practical than Snickers.

First of all, the Senzu beans are small in size and easy to carry. You can eat one at any time to instantly recover.

As for Snickers, once opened, you have to eat all of them, otherwise they will melt quickly and are not convenient to carry.

And the recovery time is also slower than that of Senzu beans.

In addition, Bai Lu's blind box contains 10 Senzu beans in one go, which also has an advantage in quantity.

To be honest, Bai Lu did suffer a little loss in the first three blind boxes, but these 10 Senzu beans can make up for all her losses.

"Is it so magical?"

Bai Lu's eyes immediately lit up.

Their Chi Ming tribe had also refined pills with similar effects, but the effect was far from being as terrifying as instantly restoring all life points.

Even so, those healing pills would still be sold at a very high price.

"I won't lie to you. If you don't believe me, you can try it next time you practice medicine and you will know."Lin Ye nodded and said

"And let me tell you another idea. I think this kind of magic bean is essentially a plant seed and can grow."

"That's right!" Bai Lu slapped her forehead and suddenly realized."It is a seed and it has the potential to grow into a plant."

In fact, Lin Ye hadn't thought deeply about this at first. When he mentioned the magic beans, he thought of the world of Dragon Ball.

The magic beans were cultivated by the cat immortals on Karin Tower. Although they have magical effects, they are still a plant in essence.

The people of the fairy boat have sufficient experience and fertile soil to grow plants.

Even the rich Jianmu could grow on the fairy boat before, which shows that the growth environment here is very favorable.

Although there is no blessing from the rich star god here now, the foundation should still be there.

In addition, the people of the fairy boat are also good at planting technology.

The Industrial Manufacturing Company has a special star chariot production line in Huixing Port. The star chariots grown will be sold throughout the world, with a large output and excellent quality.

So Lin Ye thought of the possibility of planting magic beans.

If this kind of future replicability is also taken into account, the value of these magic beans will become even more precious.

However, whether it can be successfully planted is not something Lin Ye can control.

It may not grow at all.

When doing business, sometimes you just need to paint a beautiful blueprint appropriately.

"Boss, if what you said can be realized, then I think it is worth opening this blind box!"

"By then, I will have an endless supply of magic beans, and curing illnesses and saving lives will become much easier.

Bai Lu seemed very happy under Lin Ye's persuasion, and she couldn't let go of the magic beans.

"Okay, then Miss Bailu, would you like to open a few more blind boxes and try your luck?"

"Then let's get four more blind boxes."

It's obvious that Bai Lu also experienced the joy of opening blind boxes. Once she started, she couldn't stop.

After the credit points arrived, Bai Lu bought four more blind boxes.

But this time, she was no longer as confident as before, and couldn't wait to start opening the boxes.

Rub! Rub! Rub!

The four blind boxes were opened one by one

【Seed of abundance X20】

【Adventure Record X10】

【Light cone experience X5】

【[Magic Prescription of Zhang Guang 101X1]

It can only be said that it is still mediocre.

The Seed of Abundance is the exclusive material of Abundant Destiny, and it is still somewhat useful. In addition, Adventure Records and Light Cone Experience are also necessary materials for upgrading Light Cone.

These are all very common things.

Only this magical prescription is somewhat interesting.

If this is the formula of a panacea, then for Bai Lu, it is definitely a tailor-made treasure.

It’s a pity that this prescription records the formula of Zhang Guang 101.

This is a little embarrassing.

【The magical prescription of Zhang Guang 101. A drug formula from the mysterious world. This formula records the preparation method of Zhang Guang 101 hair regeneration essence, which can help patients treat Mediterranean, alopecia areata, Head & Shoulders and other hair loss symptoms】


Bai Lu had not yet realized the seriousness of the problem. She was showing off the prescription.

"This seems to be a recipe for a pill. This is what I want."

"Boss, do you still think I have bad luck now?"

Lin Ye laughed awkwardly."No, no, no, Miss Bai Lu's luck is still quite good. I am very envious."

"That���Could you tell me what medicine this is for?"

"Hahaha, this is a very mysterious prescription, called Zhang Guang 101"

"Zhang Guang 101?"Bai Lu suspected that she had misheard."Is this the name of the medicine? It sounds weird."

"This is a good medicine. With this medicine, you don't have to worry about men's hair loss problems anymore."

"No matter you are immortal or short-lived, no matter you are a general of the Cloud Cavalry Army or a street vendor on Xuanye Street, as long as you are a man, you will inevitably suffer from hair loss."

"How many good men have been cheated on by their wives just because they are extremely smart, and how many families have been broken up because of this!"

"With Zhang Guang 101, everyone on the Immortal Boat can have thick black hair, and everyone can let their hair fly in the air."

Bai Lu, who was standing by, was stunned.

For some reason, she always felt that the man in front of her was like a quack doctor who sold tiger skin plasters.

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