Bai Lu is not a fool. She will not believe Lin Ye's exaggerated words.

"This Zhang Guang 101 is indeed a medicine, but it is a bit unconventional."

Bai Lu put away everything, and there was a little more hesitation in her eyes.

The four blind boxes just opened were actually a bit ordinary, not even as good as the previous four.

"Should I open a few more blind boxes?"

"Haha, Miss Bailu, if you ask me, my suggestion is to round it up to an even number." Lin Ye grinned."You've already drawn eight, so one or two won't make a difference, right?"

"And there is a mechanism I must explain to you. The rule of our store is that each customer can only buy 10 blind boxes per week, and it will automatically reset every week."

"This means that if you don’t buy 10 blind boxes this week, your opportunity will be wasted."

"These two are all that’s missing. Just draw them. What if there’s a treasure in these two?"

Lin Ye’s words were very persuasive, and step by step, he led Bai Lu into the endless trap of opening blind boxes.

In fact, what Lin Ye said were all his own thoughts, because he had come this way step by step.

Once upon a time, before he came, he was also a heavy krypton gold player.

But in order to draw a wife, Lin Ye fell into this trap more than once.

Before each draw, he told himself in his heart that he would only draw a little to test the waters this time, and it would be okay if he couldn’t get a wife.

When he drew halfway, he wondered whether he should draw a little more, anyway, it had come to this point.

When he drew three-quarters, he thought that he was just a little short of getting the minimum living allowance, and stopping now would mean all his previous efforts were wasted.

In the end, he could only get his wife with tears in his eyes by using the minimum guarantee method.

What a painful realization that was.

And this set of krypton gold-cheating logic was also deeply engraved in Lin Ye's bones.

Now he uses it perfectly in the sale of blind boxes

"What you said seems to make sense."Bai Lu sighed deeply."If there are treasures in these two blind boxes, I will lose a lot."

"Then open two more blind boxes"


After paying for two more blind boxes, Bai Lu looked a little resentful.

"If I had known I would get 10 blind boxes, I would have drawn 10 in a row at the beginning"

"Haha, yes, Miss Bai Lu, ten consecutive draws are indeed more affordable."

Bai Lu sighed again and opened the blind box fiercely.

The first blind box opened a blue iron can.

【Pepsi (Kunkun endorsement version) X1]

Lin Ye almost vomited blood. It felt that the system, this profiteer, seemed to have a special liking for the top star Kun Kun, and always stuffed some things related to him in the blind box

"What is this? It looks like a drink."

"Miss Bai Lu is really smart. This is a drink from a mysterious world, called Pepsi Cola, also known as the happy water of fat people."

Bai Lu picked up the can of Coke and looked at the ingredient list on the back.

"Ingredients Sugar... Carbon dioxide……"

"Doesn't this feel like sugar water? Is this thing worth 500,000 credit points?"

Lin Ye grinned, smiled awkwardly, then took the Coke in his hand and pointed the side with Kun Kun's handsome face at Bai Lu.

"The essence of this bottle of Coke lies not in the Coke itself, but in the spokesperson. The person above is the legendary God of Kunzhong. The value of the Coke he endorses is immeasurable."

"Many rich people in the Interstellar Peace Company love Kun Kun's things."

Bai Lu curled her lips in disbelief.

Even if Lin Ye said it was exaggerated, she was not interested in Brother Kun's endorsement.


Bai Lu threw the Coke aside and continued to open the box.

【Summoner's Canyon Disposable Summoning Array X1]

A round stone slab full of cracks and blue runes rolled out of the blind box

"This is it!"

Lin Ye exclaimed unconsciously. He couldn't imagine that there would be such a thing in the blind box.

【Summoner's Rift One-Time Summoning Array: A special array from Valoran Runeland that can randomly summon a hero. The hero can remain in the current world for ten minutes. After the summoning is completed, the array is automatically destroyed. The appearance of this thing completely exceeded Lin Ye's cognition.

In his understanding, the blind box of all worlds only contained treasures from thousands of worlds.

As a result, even the heroes of the Alliance can be summoned, which is equivalent to a great resurrection.

The strength of that world is comparable to that of the Star Iron World. If the heroes there are summoned rashly, it is easy to destroy the ecological environment of the Star Iron World and cause a major collapse.

Fortunately, this summoning only lasts for ten minutes and is a one-time consumable.

Otherwise, Lin Ye really wouldn't dare to let this kind of thing flow into the market.

"What a mysterious thing."Bai Lu and Ting Yun were both attracted by this strange stone slab.

They didn't know what it was, but they could clearly feel the infinite power contained in it.

For a moment, no one dared to touch the stone slab.

"Boss... Boss, what is this?"

Lin Ye took a deep breath and whispered,"Miss Bai Lu, don't think you are unlucky anymore. I think you are the chosen one to draw something like this."

"Is this thing very valuable?" Bai Lu asked quickly with eyes wide open.

"If you ask how much credit points it is worth, I can't tell you, because it can't be described in terms of money at all."

Lin Ye paused and continued

"It's not a pill, nor a weapon, nor a skill book. It's a summoning array."

"Summoning array?"

Tingyun and Bailu opened their mouths at the same time.

They could understand the concept of summoning array. Some fates would also grant this skill to followers. Generally, it would summon some elemental creatures and mechanical life.

"What can it summon?"

"Use it to summon the heroes from another world to this world.��"Lin Ye's tone was full of mystery, making Bai Lu and Ting Yun unwilling to miss a single word.

"As for what kind of powerful person it is, I can only give a variety of ideas. There are minotaurs, giant toads, queens of a certain race, or some kind of mushroom dwarfs."After hearing this, Bai Lu and Ting Yun were even more confused.

What the hell is this? Is it a group of demons dancing wildly?

"The summoned creature will stay in this world for ten minutes, then it will be automatically sent back to its original world, and the stone tablet will be scrapped."

"So you only have one chance to use this thing, you must use it carefully."

After listening to Lin Ye's explanation, Bai Lu roughly knew what this magic circle was for, but a question lingering in her mind was still unresolved.

""Boss, I want to ask if the summoned hero will listen to me?"

Bai Lu actually thought very directly. She understood this thing as a pet similar to a Poké Ball.

If the summoned hero doesn't listen to her at all, then what's the point of this summoning?

"'s hard to say, because I haven't used this kind of strange thing. I can only say that there are all kinds of heroes in that world."Lin Ye said helplessly

"Some heroes are proficient in medical skills and may be able to discuss some medical skills with you."

"Of course, some heroes might be a nuisance once they are summoned."

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