Xingcha Wharf, outside the busy transport port.

Su Chang is checking the merchants coming from other planets with several colleagues from the Cloud Cavalry.

Today is their day of patrol.

She is wearing a light yellow gown, with two neat ponytails on her head, and a dark brown ancient sword on her back.

She looks cute in contrast.

Su Chang was born in Yaoqing Xianzhou. Both of her parents are from the Cloud Cavalry. She can be considered a descendant of a general. Her high sense of honor and helpful chivalrous spirit make her stand out among the new recruits of the Cloud Cavalry.

So she was soon awarded the position of captain of the soldiers.

Such a fast promotion speed is unique in the Xianzhou Alliance.

""Miss Suchang, something bad has happened!"

Several Xianzhou residents ran over breathlessly.

"Don't worry, take your time, the Cloud Cavalry always responds to requests."

Over the years, the Xianzhou Alliance has gradually stabilized, and the Cloud Cavalry has not been used much.

There are actually many residents who come to her in a hurry to ask for help every day, either asking for help to find cats and dogs or to repair water pipes.

So Su Shang didn't take it too seriously.

"Miss Su Chang, something terrible has happened. We have encountered a monster on Xuanye Street!" Su Chang shuddered when she heard this."What? A monster? That's impossible."

Several Cloud Cavalry soldiers at the side looked impatient and shouted directly,"What nonsense are you talking about! All the entrances to the Luofu Fairy Boat are strictly guarded by us, how could there be a monster?"

"It was Doctor Bai Lu who opened a summoning magic weapon in Lin Ye's blind box, and then summoned a fat worm. The worm ate everything it saw, and Xuan Ye Street was almost eaten up."

"Bai Lu? Lin Ye? Fat worm? ? ?"Su Chang frowned."What a mess, I don't understand a word of it."

Hearing the residents' answer, Su Chang was completely confused, but she soon heard the noisy noise coming from Xuan Ye Street.

Then she saw Kogmon's constantly squirming figure running towards her.

"It's him! That's him! That's the monster!"

"Miss Su Chang, help me."

Su Chang took a closer look and believed that what the resident who came to report the news said was true, because she had never seen such a creature before.

"Cloud Cavalry! All on alert! Help everyone!"

"Set up the Cloud Cavalry Sword Formation and capture this monster!"

Under the leadership of Su Chang, a team of Cloud Cavalry formed a formation and attacked Kog'Maw.

"I'm hungry!"

Kog'Maw made a gurgling sound, and then he spit out a large pool of mud from his mouth.

The Cloud Cavalry were all dumbfounded. They had never seen such a skill before. They accidentally stepped on the mud and fell to the ground.

Su Chang drew out the Xuanyuan Ancient Sword behind him, jumped up and used the sword to chop Kog'Maw.

As a result, Kog'Maw seemed to be completely unconcerned and did not dodge at all.

The ancient sword had already chopped Kog'Maw's head.

"Great! It hit the target."

Su Chang was secretly happy after the attack.

But before she could even laugh out loud, she found that her ancient sword was actually bitten directly by Kog'Maw's bloody mouth.

At the same time, green corrosive solution flowed out of its mouth. In just a moment, the Xuanyuan Sword had become rusty.

"No! My sword!"

"This is the sword my mother gave me!"

With a snap, the ancient sword broke into two pieces.

Kog'Maw just shook his tail and made a mocking honking sound.

Then he turned and ran towards the direction of the giant tree in the center of Luofu Xianzhou.

"Damn it! You destroyed my family heirloom sword. I will kill you."

""Woo woo woo."

Su Chang's eyes were already filled with tears, and she chased after him without any hesitation.

She was close to collapse.

She came to Luofu Fairy Boat as a new recruit of Yunqi with her mother's expectations. However, within a few days, her family heirloom sword Xuanyuan Sword was broken. For a soldier to have his weapon taken away by someone else is absolutely a great shame!

She had no idea how to explain to her mother.

"Su Chang, don't be impulsive!"

Several Cloud Cavalry soldiers got up from the ground, grimacing in pain from the fall.

"What should we do? Should we chase after him?"

"That was so weird just now, what was that thing?"

"It's terrible."

In fact, the conflict just now was not a battle at all. They were just played unilaterally by Kog'Maw.

Kog'Maw's skills left them with lingering fears.

The strange mud just now was completely beyond their cognition. They also knew more or less about the skills of various attributes and destinies, but they had never seen skills using mud as a means. What was even more terrible was that the corrosive liquid in Kog'Maw's mouth actually directly destroyed Su Chang's sword.

The Xuanyuan Sword passed down from Su Chang's family was definitely a first-class magic weapon. They were envious of it countless times when they saw it.

As a result, such a magic weapon was so vulnerable to Kog'Maw's saliva.

What a terrifying destructive power!

"This monster is so weird, we should not act rashly."

"It's obvious that this monster is not serious at all... If it fires at full power, it might even have the ability of a herald!"

"Let's report this to General Jingyuan first and get more people over here."

A few of the more timid Cloud Cavalry had already retreated a few steps, apparently not having the courage to continue chasing.

"There is no time to report anymore, that monster and Su Chang are heading towards Jianmu!"

"If something goes wrong there, the consequences will be disastrous!"

Jianmu is the largest ancient tree on Luofu Xianzhou. It is said to be a gift from the God of Abundance to Luofu.���Only after eating the fruit of Jianmu can one gain the power of immortality.

But this immortality eventually became the most terrible sin. The endless growth brought endless disasters to the fairy boat, and Jianmu became the ultimate embodiment of the sin of abundance. The hunting star Shenlan shot Jianmu in half with an arrow, preventing the growth of Jianmu's fruit, leaving only a broken stump.

But under the power of the rich destiny, the remaining stump still retains its life.

No matter what method is used, it is impossible to completely eliminate its activity, so it can only be temporarily sealed.

From then on, Jianmu became a forbidden place for the fairy boat, and no one was allowed to get close.

The direction that Su Chang chased was exactly where Jianmu was.

"If Miss Suchang fell into the evil body under the influence of Jianmu, we are all to blame."

"If we only think of running away when we encounter danger, what kind of Cloud Cavalry are we?"

The remaining few Cloud Cavalry didn't care about that at the moment, and followed Su Chang's footsteps to Jianmu.

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