When the Cloud Cavalry arrived at the foot of the rich Jianmu, they were completely stunned by the scene in front of them.

Not far away, Su Chang stood blankly ten meters away from the Jianmu, not daring to get close.

But Kog'Maw stopped under the stump of the Jianmu, chewing the bark with relish.

In just a few minutes, most of the Jianmu had been chewed away.

Kog'Maw was still groaning.

"It's delicious!"

"Delicious! Delicious!"

Su Chang had lost all ability to think at this time, her mind was blank.

"This...how is this possible!"

"How did it manage to swallow up the tree of abundance?"

"Jianmu seemed to have stopped growing due to the mucus in its mouth."Jianmu has always been considered the source of the rich evil creature. No one on the fairy boat dared to get close to Jianmu. If they were not careful, their spirit would be affected, and then they would fall into the devil's body and become an undead evil creature.

But the monster in front of him not only did not receive any impact from the rich fate, but was still eating Jianmu in big mouthfuls! What is even more puzzling is the recovery of Jianmu.

Jianmu itself has the ability to grow infinitely.

Except for Zeng Lan's blow that cut Jianmu off, no one else has ever stopped Jianmu's growth, and the cut parts will recover quickly.

But the part that Kog'Maw bit did not seem to recover.

The saliva of this monster seemed to have some magic power, and it actually corroded Jianmu and made Jianmu lose its ability to grow.

"Su Shang, don't act rashly"

"This monster is too strange, completely beyond our cognition."

More and more Cloud Cavalry arrived, and they pulled Su Chang further away.

Everyone stood in the distance, dumbfounded, watching Kog'Maw eat, but unable to do anything.

Ten minutes passed unknowingly.

Suddenly, a blue light descended from the sky, covering Kog'Maw.

"No! I want to eat more!"

"Only ten minutes. Why is this summoning only ten minutes?……"

A moment later, Kog'Maw was sucked into the blue light and disappeared completely.

This farce ended abruptly in this way.

Su Chang fell to her knees, looking at the broken sword that was corroded and rusted, and she burst into tears again.

"My Xuanyuan Sword... Wuwuwu, my mother will definitely beat me to death if she finds out.

Suddenly, she felt a strong resentment in her heart.

If someone hadn't summoned this ugly monster, how could her heirloom be destroyed?

She carefully recalled the whole story that the Xianzhou residents had just told her.

"It seems that Dr. Bai Lu bought a summoning item in a blind box store and summoned the monster."

"Blind box store? It's that Lin Ye!"

The culprit is that Lin Ye, there's no way around it.

Not to mention Xuanye Street, even the entire Luofu is actually just a blind box store.

So the suspect is easy to locate.

Su Shang wiped away her tears, tidied up her clothes a little, and rushed directly to Xuanye Street.

She had to let Lin Ye and Doctor Bai Lu give her an explanation.


After summoning Kog'Maw, Bai Lu and Ting Yun had already run away.

The neighbors also ran and hid.

For a while, Lin Ye's blind box store became unusually quiet.

Because he knew the cause and effect, as well as Kog'Maw's general combat power, Lin Ye was not as panicked as others.

With this moment of free time, Lin Ye could start to count the blind box rebates he had just received.

He opened the Pepsi with Kun Kun's handsome face printed on it and took a big sip.


Lin Ye burped, then pinched Kun Kun's face into a flat shape.

A handsome throw into the trash can

"Both Qingque and Bailu have ten consecutive draws, and their luck is pretty good."

"There are only a few that are useful to me."

Lin Ye calculated carefully.

For example, the King of Kings and the God of Gamblers BGM are completely useless to Lin Ye.

They are just taking up space.

As for the Summoner's Canyon One-time Summoning Array, it is useful.

And after the rebate, Lin Ye directly has two.

But he is not going to use this thing for the time being, because it is really meaningless to him.

The previous words were to fool Bai Lu, such as imparting skills and academic exchanges, which are all nonsense.

In just ten minutes, nothing can be done.

The only way Lin Ye can think of is to use it as a secret weapon in the battle.

Imagine that you are competing with your opponent, and you directly summon a stone man out of thin air and smash it on your opponent's face. Would your opponent not be confused?

"In general, the things that are useful to me this time are the storage ring, the Senzu beans, and the Hyuga Byakugan."

Lin Ye thought about it carefully. There is nothing much to say about the storage ring. It is equivalent to a backpack. It is very convenient to throw all the treasures that the system returns into it.

And the Senzu beans are indeed good things. He also wants to secretly grow this kind of thing by himself. It is absolutely profitable.

But unfortunately, the current conditions do not allow it. If you want to grow crops on the fairy boat, you have to report to the Industrial Manufacturing Division, and you have to buy the planting land yourself.

Lin Ye has no credit points so far, so he gave up this idea at the first time.

The only thing left is the Hyuga Byakugan.

This is definitely the most powerful treasure in this harvest.

As one of the three major pupil techniques, it is undoubtedly the strongest auxiliary pupil technique. Qingque's practice of using it to peek at other people's cards is a complete waste of resources.

Now Lin Ye faces a choice.

That is how to use the Hyuga Byakugan.

Because of the system rebate, Lin Ye directly got two Byakugan scrolls.

"There are two ways to use it now. One is to use both of them directly, so that I can have a pair of complete white eyes."

"Or try to fuse the two Byakugans together, maybe you can fuse them into a Samsara Eye."

"But if I remember correctly, the Byakugan evolution to the Samsara Eye requires the chakra of the Otsutsuki to activate it. If we fuse it directly now, the risk of failure is very high.……"

Finally, after careful consideration, Lin Ye decided to use one first, and then save the other one temporarily.

For Lin Ye at this stage, the main thing is to survive.

If you ask him, the biggest function of the Byakugan is actually perspective, or to be more precise, to see the beautiful bodies of those beautiful wives in the Star Iron World.


In this case, there is no need for a pair of Byakugan at all.

On the contrary, the one-eyed dragon has a unique flavor.

If I can get the chakra of the Otsutsuki in the future, it won’t be too late to take a gamble and evolve into the Samsara Eye.

Thinking of this, Lin Ye silently opened a scroll that sealed the Byakugan.

His left eye turned white in an instant.

Lin Ye was thinking about which wife to start with first.

Suddenly, there was a very impatient knock on the door outside the store.

"Boss! Come out!"

"I want you to give me an explanation!"

Lin Ye didn't react to what happened for a moment. He looked out through his eyes, and then suddenly became a little more surprised.

"Isn't this Li Dazhentou? What do you want me to explain?"

"What a bummer."

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