"You are Lin Ye, right?"

Su Shang asked angrily as soon as she entered the store.

"That's right, I don't know why Miss Suchang is so angry. I don't remember what kind of festival we celebrated."Lin Ye said speechlessly.

Suchang had only been in Xianzhou for a short time and had never met Lin Ye, let alone celebrated any festival.

But Suchang's eyes were red and her eyes were tearful, and she was about to cry. If you didn't know, you would think that Lin Ye bullied her.

"Girl, don't cry.……"Lin Ye was completely dumbfounded."

"How can I do business if you come to my shop and start crying and making a fuss?"

"Doctor Bai Lu took the magic circle from you, right?"

"That's right."Lin Ye smiled.

"The big-mouthed monster I summoned ate my family heirloom sword. Woohoo, you have to compensate me."


Although Su Chang spoke incoherently, after a little calculation, Lin Ye also guessed roughly.

There must have been a conflict between Kog'Maw and Su Chang, and then this Li Dazhentou suffered a great loss.

"Girl, although I am the most compassionate person and I hate to see girls cry, you should at least be reasonable, right?" Lin Ye shook his head helplessly.

"First of all, your sword was eaten by that big-mouthed monster, so you should ask it for compensation directly. Secondly, that big-mouthed monster was summoned by Doctor Bai Lu, so she is also the one who is directly responsible."

"No matter who you look for, you won't find me."

Lin Ye explained earnestly.

"Then you sell things that can summon monsters, don't you have any responsibility?"Su Chang choked up."I'm going to report you to the Minghuo Chamber of Commerce."

"Girl... this is a blind box shop. It's possible that any strange things can come out of the blind box. I also told Doctor Bai Lu clearly before that it was her own intention to summon."Lin Ye continued."The president of Minghuo Chamber of Commerce, Tingyun, was also at the scene at the time. You can just report it."

Looking at Lin Ye's innocent look, Su Shang didn't know what to say for a moment.

In fact, she understood the truth. Lin Ye should not be blamed for this matter, but Kog'Maw had disappeared long ago and she couldn't find him at all.

Doctor Bai Lu was a senior of Dan Dingsi. As a member of the Xianzhou Liuyu system, she didn't dare to question her senior.

In a rage, Su Shang sat down on the ground and burst into tears.

"Woohoo, that's the sword my mother left for me"

"You are all bad guys, bad guys!"

Lin Ye sighed and said softly:"If the girl is really at a loss now, you might as well listen to my advice."

""Wow...what suggestions do you have?" Su Chang wiped her snot bubbles while blinking her big eyes.

"Haha, my suggestion is... just open the blind box and try your luck." Lin Ye grinned."The blind boxes in my blind box shop contain all kinds of treasures from all over the world. If you are lucky, you may get a magic weapon."


"If I guess correctly, your heirloom sword should be of excellent quality, and it is difficult to buy a sword of the same quality on the Xianzhou."Lin Ye continued."But my blind box shop is different, here you can even get a sword that is better than yours."

"If you can really get a better quality sword, I'm sure your mother won't blame you."

Su Chang rubbed her eyes and slowly stood up.

She began to look around at the blind box on the counter behind Lin Ye.

She began to feel tangled in her heart.

Just talking about Lin Ye's blind box promotion, coupled with his cunning appearance, it does make people feel unreliable.

But think about it carefully, since strange things like teleportation arrays can be opened in blind boxes, it should be very likely to open a weapon.

"Boss... can you really get a sword from your blind box?"

Seeing Su Chang's somewhat shaken expression, Lin Ye knew there was a chance.

His spirits immediately rose.

"Sure! I can't lie to you."

"But I have to say in advance that it is only a possibility, but whether it can be opened depends on your luck."

"This is a small shop with a small capital, and we are honest and fair. A blind box only sells for 500,000 credit points. If you draw ten times in a row, it’s 450 credit points, and you can get a discount of 50 credit points."

Su Chang's eyes widened, and hesitantly asked,"50 credit points? So expensive?"

"Hahaha, girl, you get what you pay for. The quality of the blind box is high, so it will naturally be more expensive."Lin Ye played a foolish eye."I suggest that the girl directly draw ten times in a row, so that the probability of drawing a sword will be greater."

"But...but I just came to Xianzhou not long ago, and my total assets are only 3 million credit points, which is not enough to buy ten boxes."Su Chang sighed and said

"It doesn't matter if you can't draw consecutively. You can try opening a blind box first. You might get lucky and draw something right away."

Su Chang hesitated for a moment, but finally chose to open the box.

Although 500,000 credit points for a box is a bit expensive, considering the chance of drawing a sword, Su Chang is still willing to take a gamble.

After all, if she uses the 300 credit points on her to buy weapons, she may not even be able to buy a good scabbard.

50 credit points arrived, and a blind box was placed in front of Su Chang.

She took a deep breath and opened it carefully.

A small bottle rolled out.

【High-level flame sword oil X1】

【High-level Flame Sword Oil: From a mysterious wizard world. Sword oil is an exclusive item for demon hunters. Applying this sword oil on weapons can increase weapon damage and give weapons flame attributes.

Picking up this crimson bottle, Su Chang was a little disappointed and whispered,"It's not a weapon... What a pity."

Lin Ye shook his head.

"No no no, girl, you just don't know what's good."

"This potion is called High-level Flame Sword Oil. Although it is not a weapon, it can play the same role as a weapon."Lin Ye explained."As long as you apply the oil in this bottle on the weapon, you can increase the damage of the weapon in a short period of time."

Su Chang widened her eyes, looking at the potion in disbelief, and then asked:"Do you mean that as long as you apply this sword oil, an ordinary sword can also achieve the same lethality as a precious sword?"

"Miss Suchang is indeed smart, and she can indeed understand it this way."Lin Ye nodded.

"Moreover, the power of this sword oil is not only that it increases damage, but it can also give weapons very powerful fire attributes!"

"Give weapons fire attributes? How is this possible?"

Although Su Chang is not very old, she is actually quite knowledgeable about swordsmanship and swords themselves.

In the world of Xingtie, the attributes of weapons are all given by the user.

The same weapon, when used by a person with fire attribute, has fire attributes, and when used by a person with wind attribute, has wind attributes.

It doesn't mean that a sword with a little fire has fire attributes. Applying oil on the sword can only be auxiliary at best, and the weapon itself should still have its original attributes.

For example, Su Chang is a swordsman with physical attributes, so her sword is also of physical attributes, and the sword tactics she uses are also of physical attributes.

If what Lin Ye said is true, it means that fire attribute skills can be used with the help of sword oil.

This is completely contrary to the logic of the world of Xingtie.

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