"You are totally inconsistent with the guidance of destiny." Su Chang retorted.

Lin Ye chuckled.

"Girl, you are a new customer and you know nothing about the strength of my Wanjie Blind Box Store."

"There are so many strange things in this world. There are so many strange things in my blind box. Not everything can be explained by fate."

"This bottle of sword oil itself has witchcraft magic, which cannot be explained by traditional fate theory."

"Previously, a blue-haired girl drew a skill card with both fire and wind attributes from me. If you think in your way, that would be even more outrageous.

Seeing Su Chang still full of suspicion, Lin Ye shook his head helplessly.

"If you really don't believe it, you can try it."

Su Chang really wanted to try the effect of this sword oil, but she looked around and didn't find any usable weapons.

So she had to give up.

"Forget it, I'll just trust you for now." She sighed deeply.

"But even if what you say is true, this thing is not a weapon. And all I want is the big sword.……"

"As a swordsman, you can't carry a bottle of sword oil with you all day long when you go out for competitions."

Su Chang actually made sense. The sword is the symbol of the swordsman of the Cloud Cavalry Army. Without a sword, even if there is sword oil that can strengthen the weapon, it is useless.

"Why not continue opening the box and try again? Who knows, there might be a sword in the next blind box."

Lin Ye said with a smile

"Sometimes you have to believe in miracles."

Su Chang gritted her teeth and transferred another 200 credit points to Lin Ye.

"I can only spend this much, otherwise I will be completely bankrupt."

After spending these 2 million credit points, Su Chang only had 500,000 credit points left.

She had to save some money for herself, otherwise her life in Xianzhou would be too difficult.

"Girl, that's great!"

Lin Ye took four more blind boxes from the shelf.

"With the girl's determination to go all out, I believe the God of Blind Boxes will also favor you."

Su Chang really spent a lot of money this time. She had never spent so much money at one time since she was a child.

She carefully opened the blind box, and four golden lights appeared.

【Purify Ether X30】

【Physical attribute hat x1】

【Wahaha AD calcium milk X1】

【Packages of Xundi X1]

There was still no sign of the sword, Su Chang was really a little frustrated

"still none……"She lowered her head in disappointment."It's not the big sword I want."

In fact, if Su Chang thought about it carefully, she would understand that it is indeed possible to draw a sword from this blind box containing all kinds of treasures in the world, but the probability is really small.

"In fact, there is no need to be dejected, these things are still very valuable. In fact, you are not losing money at all."Lin Ye said helplessly.

Although these four blind boxes don't have anything good, they can make back the money to some extent.

30 bottles of purified ether can be sold on the market for more than 1 million credit points.

And the bag of Xundi, as the local currency of Xianzhou, can also be exchanged for a lot of useful things at the counter.

The other physical attribute hat happens to be very suitable for Su Chang, so it is not a loss whether you use it yourself or sell it.

But this Su Chang seems to be a little crazy, he only wants the sword, and doesn't care about anything else.

"Girl, I think you are too obsessed with the sword."Lin Ye patted Su Chang's shoulder to comfort her."You draw good things and exchange them for credit points. As long as you earn enough, you can keep opening blind boxes here."

"As long as you keep opening, you will eventually draw the sword you like."

"So I advise you to pay more attention to the value of the treasure at this time, and don't just think about Jian Jian Jian."

Lin Ye's words were actually very accurate, but Su Chang still couldn't listen at all.

"Boss, I admit that what you said makes sense, but you don't understand the pursuit of a swordsman."

"I don't have a sword now, and I don't even have the face to go back to the Cloud Cavalry Base."

Lin Ye was completely speechless. He didn't know that Li Dazhentou was such a stubborn person.

"Hahaha, girl, you have a really interesting personality."

"Since you have said so much, I will show you a way forward."Lin Ye coughed twice and said in a deep voice

"Just draw the remaining 500,000 credit points you have. Just go all in! Hehehe, who knows, luck may come your way?"

"2.5 million has been spent, what's the difference between this 500,000?"

If it were someone else, they would probably turn hostile after hearing the words of Lin Ye, the treacherous boss, who was the ultimate krypton swindler.

Is he still a human being if he cheated the girl out of all her money?

But Su Chang nodded unexpectedly.

"I'll just listen to you. I don't have the face to stay here any longer without the sword. I'll go back to the Yaoqing Fairy Boat after I spend all the money." Su Chang pouted."I'll be scolded anyway, so I might as well just throw it away."

"You have courage! Girl."

The last blind box was placed in front of Su Chang, and Su Chang began to pray with her eyes closed and her fists clenched.

"Please, give me a big sword."


A golden light flashed, and a book fell out of the blind box

【Skill Book: Ten Thousand Swords Return X1】

""Fuck! Beer!"

Seeing the name of this item, Lin Ye shuddered.

【Skill Book: Wanjian Guizong: The highest martial arts in the world of Fengyun, where all qi is generated by itself and swords rush into useless acupoints; Guiyuan martial arts, Zongyuan's skills are long! After using it, you can directly obtain the skill Wanjian Guizong. As the name suggests, you are the ancestor of all swords in the world! From now on, no sword is better than a sword, and the invisible sword qi is the most deadly! 】

It is really a miracle with a single draw, and the gambler has a future.

This is a skill book, and it is a permanent skill book! It is not a limited-time experience card.

It was what Walter and Danheng wanted most before.

As a result, Su Chang, who only drew 6 blind boxes, got it.

"Boss, what is this? It looks like a sword manual!"Seeing the name on the cover, Su Chang also became interested.

"Girl, you've made a fortune. This is the highest martial art of swordsmanship. In front of it, the Cloud Rider Sword Art is nothing."

Lin Ye also became excited.

"And after learning this skill, you will no longer need a sword. Knives and swords are all weak."Lin Ye said."You can directly transform your energy into a sword! All the swords in the world can be used by you!"

"Believe it or not, it's up to you. Open this book and you will get this skill. You will know the truth after trying it."

"Turn Qi into sword?"

"All the swords in the world are at my disposal?"

This word that Su Shang had never heard of before deeply attracted her.

Although she didn't understand what Lin Ye was talking about, Su Shang could feel the awesomeness of this skill.

The name alone was full of style.

If the air could really be condensed into a sword, then there would be no need for any weapons.

Su Shang made up her mind and directly opened the skill book.

The moment the skill book was opened, it turned into a white light and flowed into her temple.

A memory about swordsmanship began to emerge in Su Shang's mind.

A moment later, she was soaked with sweat and exclaimed.

"This is... so amazing"

"What a powerful sword move!"

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