(PS: Tomorrow is the Dragon Boat Festival, I wish you all a happy holiday and lots of withdrawals)


Outside the blind box store, people gathered again.

When Kog'Maw caused the turmoil, everyone fled Xuanye Street.

Now that the turmoil has ended, people have to come back to clean up the mess. Many shops have been ravaged by Kog'Maw.

Fortunately, these merchants are from the Minghuo Chamber of Commerce and have accidental loss insurance provided by the Chamber of Commerce.

As the source of the chaos, Lin Ye's Wanjie Blind Box Store is naturally criticized by everyone.

"I was so scared just now. I have never seen such an ugly thing!"

"Have you noticed that since Lin Ye’s blind box store opened, many strange things have happened?"

"Yes, yes, yes, it all started with the blind box. This blind box is poisonous!"

"This Lin Ye, from the first day he came to our Xianzhou, I felt that he was not a good person."

People recalled what happened in the past few days. First, the strange blind box store broadcast, then an outsider drew a blind box and turned into an egg, and then Doctor Bai Lu used the magic circle opened in the blind box to summon a monster.

Everything was indeed related to Lin Ye.

"I just saw Miss Su Chang from the Yunqijun entering the blind box store. She looked aggressive. This time Lin Ye should be in trouble, as the Yunqijun has already set their sights on him!"

"I feel something is wrong. Miss Su Chang hasn't come out for so long. Could she be opening a blind box store?"

People were talking about it when they saw Su Chang running out of the blind box store.

Her face was full of spring and her smile was as beautiful as a flower, which was very different from the aggressive look when she just entered the blind box store.

"Miss Sushang, were you opening the blind box just now?" a curious person in the crowd asked

"Yes."Su Chang answered while running, still smiling."I also bought all my assets in blind boxes. What do you think? I am bold, right?"

People were confused and had no idea what Su Chang was proud of.

Buying all my assets in blind boxes, is this something worth showing off?

Isn't it just pure gambling ?

"The girl is confused. This blind box has caused so many troubles. It is definitely an ominous thing."

Su Chang shook her head and said,"Wrong! This blind box is simply a rare treasure. If this girl had not run out of cash, she would definitely open a few more."

"I will keep opening blind boxes in the future, hehe!"

A group of Yunqi soldiers dealt with the situation on Jianmu's side and rushed back to Xuanye Street, where they met Suchang.

"Miss Suchang, are you okay?"

Suchang had just lost her family heirloom sword, and the Cloud Cavalry wanted to come over to comfort her as her colleagues.

Who would have thought that Suchang was in surprisingly good spirits?

"I'm fine." Su Chang ran, with the two horsetail whips behind her head fluttering back and forth, looking very happy.

"Ah? Girl, has your sword problem been solved? Did Lin Ye agree to compensate you?"

"Hehe, Lin Ye didn't compensate me, but I don't need a sword now."

This question and answer made Yunqijun confused.

"Where is that girl going in such a hurry?"

"I want to find Yan Qing! I want to challenge him to a sword fight!"

Su Chang had no interest in explaining to these people. She ran straight to the Changle Tianyun Cavalry Training Ground without stopping.

The several Yunqi soldiers present all stared at her as if they had seen a ghost.

They seemed to be completely unable to believe what Su Chang said.

"Did I hear correctly just now? Su Shang said she wanted to challenge Yan Qing?"

"Damn it, why is everything so weird today?"

"Could it be that Su Chang had gone insane because she had lost her sword? How could she challenge Master Yan Qing?"

"Let's catch up quickly, don't let Su Chang cause any trouble."

Challenging Yan Qing is a huge joke in their eyes.

Who is Yan Qing?

He is General Jing Yuan's adopted son, and the undisputed number one swordsman in Luofu Xianzhou!

Although he is only a child, he has a three-foot-long autumn water in his palm, which is not stained by dust; in a breath, he can control six flying swords, retracting and releasing them freely!

When he first entered the battlefield, he cut off the head of the rich beast with one sword, shocking the three armies.

Anyone with a discerning eye knew that he was the next generation of sword masters trained by General Jing Yuan.

How could Su Chang, a newcomer of the Cloud Cavalry Army, challenge such a genius casually?

The Cloud Cavalry Army did not dare to neglect it, and directly followed Su Chang's figure and ran to the martial arts field.


Changletian's Yunqi Army's martial arts arena was filled with clashes of weapons.

Yanqing, the youngest guard of the Yunqi Army, was instructing the newcomers in swordsmanship.

He was dressed in a flowing blue robe, with a sachet and a jade flute hanging around his waist. Although his face was still childish, he already had a bit of a chivalrous demeanor.

"Here, lift your butt up a little!"

"Pull your waist in, inhale, and thrust forward with all your strength."

Yan Qing has a typical voice, but he has a special dignity when teaching swordsmanship.

At this moment, there was a sudden noise outside the martial arts arena.

Yan Qing looked closely and saw an oval-faced girl with twin ponytails and a group of Yunqijun soldiers walking towards him.

"Hmm? Judging from their attire, they should be patrol soldiers, why don't they go on patrol but come to the martial arts arena?"

Yan Qing was wondering, but Su Chang walked briskly and stood in front of him.

Then she bowed respectfully.

""Greetings to Yanqing's guards. I am Suchang. I have come to ask you for swordsmanship today."

Suchang's voice was so loud that everyone present could hear it clearly.

The few new Cloud Riders who were still practicing swordsmanship all stared at each other in amazement.

Some who had come to their senses a little bit even burst out laughing.

"Isn't this guy the new guy from Yaoqing Xianzhou? His name is Li Dazhentou."

"Is she crazy? She actually challenged Yan Qing Xiaowei directly"

"Crazy, absolutely crazy, I dare say she can't take a single move from Yan Qing."

Yan Qing looked at Su Chang and showed an innocent smile on his face.

He had only two major hobbies in his life, one was buying swords and the other was using swords.

But because his swordsmanship was already superb, his master Jing Yuan forbade him to take the initiative to compete with others in Xianzhou.

He couldn't take the initiative, but he could be passive.

Now someone came to challenge him in swordsmanship, so he naturally accepted it.

"Miss, if you want to compete with me in swordsmanship, I am willing to accompany you."

"I just don't know what level you have reached in practicing the Cloud Rider Sword Technique. If it is below level 5, I suggest you practice a little more before challenging me."Yan Qing said gently.

"My Yunqi Sword Art is only level one, but I won't use it this time." Su Chang said with a smile."I got a peerless sword art from boss Lin Ye. Lin Ye said that in front of this sword art, Yunqi Sword Art is a younger brother."

Yan Qing was not angry, but just smiled faintly.

He had seen too many newcomers like this, who didn't practice swordsmanship down-to-earth and thought about peerless sword art all day long.

Although Yunqi Sword Art is simple, it is the foundation of the foundation.

If you can't master the basics, you shouldn't pursue advanced sword art.

Yan Qing felt it was necessary to teach this newcomer what the true meaning of swordsmanship is!

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