"Since Miss is so confident, then Yanqing will respectfully obey your orders."

"Please draw your sword, young lady."

Yan Qing stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation.

This is the basic etiquette of a swordsman. Jing Yuan taught Yan Qing since childhood that one must observe the way before using the sword.

However, Su Chang did not draw her sword for a long time, but stood there looking around, as if looking for something.

"Please draw your sword, miss."


Yan Qing then noticed that there was only an empty scabbard behind Su Chang.

Three black spots crossed his head.

"(•́へ•́╬), Miss, you come to ask me for advice, but you don't even have a sword with you?"

Su Chang smiled awkwardly, her pretty face blushing slightly, and then she picked up an ordinary iron sword from the weapon rack in the martial arts arena.

"Excuse me, I will use this sword to challenge you."

Even though Yanqing was innocent, frank and simple, he was a little angry at this time.

After all, he was the best swordsman in Luofu, and a rookie was challenging him with an ordinary iron sword.

This was too disrespectful to him.

"Miss, do you think you can fight me with just an iron sword?"

"Why don't you give it a try?"Li Sushang smiled.

This wave after wave made Yan Qing a little unhappy, but he still maintained the basic etiquette of a swordsman and smiled at Sushang.

"Please make your move, young lady."

Su Chang nodded and said softly,"Then prepare to take the challenge, young master."

She took out the bottle of red sword oil from her pocket and smeared it directly on the iron sword.

Although Su Chang is not a young genius like Yan Qing, she actually has her own unique understanding of swordsmanship.

She has seen Yan Qing dance with swords and knows that Yan Qing is an ice-attributed hunting destiny.

She is a physical-attributed hunting destiny, and she is completely at a disadvantage against Yan Qing.

That's why she thought of using high-level flame sword oil to give herself fire attributes.

The sword oil was applied to the iron sword, which made the dull iron sword emit a faint red glow, and a little flame appeared on the blade.

Su Chang waved lightly, and the flaming sword drew brilliant light in the air.

This scene shocked everyone, and some of the Yunqi soldiers who knew a little about swords began to comment directly.

"What kind of swordsmanship is this? How can the sword be set on fire?"

"It looks fancy, and it doesn't look like the swordsmanship on a fairy boat."

"That's not right. I remember that Li Suchang was a physical attribute. How could she use fire attribute skills?"

Yan Qing frowned, and flew out of his body. A blue flying sword was directly held in his hand.

He has the ability to control six swords at the same time, and the six swords are all top-notch.

Each sword is named by Yan Qing himself. The light and slender one is called"Zhi Jian Cao"."、"The one with the blunt and broad sword tip is"Xue Tu Mi".

At this moment, the one in Yan Qing's hand is the most agile Qing Chen Liu.

"The sword leaps like a swallow!"

""Great Void Form!"


The cold sword energy collided directly with the flaming sword.

The fire attribute and the ice attribute restrain each other. With one move, both of them took a few steps back.

It turned out that they were evenly matched.

Yan Qing and Su Shang exchanged a few moves, but in the end, no one got the upper hand.

The cloud cavalry soldiers in the field were all stunned.

"How is it possible! This newcomer can actually fight against Yan Qing Xiaowei's sword-controlling secret?"

"Moreover, the newcomer was holding an ordinary iron sword. He could actually use the iron sword to fight against Yan Qing's famous sword."

"Where did this newcomer come from? How come I have never heard of such swordsmanship before?"

In the minds of these Cloud Cavalry, a sword like the one in Su Chang's hand should be cut directly by Yan Qing's famous sword.

Each of Yan Qing's swords was made by the Gongzao Division with a lot of precious materials, and each one could cut iron like mud.

However, with the blessing of high-level flame sword oil, Su Chang's ordinary iron sword was enough to compete with the famous sword.

"It turns out that what Boss Lin Ye said was right. After applying the sword oil, the quality of the sword has been greatly improved."

Su Chang was overjoyed, and the sword became more fierce.

"Such a powerful force……"

Yan Qing had a strange feeling when they first exchanged blows.

It was clearly an iron sword, but it felt unusually heavy when they collided.

He frowned slightly, then waved his hand, and five more swords flew out from behind him.

"Miss, your swordsmanship is good, and you deserve my serious attention."

"Next I'm going to get serious"

"Ten thousand! Swords! Heaven! Come!"

Yan Qing urged the sword technique, and six flying swords lined up in a row, flying towards Su Chang.

It was like five ice-blue stars strung together.

The whole martial arts arena was boiling.

"That... that was Yan Qing Xiao Wei's Quick Swift Chase! Yan Qing Xiao Wei actually used his ultimate sword technique!"

"It's incredible that this newcomer can make Yan Qing Xiaowei so serious."

"The last time I saw this move was when I was fighting against the Wing Makers. At that time, Yan Qing Xiaowei used this move to directly cut down the Nayun ship that covered the sky and the sun!"

"Yan Qing had already used this move, so the newcomer naturally couldn't resist it. She was already very remarkable to be able to push Yan Qing to this point."

The Cloud Cavalry soldiers now looked at Su Chang with admiration and regret.

Being able to do this, Su Chang would be an outstanding figure in the Cloud Cavalry in the future.

As for defeating Yan Qing, don't think too much about it.

The number one swordsman can't be defeated casually, otherwise where would the face of the Cloud Cavalry be, and where would the face of his master, General Jing Yuan be.

"Miss Su Shang, please remember that the Cloud Rider Sword Technique is not worthless as you say."

"Practice the basics first, then you will have the opportunity to learn more advanced sword techniques."

The five flying swords were already ten feet away from Su Chang.

The ground under her feet was also covered with a thick layer of frost.

However, there was no fear on Su Chang's face. She tilted her head and smiled,"Really?"

"It seems that Master Yanqing did not take it seriously just now"

"But it doesn't matter, I didn't use my full strength just now. Hehe."

Su Chang threw the sword in her hand.

Then the two���The index finger made one wonderful gesture after another

"Why did she lose her sword... Wait, this seems to be a sword gesture?"

Looking at Su Chang's expression, Yan Qing was really puzzled.

At the same time, his innate understanding of the way of the sword made him realize that a strong pressure was coming towards him.

"This move of mine is called Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Origin!"

""Young Master! Take it!"

Su Chang chanted softly, and in an instant, a strong wind blew up in the martial arts arena.

Behind Su Chang, countless small swords condensed from the air began to gather. At the same time, all the swords in the martial arts arena flew behind Su Chang as if they were guided by something.

Behind each small sword condensed from the air, there were several physical swords.

All the swords floated neatly behind Su Chang, as if there was a fixed queue.


Su Chang shouted, and all the swords rushed towards Yan Qing like a tide.

At the first sight, Yan Qing's five flying swords were scattered in the air, and then absorbed into the surging sword tide!

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