"Ten thousand swords are coming!"

"Ten thousand swords coming from the sky! ̄□ ̄||"

Yan Qing kept repeating the sword-controlling secret, but his six flying swords no longer obeyed his command.

No matter how much secret power he used to urge them, his flying swords never gave him any feedback.

They had completely rebelled!

"No! Impossible!"

The surging sword wave rushed towards Yan Qing, causing the entire martial arts arena to shake violently.


All the swords stopped an inch away from his face, and then fell to the ground.

Su Shang didn't really want to use such a powerful sword move to attack Yan Qing, so she chose to stop at the critical moment.

"Haha, Master Yanqing, please teach me."

"It seems that what Boss Lin said is correct. This is indeed a very powerful sword move."

Yan Qing's eyes dimmed. He was originally handsome and handsome, but now his clothes were messy. He actually collapsed on the ground.

"I...I lost(ಥ﹏ಥ)"

His eyes were actually filled with tears.

After all, he was still an eight-year-old child, and it was hard to understand such a terrifying thing.���No one could remain calm before.

Yan Qing was not afraid of failure, but Su Chang's sword move today completely destroyed his confidence.

He had never seen such a powerful sword move, which completely overturned his three views.

Practicing sword all day, he thought he was one step closer to the sword, but he didn't expect that there would always be people better than you in this vast world.

At this time, the martial arts field was silent.

All the Yunqi soldiers had solemn faces and dull eyes.

They began to whisper.

"This... this is incredible."

"Oh my god, I couldn't believe my eyes. The genius boy Yan Qing actually lost."

"Yan Qing Xiao Wei was defeated by such a newcomer."

"The sword moves of the newcomer just now can only be described in one word: so terrifying!"

"If that's the case, then the reputation of Xianzhou's number one swordsman will change hands."

In the martial arts arena, the sword's momentum has gradually faded.

Su Chang slowly walked up to Yan Qing and extended her hand in a friendly manner.

"Get up, Yanqing, brave guard, victory and defeat are common in the military"

"And you didn't lose to me, but to this sword technique, which is too powerful."

Yan Qing wiped his tears, stood up slowly, and bowed to Su Shang.

"Miss Suchang, Yanqing now wants to be your disciple. Please teach me the sword technique."

Yanqing was originally a child, with only the sword in his heart. Now he actually wanted to be your disciple.

This made Suchang's head scratch three times.

"Ahahahahaha,( ̄▽ ̄)Yanqing Xiaowei, if you do this, it will be strange if General Jingyuan doesn't beat you to death."

"Also, although I can use this sword move, I can't teach you the principle because I learned it from a skill book."

Su Chang said with an awkward smile

"Skill book?" Yan Qing was confused.

"Well, it's a skill book I got from the blind box store on Xuanye Street. That skill book is very magical. You can learn it right away after you open it."Su Shang explained."But the skill book disappears after you use it once, so I really can't teach it to you."

"Blind box store?"

"Well, if you want to learn sword techniques, why not try your luck at that blind box store? You may be able to get a better sword technique than me."

"If you are lucky, you may even get a legendary weapon."

Su Chang's words made Yan Qing's eyes light up.

Yan Qing thought carefully. He grew up in Xianzhou and knew all kinds of shops.

Thinking of this, he quickly remembered.

"Is the owner of the shop called Lin Ye?"

"Yes, yes, it's Lin Ye."

Speaking of this Lin Ye, Yan Qing still has a very clear memory.

Every time he passed by Xuanye Street before, Lin Ye would wave at him at the door of the store.

He looked at him with lustful eyes and said,"Old Ma, do you want to come in and sit down?"

Yan Qing thought this person was very strange, so he didn't dare to approach the store.

Now it seems that he has missed such a great opportunity.

"Thank you for telling me such important news, I will go find Lin Ye now."

Yan Qing put away his flying sword and tidied his clothes.

At this moment, his expression has changed from the previous depression to energetic.

"I'm going to open the blind box now!"

"As long as I can get the sword formula, I am willing to spend any amount of money."

Yan Qing did not say one thing, which was:"I am willing to spend any amount of money, anyway, I have Master Jingyuan to pay for it."


Xuanye Street.

Wanjie Blind Box Store.

Lin Ye was sucking Wahaha AD calcium milk with a straw.

He received double rebates for all the boxes opened by Su Chang just now, including the sword manual of Wanjian Guizong and the flame sword oil. However, these are really not as practical as this bottle of Wahaha at this stage.

"It's so refreshing."

In fact, even before crossing into this world, Lin Ye hadn't drunk this kind of drink for more than ten years.

It was full of childhood memories.

Lin Ye remembered that he had watched a drama before, which was about a father who bought a room full of AD calcium milk for his son in order to mourn his son. Just thinking about it made him feel comfortable.

While enjoying the delicious food, Lin Ye suddenly realized that something was wrong.

In the past, Xuanye Street was very lively, but at this moment there was no sound at all.

It seemed that all the people had left.

"What's going on? Is this exciting?"

"It looked like everyone had gone to Changletian to join in the fun."

Just as Lin Ye was about to go out and look around, he bumped into Yan Qing who was running towards him.

"Ouch." Yan Qing fell to the ground.

""Lao Ma!"

Lin Ye saw that it was Yan Qing and immediately greeted him warmly.

Although Lao Ma didn't know him, he had a special feeling for Lao Ma.

In the past three-bengzi game, his favorite was Lao Ma.

"boss……"Yan Qing didn't care what Lin Ye called him at this moment, although it was a bit strange to call an eight-year-old child Lao Ma.

He leaned against the wall, panting, and said loudly."Did the Miss Su Shang learn the sword technique from you before?"

"That's right, the girl originally wanted to use the sword, but ended up using the sword technique directly, which can be considered as a burst of luck."Lin Ye said with a smile

"Then I want to open the blind box too, give me as many as you can!"

Yan Qing said, and directly slapped a Star Dome savings card of Interstellar Peace Company on the table.

Lin Ye was secretly happy.

Old Ma, Old Ma.

Although you are still a child, since you are here, I will treat you well.

I called you to come over so many times at the door before, but you turned a blind eye.

Now that you are here, I will definitely arrange it well for you.

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