Lin Ye glanced at the name of the skill book and vomited blood.

Isn't this the legendary martial arts that one must castrate oneself before practicing it?

It's really amazing!

【Skill Book: Sword Manual of Exorcism: A unique martial art from a distant world. All martial arts in the world are invincible except for speed! After learning this sword technique, you will be the fastest man in the world. However, in order to reduce the weight of the body, it is inevitable to give up some of the treasures of the body. ヾ(≧▽≦*)o 】

"Boss, you really didn't lie, there really is a skill book of sword techniques!" Yan Qing's eyes were full of excitement."Which one is more powerful, this sword technique or Su Chang's?"

"To be honest, I don't know much about sword techniques, but from what I understand, the two sword techniques should be on par with each other."

"That's great!" Yan Qing was overjoyed."I'm going to practice now."

Yan Qing said and prepared to turn the page.

"Wait a minute!"

Lin Ye grabbed the skill book in a flash.

"Old Ma, you can't practice this book."

Yan Qing frowned and asked,"Why, I finally got the sword formula, but you won't let me practice it?"

After thinking about it, Yan Qing showed a very angry expression.

"Boss, you think this skill book is very valuable, so you want to deny it, right?"

""Old Ma, how can you look at me like this?" Lin Ye said speechlessly."Am I such a dishonest person? Our store emphasizes honesty and fairness."

If other people wanted to practice the Sword Manual of Exorcism, Lin Ye would not care.

But now the person in front of him is Old Ma, and Lin Ye really can't bear it.

This is his favorite Old Ma!

Not to mention that when Old Ma came to this Star Iron World, he changed from an uncle to a little boy, which Lin Ye could not accept.

Now if the Sword Manual of Exorcism was practiced again and Old Ma became a little factory flower, Lin Ye's world view would really be ruined.

"Don't worry, I'll tell you all about this skill book first, and then you can decide whether to practice it."

"This sword technique is good in every way, but the only downside is that it requires you to sever your ties with the secular world and end your romantic relationships, making it difficult to tell male from female.……"

Lin Ye kept asking for a long time, but Yan Qing still looked confused.

"To put it simply, it means you need to cut off your penis, which will make you a non-significant person!"

""What!" Upon hearing this, Yan Qing almost jumped up from where he was."How can there be such a strange sword technique?"

"The world is so big that there are all kinds of strange things. I must explain this unusual thing to you in advance."Lin Ye pouted and smiled."Do you still want to practice now?"

Yan Qing lowered his head and glanced between his legs, and shuddered several times.

"This... let's forget about this."

"Although it is a peerless sword technique, the price is really high."

"Thanks for the reminder, boss."

Yan Qing was really a little scared. If Lin Ye hadn't stopped him in time, he would have become a eunuch.

In fact, this eight-year-old boy didn't really understand what it meant to cut off his penis. He just thought that without a penis, he would have to hold his urine all the time, which was really uncomfortable.

"Why……"Yan Qing sighed deeply, looking very depressed.

"I have already got nine blind boxes, but there is nothing useful. I finally got a sword manual but I can't practice it.……"

Lin Ye looked at Yan Qing sympathetically and sighed.

To be honest, Lao Ma's luck was indeed a little bad.

No matter who it was, they could still draw something very useful to themselves. Lao Ma didn't draw anything useful at all, just for love.

In fact, it's okay if you don't draw it, but it's the most disgusting thing if you draw it but can't use it.

"Lao Ma, you have to keep a good attitude when it comes to blind box draws. Don't be too fussy when the wind is favorable, and don't be too cowardly when the wind is against you." Lin Ye taught earnestly."Don't count on it this week, try again next week."

Yan Qing still has a chance to get a blind box, but theoretically speaking, the possibility of a comeback is really small.

What he wants is a skill book, and a skill book has just been released. The possibility of another skill book being released can basically be determined to be zero.

Because he has drawn so many blind boxes, Lin Ye has never seen the same thing appear in succession.

"This is the only way, but let's draw the last blind box."Yan Qing nodded, and then transferred another 500,000 credit points to Lin Ye.

The last blind box was gently opened, and after a flash of golden light, a sharp cold light emanated from it.


A blue giant sword fell to the ground.

"Hey, it looks like a weapon, but the shape is a bit strange"

【Frostmourne X1】

Seeing the imposing shape of this sword, Lin Ye felt that it looked very familiar.

He quickly checked the item description in the system, and then took a deep breath.

【Frostmourne: An artifact from the Frozen Throne in Northrend. It is the symbol of the Death Knight and the representative of evil power. With it, you can command the Ice Storm and summon the Scourge. From now on, you will be the next Lich King!】

"You can do it! Lao Ma"

"This wave of lore!"

Lin Ye couldn't help but sigh, it's fate.

You say that Lao Ma has good luck, and his first nine blind boxes are indeed useless, but you say that he has bad luck, and this last blind box is a hit.

Let's not talk about how overbearing Frostmourne is, just the frost attribute is a perfect match for Yan Qing.

This feeling is like brushing attribute entries, and you graduate directly without any deviation.

At this time, Yan Qing has begun to play with Frostmourne. He has practiced sword since he was a child and has a very sensitive understanding of swords.

With just a light swing, he has already felt the huge power contained in this sword.

"This sword!"

"What a powerful force!"

Yan Qing held the sword in his hands in amazement, obviously not daring to believe it.

Because Frostmourne was far superior to all the other flying swords in his collection in terms of both texture and sharpness.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Yan Qing wouldn't have believed that there was such a magical weapon in the world!

"Although there is no skill book, it is worth it to have such a magic sword"

"Boss, your blind box is really amazing! You really are not lying to me."

Yan Qing is still a teenager after all, and he can no longer suppress his inner ecstasy, and he jumps up and down vaguely.

"Congratulations. Lin Ye also laughed.

"This sword is called Frostmourne, and it contains immense power. If you only look at the structure of the sword itself, it can already be called a divine sword."

"But in fact, the real power of this sword is not the sword itself, but the identity it gives."

At this time, Yan Qing was fascinated by what he heard and fell in love with Frostmourne even more.

"What is your identity? Boss, tell me in detail."

"With this sword, you will be the leader of the Scourge Legion, and you will be the Filthy Demon King!" Lin Ye said solemnly.

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