"Lich King? Is this a title? It sounds very domineering."

Upon hearing this name, Yan Qing naturally associated it with the name of Sword Master. Judging from the literal meaning, this Lich King sounds even more awesome than Sword Master.

"You guessed it right, it is indeed a title, but that is not the key point."Lin Ye smiled and explained patiently.

"The important thing is that this sword can summon the entire Scourge"

"The Scourge? What is this?"Yan Qing stared at Lin Ye with wide eyes.

He thought it would be better if he didn't explain. The more Lin Ye explained, the more dizzy he felt.

They were all terms he had never heard of.

Lin Ye also racked his brains, thinking about how to explain it to Yan Qing in the most straightforward terms. The concept of the Scourge is too big.

This is an evil force composed of various undead.

To be more specific, this is a huge army led by liches and death knights, including abominations, banshees, ghouls, gargoyles, frost dragons, and cave demons.

Even���There is a very scientific deployment of troops

"In simple terms, this is actually a strategic force, which you can think of as an upgraded version of the antimatter army."Lin Ye pondered for a moment and finally said.

Speaking of the antimatter army, Yan Qing had naturally heard of it.

Although their Xianzhou Alliance had nothing to do with the antimatter army under the command of the Destroyer Star God, they must have heard of their notoriety.

The Destroyer Star God Nanook and his antimatter army can be said to be the absolute villains in the universe.

They destroyed one planet and civilization after another.

If it weren't for the strength of the Xianzhou Alliance, the antimatter army would definitely extend its claws to Luofu.

Thinking of this, Yan Qing was even more shocked.

"You mean I can command a huge army with this sword?"

" That's right! And I can tell you very clearly that the size of this army is beyond your imagination, at least more than a hundred times that of your Cloud Cavalry."

More than a hundred times!

Lin Ye was not talking nonsense, and he might even be understating it.

The Scourge is made up of corpses and undead spirits, which can be said to be endless, inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

After a normal person dies, he will be transformed into a Scourge under the control of Frostmourne.

In comparison, the Cloud Cavalry of the Xianzhou Alliance is really not good enough.

But when Yan Qing heard this, it really trampled on the child's outlook on life and values.

Yan Qing has been practicing swordsmanship since he was a child, with the goal of becoming the sword master of Luofu Xianzhou one day in the future, or even the sword master of the entire Xianzhou Alliance.

His life goal is... Either he wants to become a man like his master, lead the Cloud Cavalry, completely defeat the abundant evil creatures, and safeguard the long-term stability of the Xianzhou Alliance. But now Lin Ye tells him that with this sword, he can lead a huge army that is a hundred times larger than the Cloud Cavalry. It will only take a few minutes to destroy that group of abundant evil creatures.

This means that Yan Qing's life goal has been inexplicably achieved.

And it was exceeded. He originally wanted to pass the exam, but ended up exceeding the mark.

If this is the case, then why practice sword? What's the point of striving?

Thinking of this, a wicked smile appeared on Yan Qing's face, and he giggled.

"I am the Lich King! I am the Lich King!"

Seeing Yan Qing's strange smile, Lin Ye cried out that it was not good.

Is this old horse going to fall? I didn't expect the evil temptation in Frostmourne to be so immediate.

He must wake up the old horse.

"Wake up, Lao Ma, calm down. Lin Ye patted Yan Qing's head to wake him up from his fantasy.

"I haven't even finished my sentence, why are you grinning like an idiot?"

"I just told you about all the power of this sword, but there is a very serious problem now, that is, your sword has not been consecrated yet, which means that the function of summoning the Scourge Legion cannot be used yet."

These words were like an emotional roller coaster, making Lao Ma, who thought he had reached the peak of his life, extremely disappointed.

"Damn it! How can I consecrate this sword?"

Lin Ye smiled and said calmly,"Actually, the method is very simple."

"You just need to hold this sword and yell to the girls,"Hey hey hey ~ I am the King of Filth!" When you have said that to a thousand people, the sword will be consecrated."

"Is that all?" Yan Qing's eyes widened, thinking that this consecration method was too bizarre.

"It does sound easy."Yan Qing nodded repeatedly."I'll do it now!"

At this moment, Yan Qing's heart was already on Frostmourne, and he didn't care to think about why this consecration method was so weird.

He ran out of the shop directly, and when he saw the young girl holding Frostmourne, he shouted

"Hehehe~ I am the King of Filth!"

"Ah? Master Yanqing, are you okay?"


"Miss fox in front, please stay, hehehe~ I am the King of Filthy Demons!"

"Master Yanqing, what are you talking about?~"


"My dragon sister, wait a moment, let me tell you something, hehehe~ I am the King of Filthy Demons!"

"Yanqing Xiaowei, if you continue like this, I will tell General Jingyuan"


Looking at Yan Qing's figure going away, Lin Ye nodded with satisfaction.

He slurped his instant noodles while rocking in the rocking chair.

A gratified smile appeared on his face.

Of course, he didn't add the pickled cabbage buns, so he didn't lose his health points, nor did he increase his energy.

"Sorry, my old horse."

"Who told you to draw something so amazing?"

In fact, the so-called consecration was all made up by Lin Ye.

The control of Frostmourne is actually only related to the ability of the user. Yan Qing's current strength is not enough to fully control Frostmourne, so he can't summon the Scourge.

One day in the future, when Yan Qing's strength reaches a certain level, he can naturally summon the Scourge through Frostmourne.

The reason why Lin Ye didn't tell Yan Qing was actually for his own good.

Haste makes waste. Indulging in the desire for power will ruin a great talent like Yan Qing.

"Lao Ma, do you know how much I care about you~"

At this moment, the system, which had been silent all the time, could not help but speak directly.

"Come on, host, this is disgusting"

"When they didn't win the good stuff before, you comforted them. Now that they have won the good stuff, you are doing something weird to mislead them."

"You are afraid of your brother's hardship and you are also afraid of your brother driving a Land Rover."

Lin Ye shook his head in disdain.

"How dare you, a profiteer, say that to me? Isn't this what you want to see?"

"If Lao Ma really becomes the Lich King, will he still have time to come here to open blind boxes?"

"What you said seems to make sense. Hehehe."

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