The world of Xingtie is vast and mysterious.

Countless civilizations intertwine to construct this colorful universe.

Even a powerful alliance like the Immortal Boat Alliance is just a drop in the ocean.

When Lin Ye was still happily selling blind boxes on Xuanye Street, he didn't know that several forces in the universe had already set foot on the route to Luofu Immortal Boat.

They actually have only one goal, which is Lin Ye and his Wanjie Blind Box Store.


The closest was an interstellar spaceship that was accelerating.

This spaceship was less than two star systems away from the portal of the immortal ship.

In the cockpit, Silver Wolf was quickly manipulating the computer main control screen.

Kafka, who was standing by, watched Silver Wolf operate with interest.

"Coordinates locked"

"The jump program enters the preload state"

"How’s it going, Silver Wolf, was the positioning successful?"

"The target has been locked, and the target is located at 1001 Xuanye Street."

At this time, Silver Wolf has quietly used the big data system of the Interstellar Peace Company as an interface and successfully hacked into the Huangzhong Resonance System of the Xianzhou Alliance.

"We are now only two star systems away from Xianzhou Luofu. As expected, we can reach it in one interstellar week."Silver Wolf raised his neon sunglasses and smiled confidently.

"Great, it looks like we'll be able to meet that blind box merchant soon."

The two star core hunters, Kafka and Silver Wolf, are now heading for the Luofu Immortal Boat at full speed.

In fact, Luofu was not their target. Their original mission was to go to the Star Iron Space Station to seize the star core.

Later, by chance, they met Dan Heng who was teleported here through a teleportation ring.

And Dan Heng happened to be the target that their colleague Blade had been hunting.

They fought with Dan Heng, but the two powerful star core hunters failed to take Dan Heng down.

In the words of Silver Wolf,"Why is this man's life value as thick as a turtle?……"

What they didn't know was that after Dan Heng ate the red mushroom, his health and resistance doubled.

Not to mention the two of them, even if all of their star core hunters were dispatched, they might not be able to defeat Dan Heng.

Later, when the cooldown of the teleportation ring was up, Dan Heng teleported away directly.

They couldn't keep him even if they wanted to.

""Silver Wolf, where did Dan Heng go?" Kafka asked puzzledly."Did he also use the jump technology?"

"Not really. If he used our Punk Lord technology, I would definitely be able to locate him."

Silver Wolf shook his head and replied."Unfortunately, the method he used is something I really can't decipher."

"The health points are like a turtle shell, the ability to move in space... all of this is too weird. The only information we got from him is that he bought a blind box from the owner of a blind box store called Lin Ye in Luofu Xianzhou, and then he gained these magical skills."Kafka said

"So we have to go to Luofu Xianzhou to find out."Silver Wolf leaned back in his chair and started playing video games.

"If everything is true, then we may even be able to get a star core from a blind box." Kafka said faintly."It will be much easier to destroy the Star God of Destruction then."

"Tsk~ I'm not interested in star cores or anything like that, I just find it interesting." Silver Wolf pouted.

"Thinking about it this way, I am really a little excited." Kafka looked at the charming night sky outside the cabin with a loving smile on her face.


Yalilo 6.

On the edge of the snowfield outside Beloberg.

A dilapidated small spaceship is gradually starting up under the hammering of a group of robots.

This is Beloberg's only spaceship, which was intercepted during the battle with the antimatter army in the early years.

The guardian Cocolia has been hiding the fact that there is one last spaceship on the planet.

Now Beloberg no longer has the ability to develop spaceships by itself.

If time goes on for a while, when the temperature of the planet drops further, even the possibility of flying out of the planet will be lost.

It can be said that this time is the last chance to fly away from Yalilo.

"Bronya, the future of the planet is in your hands now."

At this time, the blonde Cocolia stood in the snow, looking at her daughter Bronya.

The absolute ruler of Beloberg felt a little sour in the corners of her eyes.

She didn't dare to imagine whether the planet still had a future. She only knew that if she continued like this, she would fall into the hotbed of destroying the star god.

""Mr. Archon... Cocolia's mother, I will definitely bring back a way to save the planet." Bronya said with red eyes."Since that person can spread information throughout the universe, it means that there is a great possibility that there is a way to solve the planet's nuclear crisis."

In fact, Bronya was not sure, after all, all this was too far away.

She said this just to comfort Cocolia.

"Let's set sail. Our energy is limited. Every moment we stop consumes energy."Cocolia waved her hand and turned away first.

She really didn't want her daughter to see her sad expression.

Bronya stood there for a long time before slowly boarding the spaceship.

She was about to embark on a difficult space voyage. Fortunately, she was not alone this time.

There was also the captain of the Silver Mane Iron Guard, Jeppard, and Beloberg's greatest mechanical rock singer, Shiluva. There was also Seele, the leader of the Underworld Fire in the lower area, the chief doctor Natasha, the wandering girl Clara, and the robot Swarlow who accompanied her.

These were the people Bronya personally appointed, and they were all her friends for many years.

"Miss Bronya, can we set off now?"

"Let's go."

In Bronny���Under the command of

"Blind Box Blind Box, you must bless me and my planet."

Finally, taking another look at the silhouette of Beloberg over the city, Bronya clenched her hands and began to pray silently.


At the same time, on the other side of the universe, a huge interstellar army has also entered the stage of being ready to go.

It is the antimatter army under the command of the Star God of Destruction.

At this time, a virtual soldier's subordinate is reporting his work in front of the Extinction Lord Fenfeng.

"Lord, this time we have gathered a total of 1,000 virtual soldiers and two doomsday beasts, ready to set off for Luofu Immortal Boat at any time."

Fenfeng is the most brutal extinction lord. He is obsessed with the power and beauty of things at the moment of destruction.

Countless planetary civilizations were destroyed in his hands.

He once ignited the sun of New Bethlehem, scorching its surface with huge radiation and vitrifying it; he once set off a huge cyclone on Aedirn, destroying its ecosystem.

At this time, his face was solemn and his tone was very indifferent.

"Bastard, what are you thinking, these troops are far from enough!"

""My Lord, the Star God only ordered us to bring back the person who sold the blind box. Do we need so many troops? He is just a small trader."

Fen Feng did not speak, but just looked up at the virtual soldier.

The virtual soldier was so scared that he immediately knelt on the ground.

"Trash! What do you know?"

"This guy has the ability to broadcast throughout the universe, which means his combat power is unfathomable!���

"It is very likely that he is a newly promoted star god!"

"No matter how many troops are needed to deal with such a strong man, it is not too much."

The virtual soldier nodded repeatedly and retreated tremblingly to prepare.

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