The center of the Luofu Immortal Boat.

The place where the broken Jianmu tree was sealed.

Jing Yuan, the commander of the Cloud Cavalry Army, the strongest fighter of the Immortal Boat, was standing in front of Jianmu with his hands behind his back.

He looked majestic in his bronze armor and the White Lion God beside him. Behind him stood Yu Kong, the Tianbosi Siduo and Fu Xuan, the head of the Taibusi.

This general who had always closed his eyes had no time to rest today.

He rushed over as soon as he received the news that Jianmu was destroyed by foreign monsters.

"Report to the general, we have sent people from the Construction Department to conduct a detailed inspection, and Jianmu was indeed eaten half by the monster."

A leader of the Cloud Cavalry rushed over in a hurry.

"And... and under the corrosion of the monster's slime, Jianmu has stopped growing."

"As for whether Jianmu is completely dead, the staff is still investigating."

Jing Yuan's expression instantly became solemn.

The destruction of Jianmu must be a good thing for Xianzhou, because Jianmu has always been regarded as the root of evil left by the God of Fertility.

Over the years, the people of Luofu Xianzhou have tried countless methods to completely destroy the remnants of Jianmu's roots, but none of them have succeeded.

No matter how it is destroyed, Jianmu will grow again after a few days.

Now that Jianmu has stopped growing, he should feel fortunate, but at this moment he can't laugh anyway.

Because the cause of Jianmu's destruction is really too weird.

According to the reaction of the eyewitnesses, it was a big-mouthed insect that fell from the sky that caused all this.

"What do you two think about this matter?"

Yukong raised his eyebrows and said,"It is indeed a strange thing. I heard that the root cause was that Doctor Bai Lu bought a blind box at the blind box store on Xuanye Street, and then a teleportation array came out of the blind box, so he summoned the monster."

"Blind box? What is that?"As a general, Jing Yuan was busy with all kinds of affairs and paid no attention to this kind of small gadgets circulated among the people.

"The general is really old-fashioned. Don’t you even know about blind boxes?"Yukong laughed."A blind box is similar to a lottery. There are all kinds of things in the box. What you get depends on luck."

"Blind boxes are very popular in Xianzhou recently."

Fu Xuan on the side seemed to suddenly realize something, and then said:"Now that Lord Siduo said that, I remember that many strange things in Xianzhou recently are related to that blind box store."

"My fortune teller Qingque has been on strike since he went to that blind box store."

"She used to slack off at work, but now she doesn't even slack off. She spends every day in the casino playing Diyuan Qiongyu."

"I heard from others that she hasn't lost a single game these days, and she always wins a single set."

Yukong also nodded, frowning slightly.

"After hearing what Fu Taibu said, I feel the same way!"

"My receptionist Tingyun also became strange after going to that blind box store. He actually opened a game hall on Xuanye Street and hired many beautiful fox girls to receive customers every day in strange clothes, saying that he wanted to make money from otakus.……"

"There is also Doctor Bai Lu from Dan Ding Si. He has not seen patients for several days since he went to the blind box store. He said he wanted to grow fairy beans at home."

Yukong and Fu Xuan talked back and forth, recounting all the strange things that happened recently.

Jing Yuan was confused and felt dizzy.

"The two adults should manage their respective departments in the future, so as not to make their subordinates lose their morale."Jing Yuan said with a faint smile."Blind boxes are purely for entertainment."

"People like us, the Yunqi Army, have strict discipline and will never open blind boxes for fun!"

"Hehe~ General, don't be so absolute. It seems your beloved disciple has also been to that blind box store."Yukong covered his mouth and laughed.

""Yan Qing?"

After hearing Yukong's words, Jing Yuan suddenly thought of something.

Yan Qing was his adopted son and also his bodyguard. Usually, Yan Qing would always be by his side to protect him.

But Jing Yuan hadn't seen Yan Qing for several days.

Yan Qing didn't even come to ask him for swordsmanship. This had never happened before.

"Come to think of it, I haven't seen this kid for a while." Jing Yuan called a few Cloud Cavalry soldiers over and asked."Do you know what Yan Qing has been doing recently?"

Several Cloud Cavalry soldiers looked embarrassed, hesitated for a moment and finally answered hesitantly:"General, Master Yan Qing has been acting a little strange recently. It is said that he seemed to be opening a blind box in Lin Ye's blind box shop and a sword came out of it."

"These days, he would wander around with the sword in his hand, and would approach and chat with pretty girls whenever he saw them."

"While chatting her up, he was also counting numbers with a silly smile, as if he was showing off something."

After hearing this, Jing Yuan, who was always calm and lazy, couldn't help but get angry.

"What? Evil son! How could you be so wasteful?"

"It must be that Lin Ye, the owner of that blind box store, did something wrong to my child!"

Jing Yuan has realized that this blind box store is unusual. He has watched Yan Qing grow up since he was a child and knows the child's temperament.

Yan Qing must have been greatly affected to become like this.

So many people have become weird because of this blind box store, and he has to investigate anyway.

"Someone, take me to this blind box store, I want to find out"

"General, don't be in a hurry. There is a more important thing to do before you go to this blind box store."Yukong stopped Jing Yuan and said,"The Starry Sky Train has stopped at our Luofu. You need to meet Ji Zi and Walter first."

The Starry Sky Train will stop at Luofu only after receiving Jing Yuan's invitation.

Jing Yuan had heard of these followers of the Pioneering Star God a long time ago.

The Starry Sky Train is not only a train, but also a powerful force under the command of the Pioneering Star God.

Over the years, the Starry Sky Train has stopped at various planets in the universe to help the people of each planet resist disasters and let one planet after another be reborn.

Jing Yuan also hopes that this group of knowledgeable and nameless guests can lend him a helping hand to completely solve the problem of the remnants of abundance that has plagued the Immortal Boat for a long time.

He heard that Walter on the Starry Sky Train once saved his planet by himself, so he wanted to make friends with him.

"In that case, let's go meet the guests who have come from afar."

Everyone came to Sichen Palace, the highest building in Luofu.

This is the headquarters of Tianbosi, which also has the functions of accommodation and banquets. Foreign guests will be entertained here.

Ji Zi, San Yueqi and Walter have been waiting here for a long time.

They should have come here earlier, but they delayed their trip because of opening the blind box.

"Sorry to have kept all of you friends on the Starry Sky Train waiting for a long time."

The door was gently opened, and Jing Yuan, Yu Kong and Fu Xuan walked in with smiles on their faces.

Then the three of them went straight to Bengbu.

Because they suddenly saw a man who grew in an eggshell.

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